Sunday, 17 December 2023


 A country with a multifaceted belief system,will seriously have some divergence of opinions on national issues hence,the undying interest for  one nigerianess,is essential. Relatably, the inability of our leaders to galvanize our mineral resources to pursing quality leadership and accessible development at the various level of our national existence, can not be genuinely measured when it has to deal with our counterparts countries as south Africa and other countries within the Africa subregion in driving a profitable economy.the tendencies for an achievable economic growth and national development, rest upon the patriotic zeal of the ordinary citizens who oftentimes bears the severity of such pains caused through poor economic growth and leadership malfeasance.nation building is a unanimous will of the people contributing their quota in relation to offering a selfless service for national growth.the political ideologies of an average citizens of the Nigeria state,must not override our national interest in carrying out national assignment and working efficiently for the general interest of the average people in the society.the general problems of the nigeria state,is the Nigerians in its intireity therefore,we need to reel out short,medium, and long term plans for the solvability of our national problems with an undue shared responsibility and corrective mindset for solving those systemic errors in rephasing our trajectory from poor leadership to good leadership, undeveloment to a developed economy,and  failures to progress on consistent basis that will scale up a quality measurable growth of the economy.the average Nigerians, need to inculcate the spirit for nation building and sensitize families and friends to work exceedingly above our expectations for ensuring the agenda for nation building is duely achieved. It is inappropriate to be confortable with the poor realities of things in nigeria and the diminishing  of a good living standards  .political psychophancy which is dominary in our political system,are mostly exercised by the ordinary citizens whose ultimate objectives is  for  the enrichment of the stomock infrastructure which drives their poor public conducts and utterances before any public office holders in order to curry some kind of favors from the politicians. Overtime,the average Nigerians whose battered rights are irredeemable as well as reducibly to a street charlatans and organization of militias to opposing anti government protest.our economic dandrum is interpretedly related to the inability of the electorates to chosen public office holders that will deliberately working to better the lives of the average citizens.the average Nigerians with the penchant for collecting financial inducement from the politicians to voting against their conscience, must put this irrational behavior to an end ,and forge on with a conscious effort for electing good political leaders with  clear visions  for bettering the lives of the average isn't just about what we gain, but what sacrifice do we have to make for achieving our dream goals.the average citizens most work towards the awakening of our political consciousness  to demand for probity and accountable governance. The integrity of the Nation, is the people that makes up the nation state with a clearer view for a collective sense of directions. Our collective unity of purpose is priceless ,indescrimatory,and with a clear understanding of the advantage for a usable population that is capable of creating a viable market to grow our economy.

The power to stop electing inexperienced and unknowledgeable candidates into public offices, is the prerogative voting power of the electorates in determining the activeness of our traditional democracy.our common wealth can not be entrusted to the hands of those political criminals and sharp practicers whose primary purpose is for their personal concerns against the concerns of the people.the average Nigerians need to rise up and challenge those enemies of our national development that came together to officiate poverty,disunity, and corrupt practices against the people of the state through our collective will to vote them out of office and go back to defend our constitutional democracy .most interestingly, it is the weakness of the people that brings about weak institutions. Synonimously,Rule of law is like a media guides that navigate our social media behavior in checkmating hate speech,and preferable ethical public regulatory behavior.the average citizens need an enlightened mind that will light up the democratic sight of our  poor institutions. The political elite has made progress impossible in our society with a repository émergence for a faulty leadership and lack of a transparent governance. In the coming days,the situation will be destructive and will capture the full democratic voting power of the people and therefore, render it into a state of political oblivion and incapacitate prospective view of this,the average Nigerians will need to register and lodge their grievances against poor leadership through high profile incessant protest until our dream country is achieved. Pro democracy conveners need to redouble their efforts in gathering the people to bring to them on the modalities to adopt as a people in fighting against insecurity, poor leadership, ethnic disharmonies and inequitable distribution of justice from our legal jurisprudence.

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