Tuesday, 19 December 2023


 Leadership is the science of a structural instrument of behavior used in leading the people.leadership is essentially focused with accurate planning methods and its robust executions of those procedural planned actions into  a workable actualizations.leadership is a product of the people.the essence of leadership,is to lead the people and outline the prospect to how the lives of the people should be better of.leadership gives some plurality for  allowance of the peoples diverse opinions for the overall benefits of the larger society. Leadership does not exist in a vacuum but, a duely occupied position of a certain personality saddled with the responsibility to exercise a leadership role in providing  growth and development of the society.it is inconceivable for any leader who is saddled with the responsibility for providing practicable leadership to the people ,now seat back and relaxed in their comfort zone and watch his people wallowing for under development, lack of portable water,insecurity,  and other benefits that sound leadership should have benefited the people.according to Clifford.n.igwe (2017)"defines leadership, as the capacity to lead,direct,guide,super head,supervised, pilot,and galvanized the people to having a clearer visions of the present and the future of how a better society are governed".since peace is relative,it there means that ,the peaceful coexistence of the people,is a clear significant réflex actions of a visionary  leadership to the people. It is a common knowledge to say that,Every responsible leadership, is a prompt responsive leadership that see,s and listen to the viable opinions of the général public in giving out their perceptions and opinions to the present governance in solving the ultimate challenges and plight of the people.i retraite, no sound leadership in absentia provides quality leadership .in solving a problem,the problem solver need to first and foremost empathize with the affectent by placing himself in the position of those with the problem before he can solve those problem.if the problem solver goes into solving those problem with the primary mindset of extortion of the people through the lingering problem,such problem can never be solved in its totality but temporarily. The enforceability for a planned good governance, goes with a huge sacrifice between the leaders and the leads coming together to expressively determined to achieving a better society where the people endorses the policies of government that comes with achieving a painstaking developmental plans.bad policies in leadership is irretrievable if the leaders of the people has a totalitarian tendencies to all issues.the résolution for achieving the undue plans of the larger society, is to trash out those leaders with the practicing tendencies for totalitarianism functioning under the disguised for democracy.leadership is a temporal power vested on the people with unique ability for the protection of lives and property and consolidation of a viable economy. The interest of the people overtakes the interest of the public elected leaders doing the bidding of the people over his personal ambitions.the primary objectives for leadership is effectual leadership at all levels.some of the defects found in our leadership ,is the poor perspective for real governance, arrogance, and flagrant disregard for the rule of law.if we look at the prognosis of the nigeria leadership,it becomes crystalline to say that, the structural qualitative leadership and its conceptualism ,will continue to debilitate in the nearest future until those that are saddled with the responsibility intoned enviromental expirence in pursuing this democracy with our piacularities under the pavilions for a certified traditional democracy where the provisions for people's behavior becomes an epic centre for real governance.

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