Saturday, 30 December 2023


 In  legal jurisprudence, plethora of undebatable evidence,remain supreme and irremovable against that of the selfish adoption for technicalities that has rendered the overall intergrity of the judicial Institution into a state of lawlessness and total flagrant disobedient for judicial rules and regulations which guidelines,has established professional ethical conducts explicitly which should have exhumed some justifiable judgement that can taste the sand of time.the power for having a saner society where lawlessness can be reduced in pursuance

 for good citizenship and its existential growth of the economy becomes paramount. We must never forget hurriedly how some miscreants invaded the judicial precinct ,beats up judges,and voluntarily destroyed properties due to inability of the judges to delivering sound judgement that is inline with the supremacy with the drafted Constitution.look,technicality, is a product of corrupt practices, and must not be condole in any format.the practicabilities for  legal precedence that has made an inroad provision for a justifiable judgements that is fair and justiceable ,must not be jettison by the judges who uphold poor judicial practices with poor conscience employability for technicalities over evidenitialities.once any segment or subsection of the constitution has made it unambiguous for the interpretation of the law,the tendencies for  such admissible technicalities, becomes irrational, parochial, and partisanship  which is capable for driving Acrimonies as well as setting a poor judicial precedence that ingroup sharp practices into the judicial system of governance. The actionability for a qualifiable visible democracy, is the propelling power of the judiciary ensuring rule of laws,and total compliance to the regulatory constitution that channel citizens behavior to having a clearer consciousness of the laws and its penalty for defaulters is duly and professionally upheld.nigeria judiciary has arrogantly dashed the exercisable right and hope of the common man in the society into irreconcilable hopelessness and poor belief system for a discriminatory justice.if the constitutional provisions for interpreting our laws is disregarded and disrespected,then why are we making the laws in the first place?since the materiality for judgment (constitution)has become useless and unuseful for  any judges to interpret and render a deliverable judgement with a strict compliance of the constitution, it means that,our national house of assemblies is docile,irresponsible, and contradictory with their core mandate which is to make laws for the plurality of justice to all the citizens irrespective of our social stratification and gender disparities.

Our judiciary must work and discharge their duties with due diligence that fashion a world class best legal practices without political interference or selfish gains.the democratic tenets which lays strong emphasis for insulpation of power ,can not be overemphasized. The tendencies for the other arms of the government having a strong overbearing influence over some arms of government with an equal democratic power for carrying out their oversight responsibility, is insupportable and portend serious danger for a sustainable democracy.the judiciary must not have the tendencies for  beneficial interest before a superlative judgement can be delivered to the people.several factors that has incapacitated good judgment ,is,ethnicity, religious affiliation, and corrupt practices. If the judiciary can purge themselves away from this legal abberations ,the sanity of the judiciary will be restored and pursue best legal practices that revitalized the overall interest of the people over personal satisfactory gains.the characters of our legal luminaries is engraved with the above factors over service for nation building. The judiciary must understand that, the legal profession is not an avenue to compete with the aflent people in the society for wealth and material possession ,but to primarily render a selfless service for nation building which however is the core mandate bestowed on every citizens of the Nigeria state.the judiciary has become oppressive to the common citizens through inappropriate judgement that is arbitrarily out of line with the constitution. The judiciary have alot of legal baggage that demand somewhat a total form of reconstruction that will instill selfless services and tendencies for a relatable judgement with an undisputable legal precedence .it is a common knowledge to say,poor legal judgement stressed up true democratic practices as well as disassemble quality applicable democracy.the higher demand for good judgement, is on the higher increase from the people who are shortchanged with the dividends of democracy due to judgements that lacks human face.the legal institution ,must give fair hearing for both the defendant and the prosecutors. The institution need a space to make an introspection on the areas where the legal profession will become viable for bringing real traditional democracy into the system for an  enabling environment to be created for the people to freely and delightfully feels the impact of our practicing democracy.judicial rascality must be put to an end to enable the people thriving collectively for the good prospects of our democratic governance. People becomes conscious of the law when enforceabilities for punishing offenders of the law ,is unselective and blind to recognize class or status.

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Wednesday, 27 December 2023


 Contradicting judicial judgement,has caused alot of collateral damage in the system as well as possed a serious threat to the sanctity of the institution.several legal luminaries however,has boldly challenged this legal abberrents that has brought the legal institution into disrepute and poor perception from the general public against the good reputation of the legal institutions. Introspectively, the legal institution need a total reformation to facilitate some significant change that will repair the ugly image of the institution to having a sound system where men of character will take absolute charge taking an adequate responsibility for the easy conduct of the institution with due diligence and its deliverable judgment for the betterment of the society.observably,the general public has observed with keen interest regarding the gravity for the interconnectivity between the political elite and the judges working collaboratively to thwart political electoral judgment that would have favorably be applauded by the people.this level of carnage is high among the character of our judicial judges giving out judgments that are contradictory as well as creating an atmosphere for more citizens to participate in such crime subsequently, at the detriment of the poor Nigerians.poor judicial judgment that comes with financial inducement, is desirably sketched to favor the highest bidder, it is catastrophic as well as promulgate corruption and clash of judicial judgement at all level.the legal institution need to up their game and stop politizing the institution for partisanship with a huge a similar vein, judges should become apolitical and men of unquestionable integrity that will stand with the convinceable evidence presented to them for an unbiased ruling that carries the laid down constitutional laws.the question to established here is,who are the judges working for?the general citizens or the selected few?A situation where same court of competent jurisdiction dishes out contradicting judgement for personal gains,is pathetic ,as well as  perturbs to the minds of the ordinary citizens who believed that, the judiciary is the last hope of the common man who seeks for a redress in the court of law for a justiceable judgement.the issues of contradicting judgement, should be a call for  national concerns to reconstruct the institution to live upto her expection for the people who reposed enormous trust on the judicial system.the independent body which is the judiciary, has been gagged by the powerful executive arms of the government against the common man in the street.the system need an immediacy of apprehension to arrest this deadly undemocratic trend  and bring the perpetrators to face the law to serve as a strong deterrent for other subsequent judges who may be nursing to become beneficiary of corrupt practices through this unprotected rotten system.

The judicial workers need some forms of behavior modification with a paradigm shift from crude judgement delivery,to judgement that is widely acceptable within the confined of the existing laws.A situation where a political candidate willingly rigs an election and creates electoral flash point now boldly and arrogantly asked the other contestants to go to court for a redress if they are uncomfortable with the results of the election that made declared him emerged victoriously against other candidates,is a serious problem that need an urgent attention of the well meaning Nigerians to speak up against this impending gruesome murdering of our nascent democracy.nigeria has become a banna republic where impunity reign ,extrajudicial killings of the unarmed citizens,and constant disregard for the sacredness of the constitution has overtaking the core values of the institution. The institution needs a total overhaul to be able to inject fresh minds with  newest ideologies with a great touch for realism capable of ensuring the institution perform optimally and achieving its legal mandate for the people in accordance with the law and its associated sustaintial evidence. This conservative legal practice,will set a strategic plans in achieving the purity of the legal institution in a renewable hope for the common man in the street.the citizen are equally indebted for bringing sanity to the nigeria sovereign state through various degree of protest against any judges who discharges his obligatory duty with poor and contradicting judgement against the people.this forms of protest, should be an indefinite protest at the national judicial council headquarter until such contradictory illicit judgement is reversed  before such a collective protest will come to an end after achieving the overt durable reasons that emanates from such a collective protest.all protest must be definable  strictly to navigate the true essence that necessitate such protest as well as achieving its targeted ends.

