Monday 11 December 2023


 The growth and development of every nation, honorably interplays with the media and the type of reportage that concerns the events and happenings of the society.the media emphatically, plays a pivotal role for the unity and progress of the society.the media is empowered with the law to have free access  to information regarding events and happening within the government purview and outside its purview within those parameters to disseminates free information to the people in order to furnish the people with the authenticity of the holistic happenings in the society.this access to information, is unhindered, unfiltered, and an open flow of information on the policies of government, physical expenditure, and how appointment are dished out to the people for a proper assessment in ascertaining the level of the federal character principles if such appointment is duly in line with the laid down federal plans.the problem of the society is not only apportioned to the government, but also stretched to the media.Bad media reportage is capable of creating a serious panic ,tensions,and anarchy to the society. The media is vested with the responsibility to report events in its truculent expression without adding or substrating .over the years,the Nigeria media have not live up to this genuine standards and strict compliance with the ethics of their profession. We have hard several conflicting reportage that later turned to be untrue,fake,and unreliable from our medias due to parochial interest and partisanship  that has endangers the lives of the average Nigerians.the obligation for good governance is acruable to all sectors of the economy not only to the democratic institutions.the foundations for effective  participatory democracy ,is the reporting power of those whose so objectives is to  feed the people with a proper information of governance and the events that took place in our immediate environment. Now,when the media arbitrary shy away with this core media responsibilities, real governance becomes static and abortive. The act for freedom of information law, constitutionally gives the media legal access to information and free flow reportage across all  the parastatals of governance for a workable practicing democracy.the media has become an appendix of governance working against the people ,hoarding vital information away from the people,and working with some disgruntled politicians in tarnishing the image of  their opponents before the general public. The media must live up to expectations in balancing their reportage for truth and professional integrity. The media has been awashed with several fake news that has caused a lot of political crisis and communal mayhem.the role of the media for the sustainability of practicing democracy can not be overemphasized.the ripple effects for poor reportage, is crisis at every sectors of our national lives.the penancia for unity,peace,good governance, religious stability, and uncontradicted actionable plans for nation development lies on quality media and reporting system.The media must began to implement those professional ethos that guides the media practices irrespective of our gender differences, religious affiliation, and party lines.the visions and the dream of our forebears must come first against that of our personal interest.all public office holders must be put in check while carrying out their oversight functions to bring to the public the areas where they erred and how allocated funds are been spent,how contracts are been awarded,and the process for democratic conducts within the place for their primary assignment if it falls within the convine of the law.

The media enterprise must purge themselves away with those corrupt elements with poor character and criminals that has invested a lot of hatred and negativity into the system. The media template for sincere reportage must be revamped and actively pursue our Nigeria dream.lack of character for the job as a media,violates the true intentions for nation building.the true tenets for a qualitative media, is to expedite actions unraveling the secret information of governance to the people when the said information is for the overall interest and benefits of the people.investigative journalism is no longer practiceable in our society .the media has literally jettison good media practices acceptable in the society and moved on to doing the unjust practices with apparent misconduct that has become the order of the day.the Nigeria union of journalist,is duty bond to move against it's members working selfishly with obnoxious politicians in bringing the media organization into potential disrepair .the media holds an essential roles in every applicable democracy with their conducts and deliberative opinions on various issues affecting the people and the society at large.the média shouldn't be biased in reporting national issues to favouring their constituent or ethnicity ,but to be neutral and present reports that carries the interest of Nigeria projects necessary for the development of the nation state.the primary constituent of all Nigeria,is Nigeria its self.therefore,we must all work in accordance with the responsibility for the overall benefits of the economy and pursue national unity and progress.the Nigeria media  has been gagged from speaking the truth and its unfolding events that would have benefited the society.poor media truncates the true quest for a participatory democracy with wide spread misinformation. The media have a significant role to play in reaching to out to all citizens including an ordinary people across the Nigeria state with useful and verifiable uniform information that brings about good governance and progressive democracy without retrogressions.the media need to stand firm in their convictions to bring to public domain on the vital information against those elements working against the unity and progress of the Nigeria state. The influence of the media to the people is paramount. Hate speech must be sanction against those that peddle hate while discharging their duties for national assignment .the anticipating Nigeria dream ,is a collective responsibility of all Nigerian with a resilient spirits working towards the part of nation building in our respective sectors.the media need to station a vible platform for effective communication between the government and the people for a profitable governance.

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