Sunday, 3 December 2023


History is synonimous with folktales. A folktale however, is a story of an events which took place in the past and been presented to the younger generstions. History, is a transmision of both the pleasant and the unpleasant events that took place in the past from one generations to another to broading our imtellectualities, Cultural, institution, and belief -identity consciousness of the people. History is oftentimes striking to the past which the present conveys. without the present, the past is unattainable. in solving the overt problem of every nation, we need to take into cognizance the imparativeness of the super- present in avoiding  unpleasant history. nigeria as a country, now functioning as a nation without national history. moving forward into applicable progressivism, we must first of all begin to reintroduce history into our school curriculum for  proper reference viability that gives such historical events a factfinding ground to ascertain factualities that accompany such tales. nigeria as a country can not drop its shadow out of fear of divisions and arbitrary misinterpretation of the ontological truth. A country without history is dead and irredeemable.idealy, if indeed we are scared of assembling our history out of fear of resounating discord and pogroms which took place in the past, then we need not to repeat those unwanted events that has devulve some secret to some part of our dear nation now seriously using that to creating an atmosphere for soccession to dismember our unity. History must be learnt and be told in our various schools to furnish the younger generations on the abberiations of  behaviour that has led to such an aged long blistering pain and hardship to the good people of nigeria. we need to be more interested in rebuilding our country with truth not lies, sincerity not betrayals, genuiness not double standard, originalities not fakery, reconcilations not segregation, equity not disfranchisement, love not hatred, and modalities that will collectively marshal out a good plans as a useful vehicle that will bring every part of the country for a united forefront for national development and its achievable plans for the attainability of the nigeria dreams. our dear country is fast losing her core value sytem due to unpreceedented poor history and disunified tales. inadvertently, our corrosive force for national unification structure is fast eroding as well as creating mayhem and street orchins fighting against the nigerian state. mending national issue with clear understanding of the nigeria diversities in our cultural heritage, religious practices, and regional differences, is to be given an extreme anticipatory credence. History can only bind us together as one indivisible emtity ,when such history connotes some elementary facts and truth, as well as providing a solid ground for Ameliorating those areas where people of the nigeria state are embittered towards the federal government. it is important to state, many nigeria young generation youths, are been devoid of the real and truthful history of the past . Nigeria youths, are been brainwashed by the older generation whose core interest is to create discord against the nigeria state . this misguided and misinformed youths, now goes about the business of the nigeria project with much egoistic mindset of some sort ,as the number one citizens of the nigeria state. look, what poor history does to people's mind, is gross public misconduct and poor adherence in the pursuit of the nigeria unity and and progress. poor history gives an adequate allowance for arnarchy and marr our great aspirations for economic growth. A poor history associated with agony and hateful tales, reduces the tendencies for producing a good citizens. the nigeria state is under a serious threat with the concurrent happenings of situational ugly events that is practically setting a poor preceedent and eating up our unity and purposeful existence. look, it is in our wisdom we collectively come together to reinsert history into our eductions to be able to equip the younger generations of the past happenings that are yet unresolved. as such, it has become a reoccurence decimal with negative anticidence. people must be told with some narations that will enhance our moral standard as a people ,as well as pacify to solving those aged long history with development deficits. good and qualitative history, transmit good behavour to the people in reorganizeing ourselves working towards the path of national development. 

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