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Tuesday, 26 December 2023


 Judiciary as been portrayed by the people,is the last hope of the common man.the conclusive part of this common Maxim,states that,the ordinary man who believed in the judicial system ,strongly believed that his aspirations and hope for getting justice to affirm his eligible right is not been infridged upon.However,judiciary is is the third arms of the government saddled with the responsibility to interpret the constitutional laws through facts and logical presentations of matters brought before the court.the judiciary is a barage of legal practitioners whose sole duty is to ensuring that the constitutional provisions of the law is protected and complied  by all citizens irrespective of our social strata or family background. Law they say,is blind.this means that the law does not provide for the client areas he never included in his original sermons.the law and its interpretable verdicts ,have no seperate eyes to see beyond what  was giving to it for does not see if your black or white,tall or short,beautiful or ugly,educated or uneducated, christian or a Muslim,and an office holder or an ordinary man in the street.the resolution of the constitutional provisions of the law must come manifestly with a sacred unbiased enforceability to all the citizens of the state.the Constitutionality of those laws,regulates peoples behavior to act in a way that is inline with the law.the law is influential but not to be influencing against the common a constitutional democracy, the judiciary holds an essential tools for the sustainability of our nascent democracy. What a good judicial verdicts does to the citizens and our democratic institutions, is to providing an undiluted oxygen to strengthen and unpressurized the democratic institutions to perform her obligatory duties without interference from other arms of governance. The judicial institutions are the real surface with men of character and learned personalities, as such,the harsh economic realities shouldn't drive judges to deploy corruption into the institutions of sanctities the judiciary is generally known for.the judiciary institution is valued as institution of residual intellects and super rich in data and case filling of judicial interpretation and its precedence for subsequent interpretation. The interpretors must be civil and must be guided by the judicial Conducts in carrying out her duty as a judge in the courtroom.

Judicial system is a strong determinant factors that stand as an energizers for good governance hence,if the judiciary continually avoid to performing its duty to bring in good governance and good citizens that will obey the law through quality judgment made in accordance with the law ,lack of good governance and high profile corruption cases will not be decimated. The situation will skyrocket to a debilitating state where lawlessness will become the order of the day.

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Monday, 25 December 2023


 Exemplary leadership is commonly known as ,leadership with examples.this is a strategic forms of leadership which the larger part of the society are gladingly pleased with the leadership of those at the helm of  affairs of the people.people becomes pleased with  public office holders ,when development of the society encompasses  economic growth of the people and  taking proper care of the poor in the society to having a good living conditions where the wealth of the nation, is in a durable circulation not just only to the custodian of the political elite,but to the ordinary nigerians.similarly,A society scripted to favor only the elite in the society who stands  as pollutants of the society which they oftentimes disremorsefully used their looted wealth to create crisis,ethnic disintegration, and a disimpeccable political practices that brought untold hardships to the people of the nigeria state.A situation where the public office holders are disinterested in bringing good leaderships and good governance  to the people through dedication of duty to serve,but Rather uses  public offices to oppress the less privilege and equally placed them to becoming a citizens without a right,is a serious call for a collective concern.the basic needs of the society, should become a significant pursuit for all public office holders for the people in order to appear somewhat a positive good leadership role model to the people.our political leaders need to replane their leadership strategy that will evidently develop nigeria and enhances the overall development of the people to building a stronger and a viable institutions where rule of law takes a significant core values in all that we do as a people. The welfare of the citizens, is a genuine meal for a flourishing democracy.government must display a strong will in establishing a governance that stands as a mirror that produces good role model and a speakable exemplary leadership in our conducts and activities.communication to the people is of a crucial importance, where the leaders need to extricate himself from making ulterances that are capable of causing national unrest as well as creating tensions that may hits up the entire polity.the political leaders need to refrain themselves from been perceived by the people   specifically term as ethnic bigot or religious extremist which oftentimes does not transport a good message to the larger society. We must begin to redefine our national interest and challenging issues necessary to unite and proffer solutions to the gale of challenges that has beaten us silly as a nation.all political opportunistic actions,must  be telloired towards the direction of the people over personal aspirations. The overt maladies that has destroyed the fabrics of our national development, is lack of sound leadership which deliberately has refused to collectively challenge those critical problems with a sincere measures for an actionable practices that brings about real governance. This is no longer debatable in our African society. The growing concerns inwich the poor citizens are been disconnected from the democratic benefits or from the dividends of democracy which supposedly they should have been benefiting from an arousing democratic governance. This poses a strong risk for our unity as a people.most annoyingly,the political elite who siphoned our common patrimony, are the same class of personalities using same wealth against the poor who voted them into power, which is now a classical case of a criminal who stole a precious valuables from the citizen ,and now comes back to the same person and to assist him with a patery sum of money to say, manage this little money as a way of consoling him.leadership is a combination for assertive training and management of the people's wellbeing.the leader must however, understand his full leadership roles as well as develop a personal believe system to proving to the people he governs that, he has the will power for solving those problem for the general interest of his people.this kind of leadership managĂ©ment of the people comes with a clearer intension for serving the people in assuaging the challenges of the people and become a pathfinder for the economic growth of the unborn generations.nauseatingly,the public office holders can not be living a flybouyant lifestyles while those that elected them into public office ,seats and watch them spend money that would have created development for the people  spent carelessly.this is capable of creating political upheaval where unequipped citizens will start jostling to grab power to join this unwanted craving trends for stealing, and other financial misappropriation of public funds.

Instructively, public office holders need to reconfigure their mindset to primarily understand that the wealth of the nation, belongs to the people not only to the hands of the public office holders.they need to reengage themselves with a practicing democratic activities that will give the people a phaselifting  away from poverty, lack of education, poor sensation for an exemplary leadership, and adopt a blueprint for an immense contribution for a holistic good and a sustainable governance that will reengineer the collective will of the people contributing for the overall development of the society. Our citizens has become very insolvency to their democratic civic responsibility due to bad leadership who considered them as inactive and unimportant for the nigeria projects.the sweetness of every democracy, is for the people becoming comfortable with the democratic practice of the leaders in relation to the leads having an engaliterian society. The office holders,need to dismantle those undemocratic tendencies and elements that has disfigured our Constitution due to personal interest as well as bringing  the people away from subscribing to carnage which has been used over the years to dominate and silent opposing views of the people whose aims and objectives is to ensuring that the right things are done.we need to struggle out our nourishing democracy away from the hands of despotic politicians that lack an applicable practices for a democratic society. Our dream nation is only achievable when we lead by example and honorably practice what we preach.A leadership seeking for a structural adjustment of the people due to a pitiful economic hardship where government becomes handicap to solving the problem of the general public with just a lip service ,and their after ,refused themselves to do same adjustable practice they  so advocated for the people.this character is imbecilic and lack national unification for a proven integrity. Leadership at all level ,must bring people out of poverty and pay serious attention to their entire wellbeing. Since poverty has no hiding place in the society, crime caused by poverty becomes preeminent and unabated.the poor are capable of unlimited crime in the society, as such,getting a saner society, intends government at all sector to buckle up and work towards reduction of poverty in the society through social investment scheme and government intervention funds for curbing unemployment and putting more efforts to providing grants for SME to  thrive and grow our economy.

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Friday, 22 December 2023


 Leadership is a collaborative efforts between the leaders and the electorates working together as a citizens of the nation state to bring about a dream country we all introspects for.the duty of the leaders and the leads,must be well articulated and its strict adherence in working within the armpits of those obligatory rules in contributing individually or collectively to achieving the dream and visions of our forebears. The better living conditions of the people,is significantly tied within the custody of the leaders whose duty is to regulate the behavior of the citizens and their developmental becomes very important for every leaders to consciously understand that, he has a duty to better the lives of every single nigerian for a good living conditions.leadership is the controller general of the society hence,the reflective effects of a good leadership ,can be critically examined in thĂ© lives of the people in the society. Poor governance calls for a national disaster and a lawless society. People must have the impact of all governance in power through  personal wellbeing and achievements through self assessment. The lives of the people must be protected over self agradazement.people becomes hostile to governance whenever their personal or group problem are unresolved.

Governance is a continuum therefore,the problem of the people becomes a continous process especially when the past administration refused to come to the aids of the societal challenges inwhich sprouts out wide spread of frustration in the lives of the citizen.A frustrated man,is a hopless man whose every available afforts made in tackling his challenges, becomes fruitless and possibly unresolved. Most annoyingly,many citizens lack some degree of patience towards the government due to lack of trust on the present administration in working out modalities to solving the immediate pressing basic need of the people hence,some of the people becomes violent and disregard for the sanctity of the Constitution. Break down of laws and orders becomes a national practices which overtimes, becomes overwhelmingly against the security architecture of the country. government at all level,must begin to provide an enlasting solutions for the staring problem of the people to avoiding huge patronages for crime.the only antidotes for a crime society, is good leadership for the responsible citizens follows anti peoples leadership and becomes confortable with a huge problem such a bad governance creates for the people.A new nigeria is certain when we make a paradim shift from old barbaric ways of dealing with national issues to a new pragmatic ways of solving issues with a contemporary philosophical method for a critical thinking. An indepth knowledge for a thing,gives one the latitude to control that thing to a profitable achievement. What ever that is not know,can not be useful.our operational leadership need to officially paradé good behavior and an exemplary leadership to the people to avoid every form of bad governance that could trigger pains and hardship.we must not forget the supreme sacrifices of our nationalist who died in defense for democracy and seeking for the consensus unity of our one nigérianess.the undying faith for the unity of nigeria will have the collective power to driving the citizens to the yarning dream of a progressive economy where all citizens has an implementable power to carry out activities that will remit positively to our national development master plans.

