Tuesday, 12 December 2023


 The role of the security apparatus in maintaining laws and orders for a relatively peaceful coexistence,is sacrosanct and undebatable. The security agencies who  are saddled with the responsibility   for maintaing peace and tranquillity within our immediate environment as well as consistently protect and defend the territoral  boundaries of the nation state.in carrying out this clear cut of  obligatory responsibility ,the armedforces must be civil,and protect human right as well as avoid any forms of extra-judiciial killing of the unarmed civilians.the security agencies are duty bond to working within the convined of the constitutionality of the law which is supreme and sacred to all citizens of the nation state.overtime, we have watched amazingly in a full broad day light where the armed personnel who are saddled with the responsibility to protect human lives and property ,now discharging their duties with gross misconduct ,arrogant, impunity, and total disregard for upholding human right and its tenets.the democratization of every nation state,is vested on those whose core duty,is to enforce the law without undue interference whatsoever.the security agencies, need to work effortlessly with their share collective responsibility to fighting crime and working towards a crime free society. Over the years,our security agencies has been unable to manage crime offenders by reducing crime to a nearest minimum due to the fact that,they fight crime with kid glove and become huge prime beneficiary for those illicit crime.A law enforcement agent with the poor knowledge for fighting modern crime,is an affront to his profession as such,can not adequately discharge his duty for the benefit of the society. There are various tools bywhich law enforcement agencies uses in fighting modern crime which are:

(1)modern equipment.

(2)intelligence gathering. And

(3)the character of the crime fighter.

The problem associated with the incessant crime committed by those criminal elements regarded as outlaw,is because, the law enforcement agents abates those crime and subsequently used them as an undue advantage to enrich themselves against their core mandate.nigeria as a country will continue to witness all forms of crime in our society if proper measures are not drastically taken by the law enforcer for curtailing this menace of corruption to an abrupt end.reasons and vital component that elicits financial crime,is the insatiable desire for wealth and material acquisition. Poverty is an unwanted guest .remarkably many people do not feel comfortable accommodating it which oftentimes ,drives them into financial crime to facilitating their way into wealth and riches for a better living conditions.fascinatingly, the overt society is the product of our donations and deposits.whatever we deposit to the society, we get back in its manifolds.therefore,the high-level of crime and its proliferation across all sectors of the economy, is a proven testament to say that, our security agencies are evidently weak and docile for working towards providing a saner society.we as a country can never become united until we begin to look ourselves on the face and collectively fight this issues of mal-logement of leadership at all sectors.citizens shouldn't be given the authority to serve our country out of ethnic bias or political considerations when it is clearly visible that ,such person is unfit for leadership.we have equally observed that,employment at the various armed forces department, where done in contrast with ethnic and religious sentiment. We have lost it as a nation from the inception of the 1914 amalgamation where our real nationalists lack the decorum to unity us as one indivisible entity but apparently puts the country into religious and ethnographic lines which has brought the country  practicing illegality, and poor development as a nation.Every law enforcement agents,must be subservient to the people and uphold the supremacy of the sacredness of our Constitution against working with any political godfather who unapologetically are working against the people of the state.lawless and crime overwhelmingly ,is overtaking our well trained armedforces due to corruption that is now making that sector unimpressively ineffective for the general security of the people.I see a nigeria of our dream where every law enforcement agents will fight crime with a strong resilience and bringing every offenders of the law to face the consequences of his action to serve as a deterrent to other citizens of the state.A nigeria dream where crime fighters will no longer segregate of which geographical region crime must be fought and not fought for.A dream country where bail will be free for all citizens without bias.A dream country where police road block will be strictly to protect lives and property as well as checkmate high profile level of crime and not to use same check -point to extort road users and commuters from their hardearned money.A dream state where crime suspect will not be paraded on the media without court convicting the crime suspect.A dream state where innocent citizens will not be arrested for the crime they know nothing about.A dream country where all the security agents will no longer see themselves as superior against the citizens of the state.A dream country where security agent will have a good communication skills to relate with the citizens with love and loyalty at the cause of duty .A dream country where security agents will no longer be used by the politicians to dislodge and violate the rights of the innocent Nigerians engaged in a lawful assemblies(protesters)A dream country where intelligent gathering will become a collaborative efforts between the security agencies and the citizens with sincerity of purpose.A dream country where there is no shortage of police to governing the tremendous growth of the citizens.A dream country where freedom of movement is lawfully and police will dutifully undercover their protections as law abiding citizens.conclusively, A dream state where police is truly the friend to all the citizens without discrimination whatsoever.

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