Thursday 21 December 2023


 Leadership is an enabler for a collective unity of any nation,it lies on the behavior of the personality of the elite and that of the common citizens working assiduously towards the part of unity and its unprecedented pursuit for national development.this collective pursuit for peace and unity,is an unmistakable desire of the citizens who mean well for the relative valued peace of the society. Writably,the general aspirations of the people, is to ensuring that ,there is a relaxable atmosphere for the business community, workers,students,and the general public. Unity of the people does come under an intensed environment where hate speeches, religious  intolerance,and an intriguing ethnic distrust  realm supreme. Puffiness of the political elite who believed they can do anything against the poor and possibly get away with their defiant act without been assuaged through the court which the oppressed or the common man seeks for a redress  and true justice.the issues pertaining unity,is created by the government and the public office holders looking at every citizens as one Nigeria irrespective of our differences and working towards a galvanic ventures in bringing all Nigerians to functioning as  one single indivisible entity. If government at all level is committed to the unity of Nigerians unity with a wider spread of neutrality when it comes to settling personal or communal issues of the people.governance at all level,provides a solid avenue for the unity of the people through  zero tolerance for ethnic segregation and religious violence which oftentimes, has crippled the Faith of the common citizens seen themselves as one.we need to come together to renegotiate our coexistence and pacify to ameliorating the meddlesome interlopers against our unity and peaceful conducts ,which has distorted our nascent democracy and its legitimate efforts for our meaningful collective bargain.unity is Synonimous with national character. Our national character is a deposition of unity and that of disunity. Hence,when there is a tremendous achievement of a good character from those that leads the people,those citizens with bad character working towards attacking national development ,there will be a thorough discountenance  from working towards national disunity and join hands to working for the unity of the people and her progress. What this means is that,the character and the integrity of our leaders, plays a huge role in the lives of the people in fashioning out an emulative  displayed characters of their leaders and begin to see them as a good role model in the society which is culpable of cushioning the effect of disunity. our leaders should purge themselves from making inflammatory statements capable of causing national unrest and disunity.the behavior of the leader working in a detribalized manner while discharging national duty,accelerates development as well as giving birth for a good citizenship.

Unity is an immeasurable formidable force for nation growth. No responsible governance plays with the unity of the people he governs .reasons been that,the general unity of the people is capable of combating crime,as well as fishing out those bad elements and reporting them to the appropriate law enforcement agencies to apprehending the saddened my heart when people shade crime offenders simply because, such crime offenders comes from a certain geographical region which portend a serious signal that threatened our coexistence.ilegalities can only stand when the common people accepts and defend illegality out of selfish interest and ethnic inclinations.if the common people position themselves in taking full charge of our democratic governance which deals excellently with the people,our society will have a relative peace and its yielding development we all deserves.instructively, we need to begin to encourage peace in every areas of our national lives which should be demonstrative to funnel a strategic developmental giant strides for nation building.we need to saturates our economic sectors with young brain that has entrepreneural skills and creative mindsets to stimulate our dying economy.unity is not only a yardstick for progress,but an avenue for achieving a sustainable economic growth and working towards the original master plans of our founding fathers.every citizens of nigeria,need to reconceptualize the primary core objectives for accepting a democratic governance and work gallantly to ensuring that principles of democracy must be enshrined in our collective character in order to respect the rights of others in capturing the true authentic ambassadors for our practicing democracy. If nigeria as a country is disunited, we must be held accountable for our failure to bringing every body together to fuction inseparably as one nation,one people,and one color.the way and manner we use sentiment in analyzing the political happening in the polity,is heart bleeding and condemnable.our collective unity is  strength. Disunity is crisis and a product of poor character that marr observable growth and development.

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the ñominees above,are personalities that has done exceptionally well in their areas of endeavours as well as impacted immensely to the grow...