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Thursday, 21 December 2023


 Leadership is an enabler for a collective unity of any nation,it lies on the behavior of the personality of the elite and that of the common citizens working assiduously towards the part of unity and its unprecedented pursuit for national development.this collective pursuit for peace and unity,is an unmistakable desire of the citizens who mean well for the relative valued peace of the society. Writably,the general aspirations of the people, is to ensuring that ,there is a relaxable atmosphere for the business community, workers,students,and the general public. Unity of the people does come under an intensed environment where hate speeches, religious  intolerance,and an intriguing ethnic distrust  realm supreme. Puffiness of the political elite who believed they can do anything against the poor and possibly get away with their defiant act without been assuaged through the court which the oppressed or the common man seeks for a redress  and true justice.the issues pertaining unity,is created by the government and the public office holders looking at every citizens as one Nigeria irrespective of our differences and working towards a galvanic ventures in bringing all Nigerians to functioning as  one single indivisible entity. If government at all level is committed to the unity of Nigerians unity with a wider spread of neutrality when it comes to settling personal or communal issues of the people.governance at all level,provides a solid avenue for the unity of the people through  zero tolerance for ethnic segregation and religious violence which oftentimes, has crippled the Faith of the common citizens seen themselves as one.we need to come together to renegotiate our coexistence and pacify to ameliorating the meddlesome interlopers against our unity and peaceful conducts ,which has distorted our nascent democracy and its legitimate efforts for our meaningful collective bargain.unity is Synonimous with national character. Our national character is a deposition of unity and that of disunity. Hence,when there is a tremendous achievement of a good character from those that leads the people,those citizens with bad character working towards attacking national development ,there will be a thorough discountenance  from working towards national disunity and join hands to working for the unity of the people and her progress. What this means is that,the character and the integrity of our leaders, plays a huge role in the lives of the people in fashioning out an emulative  displayed characters of their leaders and begin to see them as a good role model in the society which is culpable of cushioning the effect of disunity. our leaders should purge themselves from making inflammatory statements capable of causing national unrest and disunity.the behavior of the leader working in a detribalized manner while discharging national duty,accelerates development as well as giving birth for a good citizenship.

Unity is an immeasurable formidable force for nation growth. No responsible governance plays with the unity of the people he governs .reasons been that,the general unity of the people is capable of combating crime,as well as fishing out those bad elements and reporting them to the appropriate law enforcement agencies to apprehending the saddened my heart when people shade crime offenders simply because, such crime offenders comes from a certain geographical region which portend a serious signal that threatened our coexistence.ilegalities can only stand when the common people accepts and defend illegality out of selfish interest and ethnic inclinations.if the common people position themselves in taking full charge of our democratic governance which deals excellently with the people,our society will have a relative peace and its yielding development we all deserves.instructively, we need to begin to encourage peace in every areas of our national lives which should be demonstrative to funnel a strategic developmental giant strides for nation building.we need to saturates our economic sectors with young brain that has entrepreneural skills and creative mindsets to stimulate our dying economy.unity is not only a yardstick for progress,but an avenue for achieving a sustainable economic growth and working towards the original master plans of our founding fathers.every citizens of nigeria,need to reconceptualize the primary core objectives for accepting a democratic governance and work gallantly to ensuring that principles of democracy must be enshrined in our collective character in order to respect the rights of others in capturing the true authentic ambassadors for our practicing democracy. If nigeria as a country is disunited, we must be held accountable for our failure to bringing every body together to fuction inseparably as one nation,one people,and one color.the way and manner we use sentiment in analyzing the political happening in the polity,is heart bleeding and condemnable.our collective unity is  strength. Disunity is crisis and a product of poor character that marr observable growth and development.

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Tuesday, 19 December 2023


 The effect of a positive leadership, is the measurability of transformation taking place in the lives of the people and the society at large.leadership is the unfolding tested plans of actions in bringing about a substantial development both in human capital development and infrastructural development that compliments a better achieving an efficient development for the people,is to reassess performance of governance in finding out how the lives of the average people in the society are measured to ascertain the generality of the peoples welfare if  the present government are doing the needful for the people or perhaps, has gone astray with their policies,and  poor performance against the people.the implications for good governance, is  evidentiary to the people creating a massive support base system for the progress of the government in power to achieving more quality development for the people.leadership is one of the most risky venture on the surface of the earth ,due to the facts that, it deals with the ability to lead the people not leading an animals.However, a minor mistakes caused by the leaders, will have a strong severe implications on the lives of the people either to be law abiding citizens or goes against the law.controlling humans to adhere to instructions, entails doing the right thing that pleased the minds of the general public to dancing through your created directions.citizens are not interested with any kind of misfortune that befalls the government of the day,what they care most is how their lives,security, and living conditions are taking care of since the assumption of that public office.hence,if the citizens are not satisfied with the present governance, the resultant effects is protest upon protest against the government of the day.therefore ,the government of the day are mandatorily saddled with the core responsibility to providing social amenities and enshrined an equitable distribution of national resources to the people. Their stipulated roles for leadership ,is clear ,unambigious,and uncontestable therefore, it is incubent on the leaders to clearly carry out this constitutional duties to the people and provide to the people a good leadership.for a good governance to be noticeable before the public,it must be felt in the lives of the people. Afterall,,the true importance of governance is benefits for the people.the objectivism and its foundationalism that constitutes true governance ,is been real and sincere to the people that elects those in public offices.the core spirit of governance is to lead the people from poor or bad economy to a viable economy that affects positively to the lives of the people of the Nation state.To perform leadership roles that provides peace and Tranquility to the people as well as work in compliance with the constitution while discharging their duties to the view of this,the leaders must not be complicit or compromise their mandate for any personal reasons that contradict the law nor siphon appropriated funds meant for a collective development of the society. Whenever the citizens becomes anti participant in moving the country forward in achieving growth and development of the society, it means that ,the present day governance has intensified bad governance to the people without a recourse whatsoever. All achieving quality governance ,indirectly comes from the people .if the government of the day have some significant regards for the people they govern,the governed conducts themselves orderly and fail to participate in any act of insecurity, criminalities,,corruption, and disobedient to  the laid down laws.

The government of the day must be resolute in solving the overt problem of the people which is poverty and lack of education and create an informed collective decisions that will treat the people much better for reposing an unwavering support for electing them into public offices.this is a country where the people do not really know what they want from the public office holders and hold them accountable for going against the people.isn't that glaring to say that, our political office holders are bereaved of an ideas for a constitutional leadership that encapsulates proper development and exercise a coperational relationship between the elite and the common people of the nation state.the leaders and the leads, are instrument of brazen ignorance that lacks proper knowledge for a pragmatic governance therefore,clear sense of direction and separation of duties has become draconic .the leads does no longer understand their obligatory democratic roles to perform,same as the leaders who now sees themselves as lords over the people which ordinary by the provision of the constitution ,they ought to be serving , ensuring the lives of the averaged person becomes a huge beneficiary in the nigeria projects.the insensitivity of the governance turning blind eyes to the excruciating pains of the average man in the society, is creating a lot of tensions and national unrest therefore,driving the people into crime and deliberately fighting for a secessionistic agenda.the dream of all Nigerians ,is to have a better living conditions where government provides the core basic needs of the people.

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 Leadership is the science of a structural instrument of behavior used in leading the people.leadership is essentially focused with accurate planning methods and its robust executions of those procedural planned actions into  a workable actualizations.leadership is a product of the people.the essence of leadership,is to lead the people and outline the prospect to how the lives of the people should be better of.leadership gives some plurality for  allowance of the peoples diverse opinions for the overall benefits of the larger society. Leadership does not exist in a vacuum but, a duely occupied position of a certain personality saddled with the responsibility to exercise a leadership role in providing  growth and development of the is inconceivable for any leader who is saddled with the responsibility for providing practicable leadership to the people ,now seat back and relaxed in their comfort zone and watch his people wallowing for under development, lack of portable water,insecurity,  and other benefits that sound leadership should have benefited the people.according to Clifford.n.igwe (2017)"defines leadership, as the capacity to lead,direct,guide,super head,supervised, pilot,and galvanized the people to having a clearer visions of the present and the future of how a better society are governed".since peace is relative,it there means that ,the peaceful coexistence of the people,is a clear significant rĂ©flex actions of a visionary  leadership to the people. It is a common knowledge to say that,Every responsible leadership, is a prompt responsive leadership that see,s and listen to the viable opinions of the gĂ©nĂ©ral public in giving out their perceptions and opinions to the present governance in solving the ultimate challenges and plight of the people.i retraite, no sound leadership in absentia provides quality leadership .in solving a problem,the problem solver need to first and foremost empathize with the affectent by placing himself in the position of those with the problem before he can solve those problem.if the problem solver goes into solving those problem with the primary mindset of extortion of the people through the lingering problem,such problem can never be solved in its totality but temporarily. The enforceability for a planned good governance, goes with a huge sacrifice between the leaders and the leads coming together to expressively determined to achieving a better society where the people endorses the policies of government that comes with achieving a painstaking developmental plans.bad policies in leadership is irretrievable if the leaders of the people has a totalitarian tendencies to all issues.the rĂ©solution for achieving the undue plans of the larger society, is to trash out those leaders with the practicing tendencies for totalitarianism functioning under the disguised for democracy.leadership is a temporal power vested on the people with unique ability for the protection of lives and property and consolidation of a viable economy. The interest of the people overtakes the interest of the public elected leaders doing the bidding of the people over his personal ambitions.the primary objectives for leadership is effectual leadership at all levels.some of the defects found in our leadership ,is the poor perspective for real governance, arrogance, and flagrant disregard for the rule of law.if we look at the prognosis of the nigeria leadership,it becomes crystalline to say that, the structural qualitative leadership and its conceptualism ,will continue to debilitate in the nearest future until those that are saddled with the responsibility intoned enviromental expirence in pursuing this democracy with our piacularities under the pavilions for a certified traditional democracy where the provisions for people's behavior becomes an epic centre for real governance.

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Sunday, 17 December 2023


 A country with a multifaceted belief system,will seriously have some divergence of opinions on national issues hence,the undying interest for  one nigerianess,is essential. Relatably, the inability of our leaders to galvanize our mineral resources to pursing quality leadership and accessible development at the various level of our national existence, can not be genuinely measured when it has to deal with our counterparts countries as south Africa and other countries within the Africa subregion in driving a profitable economy.the tendencies for an achievable economic growth and national development, rest upon the patriotic zeal of the ordinary citizens who oftentimes bears the severity of such pains caused through poor economic growth and leadership malfeasance.nation building is a unanimous will of the people contributing their quota in relation to offering a selfless service for national growth.the political ideologies of an average citizens of the Nigeria state,must not override our national interest in carrying out national assignment and working efficiently for the general interest of the average people in the society.the general problems of the nigeria state,is the Nigerians in its intireity therefore,we need to reel out short,medium, and long term plans for the solvability of our national problems with an undue shared responsibility and corrective mindset for solving those systemic errors in rephasing our trajectory from poor leadership to good leadership, undeveloment to a developed economy,and  failures to progress on consistent basis that will scale up a quality measurable growth of the economy.the average Nigerians, need to inculcate the spirit for nation building and sensitize families and friends to work exceedingly above our expectations for ensuring the agenda for nation building is duely achieved. It is inappropriate to be confortable with the poor realities of things in nigeria and the diminishing  of a good living standards  .political psychophancy which is dominary in our political system,are mostly exercised by the ordinary citizens whose ultimate objectives is  for  the enrichment of the stomock infrastructure which drives their poor public conducts and utterances before any public office holders in order to curry some kind of favors from the politicians. Overtime,the average Nigerians whose battered rights are irredeemable as well as reducibly to a street charlatans and organization of militias to opposing anti government protest.our economic dandrum is interpretedly related to the inability of the electorates to chosen public office holders that will deliberately working to better the lives of the average citizens.the average Nigerians with the penchant for collecting financial inducement from the politicians to voting against their conscience, must put this irrational behavior to an end ,and forge on with a conscious effort for electing good political leaders with  clear visions  for bettering the lives of the average isn't just about what we gain, but what sacrifice do we have to make for achieving our dream goals.the average citizens most work towards the awakening of our political consciousness  to demand for probity and accountable governance. The integrity of the Nation, is the people that makes up the nation state with a clearer view for a collective sense of directions. Our collective unity of purpose is priceless ,indescrimatory,and with a clear understanding of the advantage for a usable population that is capable of creating a viable market to grow our economy.

The power to stop electing inexperienced and unknowledgeable candidates into public offices, is the prerogative voting power of the electorates in determining the activeness of our traditional democracy.our common wealth can not be entrusted to the hands of those political criminals and sharp practicers whose primary purpose is for their personal concerns against the concerns of the people.the average Nigerians need to rise up and challenge those enemies of our national development that came together to officiate poverty,disunity, and corrupt practices against the people of the state through our collective will to vote them out of office and go back to defend our constitutional democracy .most interestingly, it is the weakness of the people that brings about weak institutions. Synonimously,Rule of law is like a media guides that navigate our social media behavior in checkmating hate speech,and preferable ethical public regulatory behavior.the average citizens need an enlightened mind that will light up the democratic sight of our  poor institutions. The political elite has made progress impossible in our society with a repository Ă©mergence for a faulty leadership and lack of a transparent governance. In the coming days,the situation will be destructive and will capture the full democratic voting power of the people and therefore, render it into a state of political oblivion and incapacitate prospective view of this,the average Nigerians will need to register and lodge their grievances against poor leadership through high profile incessant protest until our dream country is achieved. Pro democracy conveners need to redouble their efforts in gathering the people to bring to them on the modalities to adopt as a people in fighting against insecurity, poor leadership, ethnic disharmonies and inequitable distribution of justice from our legal jurisprudence.

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Thursday, 14 December 2023


 Nigeria problem is a general problem caused by all nigerians that intentionally refused to working towards ameliorating the myriads of challenges and then sitts back watching the roit  system continued to degenerate into an irreparable damage..nigeria problem is a serious problem that do not only affecting the nigeria state,but traditionally affecting the entire African continent with bad governance,corruption,and poor adminstration of justice.similarly,the business men and women,have a strong role to play in achieving our dream nation.the problem with nigerians,is that people do no longer care to demonstrate national behavior in contributing to the growth of the single nigerian should be exonerate for the unsmooth functioning of the entire system.the business community has failed the nigeria state due to selfishness ,greed,and poor knowledge for stability of goods and services to the people.the business community are worst than the public office holders with their escapede for insatiable riches.most disturbingly, the business community causing high level of inflation against the people in the areas of  purchasable items without regulations, yet reduces the quality and quantity of their product making the people to believing that dollar hike in price is the original caused for the astronomical increment.the business community holds it as a duty to coming together in combating this high cost of goods that has occasioned severe hardship to the nigeria populace to enable them purchase goods at an affordable price through robust partnership with some interesting international organizations working towards poverty alleviation to assist in that regards to subsidize prices of goods and services. The nigeria business community are wicked and they lack the strength to establish genuine customers relationship .An average nigeria business person,always seeking for a little opportunity for a hike in petroleum price and dollar hike against naira which in turns,enables the nigeria business community to employ their collective will to take advantage of the nigeria citizens to enrich themselves. For the average nigeria business man and his theory,whatever that goes up or higher, can never be brought down no matter the changes or development that comes post -dollar or fuel hike.Government at all level must take this issues seriously and Swift promptly to arresting this ugly trend through setting up a taskforce committee to generally checkmate the ex cesses of the business community that compressĂ©s the good living conditions of the people to a nightmarish conditions of is incubent on the leaders of the (SON) whose obligatory responsibility is now a cancerous sensation to the people with their level of maladministration and frĂ©quent flow of corruption that has characterized the (SON) organization.
The true standard of living is related to the things we purchase in the market for our basic necessities if it commensurate with the average monthly income of our civil servants in the society .the turbulent market for affordable stability of price of goods,is worrisome and catastrophic to the people of the gĂ©nĂ©ral public. A disorganized government,is a disorganized society where rule of law is no longer attainable. People act accordingly in respect to their emotions and personal wishes above the spelt  out rules that governs the society.good leadership is of the people, and of the people alone not of the animals therefore,we need to assimilate this ideologies into our minds and understand that good governance comes from the people been governed and not from the animals.As such,we must work actively with the renewals of our minds to consciously  providing the type of a dream nation we so aspired for.we must not be rĂ©calcitrants in pursing our collective growth and development of our dear dream country nigeria to bequeathed a prosperous nation where our next generation will be proud of ,and sustain the gains made before them.the nigeria business community need to reconfigure their mind in working towards a dream economy. Nigeria business community has commercialized corruption as well as intercepts a free flows  of a quality affordable products for the people. The leadership of the trade unions congress has impoverished the people of nigeria than the government has done in the last years of our democratic dispensation.our pure interest for the acceleration of  our national growth and to stimulate economic viabilities is efficacious as well as a good reward for a collective bargaining.impressively, our young entrepreneurs are gradually moving away from our old entrepreneurs sense of doing business in our society that practically monopolies their business and inflicted pains on the people through high inflation of  goods at the expense of the people.our new generation business men ,are seriously doing a lot of community services and youth empowerment as an avenue to giving back to the society who constitutes the larger consumers of their products.this is commendable and must be be use as a strong criterion for receiving national honor for their immense contribution for the growth of the economy. We looking forward to seen our nigeria dream where price inflation will drastically be reduced the moment the cause of the high inflation has been stabilized to normalcy.A dream economy where  cost of purchasing food item will be uniform ,depending on the environment where those products are sold. A dream economy where those that goes around creating artificial scarcities of purchasing item or goods will be sanction in accordance with the law.A dream economy where government agencies shall create a conducive business environment for the business community to thrive and contribute their quota for economic diversification and measurable growth.

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Wednesday, 13 December 2023


 The entertainment industry is the true image of the society which reflects wholesomely on whom we are,what we do,and how we do it in our various institutions, environment, and the larger society.the entertainment sector comprises the creative art,music,film,fine art and design, modeling, editing, script writing, sports,and etc.the abovementioned sectors,captivates the society with their craftsmanship and performance used for the interpretation of the past and futuristic events of the society .the role of the entertainment sector for nation building is unquestionable hence,we need to accord a collective dignity and building a robust partnership in developing this reflective industry to providing sufficient job creations and employment, and subsequently portrays the real identify of our cultural behavior ,values,norms,and that of our transferable cultural heritage to the global world.the entertainment industry is exceptionally doing creditably well both home and abroad ,and we need to improve the industry to function effectively in providing all the instrumentalities capable of taking the industry to  experiencing greater heights and pursue her foreign counterparts with better picture qualities, revenue ,sound,editing, and modern technological gadgets.atleast we have seen what our superstars are doing abroad,bringing glory back home,and living an opulent lifestyles which commensurate with their resilient hardwork both home and abroad.the power of the entertainment sector,lies with the immediate society who directly or  indirectly consumes what they put out to the society. The capacity for the larger consumption of the products sent to the society from the entertainment sector ,goes with the standardization of such products.what this means is that,we need to address the issues of poor marketing system,poor visual quality, and poor contents with low mental lyrics,storylines and dissatisfied contents.we need to engage our superstars to always convey a quality message regarding those developmental reforms going on in our nation state before the international communities which I strongly believe, is the  collective statutory responsibility of every entertainers to using the pleasant events of our immediate society as a content to sell to the global world.the problem of piracy is seriously eating deep across the fabrics of the nation. A situation where people's intelligual properties are grossly stolen without recourse,is unpalatable. This playable application, is bringing misfortune and poverty to the creative industries which we anticipatorily calling for a serious attention of the federal government to take an urgent Steps in solving this factory of problem  to a standstills for the overall benefits of the creative sector.we need to take a departure from the unfixing lane of indignity, indecency,and those immoral contents in our music visuals that are repugnant and  vulgarity of some sorts.we need to work towards consolidating at the areas that have gain prominence in our creative industries and re-navigate our collective strength to correcting those areas that portrays the industry in a bad light.the industry need potential local and foreign investors to painstakingly invest in building the creative industries to transform into a multi billion dollars industries to using this as an avenue to lift people from poverty and generate massive job employment for the citizens. We need to demonopolize our economy through diversification to ending the gladistine articulative rytorics for economic diversification and work the talk.i see a new entertainment sector in nigeria where piracy will become a death sentence. A dream sector that will become more economically viable and richer to every other sectors in nigeria.A dream sector  with the highest gross export earnings and put the nigeria nation on the global map in number one rankings.A success magnetic sectors which our bleeding economy will depend efficiently for her revenue generation. A dream economy where the entertainment sector will become the financier of the agro and mining sectors in contributing to the growth of the above sectors.A dream economy which entertainment sector shall have a significant budget appropriation to support movie productions,event shows,recording,grants,and proper infrastructure for  conducive environment to enable the creative sectors to thrive and competing favorably with the global counterparts. A dream economy where aflent Nigerians from the private sectors will contribute immensely to the entertainment sector through counterparts funding between shows organizers and the private sectors to be able to market their businesses and products abroad.

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Tuesday, 12 December 2023


 The role of the security apparatus in maintaining laws and orders for a relatively peaceful coexistence,is sacrosanct and undebatable. The security agencies who  are saddled with the responsibility   for maintaing peace and tranquillity within our immediate environment as well as consistently protect and defend the territoral  boundaries of the nation carrying out this clear cut of  obligatory responsibility ,the armedforces must be civil,and protect human right as well as avoid any forms of extra-judiciial killing of the unarmed civilians.the security agencies are duty bond to working within the convined of the constitutionality of the law which is supreme and sacred to all citizens of the nation state.overtime, we have watched amazingly in a full broad day light where the armed personnel who are saddled with the responsibility to protect human lives and property ,now discharging their duties with gross misconduct ,arrogant, impunity, and total disregard for upholding human right and its tenets.the democratization of every nation state,is vested on those whose core duty,is to enforce the law without undue interference whatsoever.the security agencies, need to work effortlessly with their share collective responsibility to fighting crime and working towards a crime free society. Over the years,our security agencies has been unable to manage crime offenders by reducing crime to a nearest minimum due to the fact that,they fight crime with kid glove and become huge prime beneficiary for those illicit crime.A law enforcement agent with the poor knowledge for fighting modern crime,is an affront to his profession as such,can not adequately discharge his duty for the benefit of the society. There are various tools bywhich law enforcement agencies uses in fighting modern crime which are:

(1)modern equipment.

(2)intelligence gathering. And

(3)the character of the crime fighter.

The problem associated with the incessant crime committed by those criminal elements regarded as outlaw,is because, the law enforcement agents abates those crime and subsequently used them as an undue advantage to enrich themselves against their core mandate.nigeria as a country will continue to witness all forms of crime in our society if proper measures are not drastically taken by the law enforcer for curtailing this menace of corruption to an abrupt end.reasons and vital component that elicits financial crime,is the insatiable desire for wealth and material acquisition. Poverty is an unwanted guest .remarkably many people do not feel comfortable accommodating it which oftentimes ,drives them into financial crime to facilitating their way into wealth and riches for a better living conditions.fascinatingly, the overt society is the product of our donations and deposits.whatever we deposit to the society, we get back in its manifolds.therefore,the high-level of crime and its proliferation across all sectors of the economy, is a proven testament to say that, our security agencies are evidently weak and docile for working towards providing a saner society.we as a country can never become united until we begin to look ourselves on the face and collectively fight this issues of mal-logement of leadership at all sectors.citizens shouldn't be given the authority to serve our country out of ethnic bias or political considerations when it is clearly visible that ,such person is unfit for leadership.we have equally observed that,employment at the various armed forces department, where done in contrast with ethnic and religious sentiment. We have lost it as a nation from the inception of the 1914 amalgamation where our real nationalists lack the decorum to unity us as one indivisible entity but apparently puts the country into religious and ethnographic lines which has brought the country  practicing illegality, and poor development as a nation.Every law enforcement agents,must be subservient to the people and uphold the supremacy of the sacredness of our Constitution against working with any political godfather who unapologetically are working against the people of the state.lawless and crime overwhelmingly ,is overtaking our well trained armedforces due to corruption that is now making that sector unimpressively ineffective for the general security of the people.I see a nigeria of our dream where every law enforcement agents will fight crime with a strong resilience and bringing every offenders of the law to face the consequences of his action to serve as a deterrent to other citizens of the state.A nigeria dream where crime fighters will no longer segregate of which geographical region crime must be fought and not fought for.A dream country where bail will be free for all citizens without bias.A dream country where police road block will be strictly to protect lives and property as well as checkmate high profile level of crime and not to use same check -point to extort road users and commuters from their hardearned money.A dream state where crime suspect will not be paraded on the media without court convicting the crime suspect.A dream state where innocent citizens will not be arrested for the crime they know nothing about.A dream country where all the security agents will no longer see themselves as superior against the citizens of the state.A dream country where security agent will have a good communication skills to relate with the citizens with love and loyalty at the cause of duty .A dream country where security agents will no longer be used by the politicians to dislodge and violate the rights of the innocent Nigerians engaged in a lawful assemblies(protesters)A dream country where intelligent gathering will become a collaborative efforts between the security agencies and the citizens with sincerity of purpose.A dream country where there is no shortage of police to governing the tremendous growth of the citizens.A dream country where freedom of movement is lawfully and police will dutifully undercover their protections as law abiding citizens.conclusively, A dream state where police is truly the friend to all the citizens without discrimination whatsoever.

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Monday, 11 December 2023


 The growth and development of every nation, honorably interplays with the media and the type of reportage that concerns the events and happenings of the society.the media emphatically, plays a pivotal role for the unity and progress of the society.the media is empowered with the law to have free access  to information regarding events and happening within the government purview and outside its purview within those parameters to disseminates free information to the people in order to furnish the people with the authenticity of the holistic happenings in the society.this access to information, is unhindered, unfiltered, and an open flow of information on the policies of government, physical expenditure, and how appointment are dished out to the people for a proper assessment in ascertaining the level of the federal character principles if such appointment is duly in line with the laid down federal plans.the problem of the society is not only apportioned to the government, but also stretched to the media.Bad media reportage is capable of creating a serious panic ,tensions,and anarchy to the society. The media is vested with the responsibility to report events in its truculent expression without adding or substrating .over the years,the Nigeria media have not live up to this genuine standards and strict compliance with the ethics of their profession. We have hard several conflicting reportage that later turned to be untrue,fake,and unreliable from our medias due to parochial interest and partisanship  that has endangers the lives of the average Nigerians.the obligation for good governance is acruable to all sectors of the economy not only to the democratic institutions.the foundations for effective  participatory democracy ,is the reporting power of those whose so objectives is to  feed the people with a proper information of governance and the events that took place in our immediate environment. Now,when the media arbitrary shy away with this core media responsibilities, real governance becomes static and abortive. The act for freedom of information law, constitutionally gives the media legal access to information and free flow reportage across all  the parastatals of governance for a workable practicing democracy.the media has become an appendix of governance working against the people ,hoarding vital information away from the people,and working with some disgruntled politicians in tarnishing the image of  their opponents before the general public. The media must live up to expectations in balancing their reportage for truth and professional integrity. The media has been awashed with several fake news that has caused a lot of political crisis and communal mayhem.the role of the media for the sustainability of practicing democracy can not be overemphasized.the ripple effects for poor reportage, is crisis at every sectors of our national lives.the penancia for unity,peace,good governance, religious stability, and uncontradicted actionable plans for nation development lies on quality media and reporting system.The media must began to implement those professional ethos that guides the media practices irrespective of our gender differences, religious affiliation, and party lines.the visions and the dream of our forebears must come first against that of our personal interest.all public office holders must be put in check while carrying out their oversight functions to bring to the public the areas where they erred and how allocated funds are been spent,how contracts are been awarded,and the process for democratic conducts within the place for their primary assignment if it falls within the convine of the law.

The media enterprise must purge themselves away with those corrupt elements with poor character and criminals that has invested a lot of hatred and negativity into the system. The media template for sincere reportage must be revamped and actively pursue our Nigeria dream.lack of character for the job as a media,violates the true intentions for nation building.the true tenets for a qualitative media, is to expedite actions unraveling the secret information of governance to the people when the said information is for the overall interest and benefits of the people.investigative journalism is no longer practiceable in our society .the media has literally jettison good media practices acceptable in the society and moved on to doing the unjust practices with apparent misconduct that has become the order of the day.the Nigeria union of journalist,is duty bond to move against it's members working selfishly with obnoxious politicians in bringing the media organization into potential disrepair .the media holds an essential roles in every applicable democracy with their conducts and deliberative opinions on various issues affecting the people and the society at large.the mĂ©dia shouldn't be biased in reporting national issues to favouring their constituent or ethnicity ,but to be neutral and present reports that carries the interest of Nigeria projects necessary for the development of the nation state.the primary constituent of all Nigeria,is Nigeria its self.therefore,we must all work in accordance with the responsibility for the overall benefits of the economy and pursue national unity and progress.the Nigeria media  has been gagged from speaking the truth and its unfolding events that would have benefited the society.poor media truncates the true quest for a participatory democracy with wide spread misinformation. The media have a significant role to play in reaching to out to all citizens including an ordinary people across the Nigeria state with useful and verifiable uniform information that brings about good governance and progressive democracy without retrogressions.the media need to stand firm in their convictions to bring to public domain on the vital information against those elements working against the unity and progress of the Nigeria state. The influence of the media to the people is paramount. Hate speech must be sanction against those that peddle hate while discharging their duties for national assignment .the anticipating Nigeria dream ,is a collective responsibility of all Nigerian with a resilient spirits working towards the part of nation building in our respective sectors.the media need to station a vible platform for effective communication between the government and the people for a profitable governance.

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Sunday, 10 December 2023


 Education is always in the business of restructuring of the human mind to effectively function more better for the changing dynamics of the society. Education is the process of remolding the mind from timidity versus civilization, poor perception versus sound ideologies,and low self concept ,versus  the realization of a holistic self identities.the realization of self conscious thinking,engenders personal and national development. It gives rise to the understanding of the society and its robust innovations.the human mind is convoluted with various thinking pattern of some sorts ,but redirected to function productively through the existing knowledge acquired through academic is like a set of conflicting emotions where ones emotional intelligence taking full charge of how people's behavior are channeled.the clear essence for all things, lies in its purpose and its objectives benefits it offers.nothing is ever something without human turning nothingness to somethingness.the evidence of a good product,is the usefulness of the product.development comes in two phases which is either in growth or in structures.A nation can rapidly grow in size yet underdeveloped in structures.structural development plays an essential roles for nation building. Structures undeniably,controls national growth in size but,the size of the national growth lacks the will power to control structures. Structural development,encapsulates effective institutions, good behavior, National character with strict demostratable adherence for the rule of law,and providing dividends of democracy to the people.while development in terms of growth, creates uncontrollable citizens,criminalities,and government inability to cater for the entire people of the state.Nigeria as a nation state ,is a place where the unjust becomes extremely rich and oppressive.the educated ones in our insane society, evidently now becoming more impoverished due to lack of job employment even with their excellent academic degree.from my findings,out of 250 million population of Nigeria,the uneducated ones in our society are more richer than the educated citizens.the rich school dropped out,occupied 20 percent of the affluent people in the society, the educated rich citizens, occupied only 5 percent of the affluent citizens in our insane society, the educated -graduate rich citizens occupied 3 percent of the entire population ,and the poor citizens occupied 82 percent which comprises both the educated and non educated citizens.with the above comprehensive analysis, it becomes glaringly unopposed to say that ,Nigeria as a country is completely domicile and  prone for unerasable crisis.the perception of the average Nigerians, is that education is nothing but a scan, a joke,and unviable institution.For the minds of the average Nigerians,academic pursuit, is a clear waste of participatory ventures with the poor result for anticipatory success.hence,they perceived education as waste of material time that ought to have been used in pursuing financial success. The life of the educated ones in our insane society, is riddled with poverty,joblessness, and unproductive to the families and the society at large.Nigeria is a country known as the survival of the fittest where a larger junk of the academic illiterate citizens are living in an unexplainable affluence against those citizens who sacrifices their material time to pass through the foreword of eduction. Look,when an illiterate controls the economy, people will surely suffer for oppression and abject poverty with penury.The failure of government looking at the living standards of those who are graduate yet no job, is what is seriously driven some of the graduates going into conscious crime without prejudice.should the government continue to follow the part of bad leadership without looking inward to reapplying real method of governance that will better the lives of the people and its fulfilment of her aspirations, the Nigeria state will debilitate to a state where crime will become unavoidable for the survival of the soul.this debacles of ineptitude in policy formation,is causing an immeasurable pathway for a crime awarded economy.knowledge is not just a power to the citizens, but also a weapon used to changing nothing for something.academic knowledge refind the human mind to distinguish between good and bad.I see a Nigeria where pragmatism will become our watchdogs while carrying out national assignment against irreparable articulations.

Broad and growing economy are harmonized by patriotic economic experts with sound minds coming together to collectively contribute their wealth of knowledge and experience for a tremendous economic growth in achieving a dream economy.A narrow economy will produce nothing other than a narrow minded leaders with poor ideas for diversification.we can not continue to overlooked the important contribution of the teeming unemployed graduates in our society with the intellectual will to necessitate a deliverable meaningful development that will birth the Nigeria of our dream.we need to provide grants for all the creative graduates with no job to invest into their creative dreams and create job employment for those employable Nigerians.

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Thursday, 7 December 2023


 The end product to eduction, is to change our society with  innovative thinking and sound idĂ©ologies for solving both personal and collective problems.Education as a product,is primarily concerns with the personalities the educational system is producing to the society thus,it becomes important to critically reexamine our citizens behaviours to be able to ascertain the level of progress made in our academic institutions while training the citizen to making significant impact to the society with the kind of knowledge they so acquired. Education is just an institutions for learning not an institutions to display fashion trend and poor character training. The end use of educational knowledge, is to transmit those existing acquired knowledge to the younger generation and possibly make due with those transmitted knowledge to solving modern problem through past theories and hypothesis generated from the authorities in that field of study.Eduction that produces a generation of poor character and ignorant youths,is an ineffective institutions with waste of budgetary allocation. The unfolding events of the past regarding those personalities that forge academic certificate with defects,tells us how abysmally low our educational system is producing men of questionable character .Education as a product simply means matching the educational institutions with the personalities such institution sends to the larger society where such graduate becomes an ambassador of such institution. This implies, if the products produced by the institution is contributing negatively against the growth and development of the society, the name of the institution which is also attached to the personality,becomes dirty and battered by the gĂ©nĂ©ral public .the primary purpose for setting up an institutions, is for training .such training must be seen in the lives of her past and present student whose light in the society reflects his educational background.once a citizen is been convicted of a crime,the general public becomes collectively concerns with his entire background which interestingly comprises his families, schools,religious affinities, and his nationality.literally, such personality has now become a product of the above enumerations fully attached to his personality which he can not function without as a single being.this is important, and can not  do away is pertinent each an every citizen of this nation state Nigeria, realize that his identify is somewhat connected to something therefore,we must conduct all our activities with the purpose for upholding the core values of our primary upbringing and portray those core values before the public as a true ambassadors of this institutions. Have we all lost our core sense of moralities? If we are not economical with the ontological truth, it means that we shall collectively  outline those areas that has disrupt our peaceful coexistence and dettered our progress as a people.I observed with keen interest on the events of the past,I came to realized that even those who are awarded to be professors from our various institutions of higher learning,are part of the problem of Nigeria.are you aware that many of the INEC Returning officers are all professors and vice chancellors from various universities? Yet this learned academic authorities superheaded all our past elections results that has several defects yet winners where declared? If those in the position of authorities refuses not wear the mantra of truth to guiding their national assignment,what then do we expect from the subjects?the present products from our education are shameful ,corrupt,and egocentric.. all products from our educational institutions, must set a solid platform as good ambassadors of the institutions to enable subsequent ambassadors of the institutions to follow suit.

We need to advance our collective efforts in restructuring our education to producing academic products that will contribute effortlessly in doing the right things that will push the country forward on the part of progress in every sectors of our national assessment.we must be constructively objective in looking at our national issues to enable us collectively make a painstaking resolutions towards achieving our Nigeria dream.criticism is also progressivism. A wise man uses the weight of his criticism to making available progress through relooking at the drawing board to correct lapses of the past and rejigged performance for progress.

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Wednesday, 6 December 2023


 Education is a right giving to every citizens that constitute members of the society. Education is not a gift giving to any child but an important assets giving to that child for working in tandem with the core development plans and aspirations of the nation state towards contributing immensely for the overall benefits of the larger society.Education is a gateway for nation somewhat,reconstruct our mind to function in accordance with the consciousness of the law as well as working towards upholding the law in a higher esteemed. Since every law made or enacted, needs a proper interpretation for the benefit of the people. It is the clear interpretation of the law that makes the law popular and  respected even at the grassroots ,the question is,how do we interprète our national or constitutional laws to the less educated citizen living in a remote rural areas to coming to terms with the significant purpose of why those laws are made.are this laws transmitted to the less educated citizens in a language they best understood?now this is where eduction comes in. Once the human mind is properly trained through the foreword of eduction,the human mind becomes covertly conscious of the happenings of the unfolding events in our immediate environment. Realistically, once the human mind has become conscious of a certain institutions, it creates a core responsibility in its self in contributing with an enormous effort to making a significant change where the carrier of the human mind felt shortchanged.the human mind according to Clifford.n.igwe (2017)"is a garage of behavior that contains both conditioned and unconditioned behavior "what this implies, is that ,the human mind is subject for training and modification depending on what we water the human mind to achieve. The human mind,is always controversal and complicated however,proper training give some level of credibility to the mind and create an apparent form of a huge confidence for stability and thereafter, working towards achieving its core assigned mandate.the parameters by which the mind functions, is like a conflicting set of approach to things which oftentimes variĂ©s .fundamentally, the human mind isn't hindered with nothing but with innate or natural behavior term as a followcome behavior from birth.though there could be disparity of standards with those natural behavior yet,trainable to forming a collective character for nation building. Education helps the human mind to re-direct those behavioral anormalitĂ©s that are in the conflict with national development and efficiently consolidate with the progress made.

Education is predominantly training of the human mind not training of the society. The human mind train the society and fashion the direction in which the society swung. All developing nation must prioritize more interest to training of the human mind to avoid producing terrible citizens that dismembered peace and progress away from our once existing peaceful environment.Nigeria government have a duty in this regard without been insensitive to the decaying nature of our educational system.Education must be made accessible to all citizens irrespective of our socio strata's through subsidizing the high cost of our educational system for the less privilege.poor educational system,produces half bath graduates  and unproductive is expedient, our annual budgetary allocation in the education sectors to improve drastically above other sectors. It is time we start thinking on how to inject funds into our educational infrastructure to make learning conducive for the teacher and the learners. Paucity of funds,improves high level of corruption in the educational sector as well as consistently negates our core educational values and poor narratives that associates our eduction where lecturers and students portraying the image of the nation into bad every nation,Government takes a comprehensive approach tackling educational deficits and providing worktable solution frameworks for a qualitative education for the people. There is no flimsy excuse for failure but the capacity to identify areas where you misfired with ineptitude and providing corrective measures to fixing them.A country that celebrates mediocrity over morality, is set for a doom.we need to accord some significant values to our eduction and making it actively viable above every sectors of the economy. Education illicites good character personification and providing innovative minds that streamline national development. Give the child proper education, illegality and leadership failure will be reduced to the bearest minimum. What excercebate problem ,is lack of proper education to solving those problems.afterall,the true essence for education, is to solving the immediate problem of the society.toxic educational institutions, produce toxic citizens.we need to concentration collectively in achieving a quality education for the people.

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Tuesday, 5 December 2023


 Education plays a crucial role for every economic growth . Education propels quality growth through knowledge and skill acquisition of the citizens who in turns ,uses those acquired knowledge to establish strategic pathways for national planning that improve economic growth.

The level of  people's intelligence in the society, is a determinant factor on the directions by which a dream economy is achieved. Therefore, lack of quality education, sprouts a severe collateral damage to the growth and development plan of our economy. Apparently, Education actively help in Co-ordinating the national resources of a nation to setting a pattern of standards for the consistent growth of the economy. Since education is not only interested in transmitting existing knowledge to the learners,but also much interested with sound character training for the overall benefits of the is undisputable to say,An educated citizen is a big assets to the society where his wealth of existing knowledge comes to bear in making  the environment a better place for the people around him.His considerable actions are overtime,guided with the law in maintaing his academic prestigious qualifications as an educated man in the society. Look,uneducated people have no shame,as such,they become lawless and caresless of the public opinion against their poor character and personality.uneducated people are notorious in lawlessness due to their ignorance for the penalty such a lawless act can cause to them and the family.Education is eminent and unavoidable for economic growth. Show me a man without proper education, and I will show you his level of ignorance for poor knowledge of the economy. An economic boofoom destroys the chances for economic growth through poor policy controls that affects the business of the people.

In a saner climes, government work towards the direction for improving standards of education for the people by ensuring every citizens of the country becomes formally educated to the level of acquiring atleast sound basic education to afford the citizens to be able to have sound knowledge for writing and reading skills .0ver 50 million Nigerians can not successfully read nor write effectively to express their general concerns for the overall day to day business of the government.moving the country forward,is to move the citizens forward.the citizens need to move forward to enhancing knowledge in their areas of professions through more training and adequate learning to moving the country to compete with many developed nations in the world .it is inevitable we consider education as an essential growth to our bleeding economy. People should be made to understand that the business of governance and economic growth, is a team spirited efforts between the leaders and the leads coming together to marshal out plans on how to grow the economy to an enviable height. Those at the top echelon saddled with the responsibility for leadership ,need to develop themselves consistently with the knowledge of a new generation economy .the problem associated with our sharp declining economy, is as a result of unequipped knowledge of the public office holders knowing what to do and doing it right to attracting investors both local and international to invest into our economy as well as sustain those visible investment through policies that will collaborate effectively with the government and our investors achieving our economic blueprint. It is regrettable that many international companies are relocating to our neighboring countries therefore,making our dear economy bleeding to death with unemployed youths .essentially, we need to re-examing our past policies and see if there are areas where some of this companies where brutally assaulted and their beneficial interest unrealistic.the importance of eduction and economic strategies are vital tools for every economic growth of the nation.both can't work without another.there synergies, is the strength of every growing economy.hence,our growing economy,can only becomes consequential when we accord operational actions for professional knowledge and experience in tackling our abysmally declined economy.

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Monday, 4 December 2023


Definition of education: Education is the process of all educative activities through conscious teaching and learning method of transmission of career ,vocation,and professional existing knowledge from the teachers to the learners.

Education is a procedural method of learning.This teaching and learning method,could come through formal or informal teaching  learning methodologies. But for this purpose,we shall deduce our intellectual capabilities to focus more on formal eduction which is the primary objectives for this discussable topic.

In light of this,we shall briefly stretch our intellectual jurisdiction in looking at the informal education which is domesticated with the Nigeria culture.

Education absolutely, can  not fuction effectively without involving people's culture. Cultural practices is part of education.if the above statement is an authentic verifiable truth,it means,culture is the cradle for all formal eduction.learning begins the moment a child is born into the world through the child's biological parents or guidance which form the basis for every informal learnable activities of the child which is holistically embedded by the culture of that environment such child is born.

The child learns from the behavior of the parents through sight and hearing techniques even at the age of one.this learning abilities didn't come through formal education but an informal education organized through the cultural practice of the child's immediate society (family).Now,as the child grows older,the child tries to distinguish between those practice of behavior learned through formal education and informal education in accepting the behavior best suites for him and grow with the behavior into adulthood.

In view of this,it becomes cumbersomic extracting away completely the informal learned behavior of the child associated with the culture  in the name of inculcating a new formal learning to the mind.

The human mind is already cultural before birth.since the formation of the child is from a dual source ,which comes from the average 46 chromosome of the both parents and the child becomes a product of the father's DNA,it means,if the father carries the behavior influenced through his cultural upbringing, that child that carries his DNA,will also be part of that cultural behavior even at the conceptual stage .this becomes a knowledgeable facts since no child was formed in its self.our efforts to introducing western education is a welcome idea that channels our collective energy into a more civilized and modern society hence,this mustn't dryclean our existing cultural practices away out of huge ignorance of the significant effect of our cultural heritage to matching with the western education and modernities.

Yes,we all need modern eduction yet ,we must not misplace our priorities using western education against our cultural practices that is capable to unify and strengthen our collective cultural character for sound moralities and underlined  purified divinities.

Now let's have a clear peep at the formal eduction.

Formal educational system is nothing but an advanced system of education drew from the informal eduction.Formal education is an investment of grater opportunities in maximizing our ultimate potentials in creating a kind of society modified by the people in the overt society.formal eduction offers us useful advantage to hyness our national resources to consolidate development of the society.glaringly, the credibility of the western education can not be overemphasized. There is a high-level of human consciousness through formal education.the tendencies for working within the armpits of the laws which  oftentimes is in the front burner,controls the human behavior to be civil and adopts proper developmental pursuits.the relevant perspective of formal education restructure our ideologies for an effective communication with the international society in attracting modern development.

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Sunday, 3 December 2023


History is synonimous with folktales. A folktale however, is a story of an events which took place in the past and been presented to the younger generstions. History, is a transmision of both the pleasant and the unpleasant events that took place in the past from one generations to another to broading our imtellectualities, Cultural, institution, and belief -identity consciousness of the people. History is oftentimes striking to the past which the present conveys. without the present, the past is unattainable. in solving the overt problem of every nation, we need to take into cognizance the imparativeness of the super- present in avoiding  unpleasant history. nigeria as a country, now functioning as a nation without national history. moving forward into applicable progressivism, we must first of all begin to reintroduce history into our school curriculum for  proper reference viability that gives such historical events a factfinding ground to ascertain factualities that accompany such tales. nigeria as a country can not drop its shadow out of fear of divisions and arbitrary misinterpretation of the ontological truth. A country without history is dead and irredeemable.idealy, if indeed we are scared of assembling our history out of fear of resounating discord and pogroms which took place in the past, then we need not to repeat those unwanted events that has devulve some secret to some part of our dear nation now seriously using that to creating an atmosphere for soccession to dismember our unity. History must be learnt and be told in our various schools to furnish the younger generations on the abberiations of  behaviour that has led to such an aged long blistering pain and hardship to the good people of nigeria. we need to be more interested in rebuilding our country with truth not lies, sincerity not betrayals, genuiness not double standard, originalities not fakery, reconcilations not segregation, equity not disfranchisement, love not hatred, and modalities that will collectively marshal out a good plans as a useful vehicle that will bring every part of the country for a united forefront for national development and its achievable plans for the attainability of the nigeria dreams. our dear country is fast losing her core value sytem due to unpreceedented poor history and disunified tales. inadvertently, our corrosive force for national unification structure is fast eroding as well as creating mayhem and street orchins fighting against the nigerian state. mending national issue with clear understanding of the nigeria diversities in our cultural heritage, religious practices, and regional differences, is to be given an extreme anticipatory credence. History can only bind us together as one indivisible emtity ,when such history connotes some elementary facts and truth, as well as providing a solid ground for Ameliorating those areas where people of the nigeria state are embittered towards the federal government. it is important to state, many nigeria young generation youths, are been devoid of the real and truthful history of the past . Nigeria youths, are been brainwashed by the older generation whose core interest is to create discord against the nigeria state . this misguided and misinformed youths, now goes about the business of the nigeria project with much egoistic mindset of some sort ,as the number one citizens of the nigeria state. look, what poor history does to people's mind, is gross public misconduct and poor adherence in the pursuit of the nigeria unity and and progress. poor history gives an adequate allowance for arnarchy and marr our great aspirations for economic growth. A poor history associated with agony and hateful tales, reduces the tendencies for producing a good citizens. the nigeria state is under a serious threat with the concurrent happenings of situational ugly events that is practically setting a poor preceedent and eating up our unity and purposeful existence. look, it is in our wisdom we collectively come together to reinsert history into our eductions to be able to equip the younger generations of the past happenings that are yet unresolved. as such, it has become a reoccurence decimal with negative anticidence. people must be told with some narations that will enhance our moral standard as a people ,as well as pacify to solving those aged long history with development deficits. good and qualitative history, transmit good behavour to the people in reorganizeing ourselves working towards the path of national development. 

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re many nigerians are hypocritical in their behaviours as such,shouldn't be taking serious when it comes to comenting  on national issue...