Sunday, 10 December 2023


 Education is always in the business of restructuring of the human mind to effectively function more better for the changing dynamics of the society. Education is the process of remolding the mind from timidity versus civilization, poor perception versus sound ideologies,and low self concept ,versus  the realization of a holistic self identities.the realization of self conscious thinking,engenders personal and national development. It gives rise to the understanding of the society and its robust innovations.the human mind is convoluted with various thinking pattern of some sorts ,but redirected to function productively through the existing knowledge acquired through academic is like a set of conflicting emotions where ones emotional intelligence taking full charge of how people's behavior are channeled.the clear essence for all things, lies in its purpose and its objectives benefits it offers.nothing is ever something without human turning nothingness to somethingness.the evidence of a good product,is the usefulness of the product.development comes in two phases which is either in growth or in structures.A nation can rapidly grow in size yet underdeveloped in structures.structural development plays an essential roles for nation building. Structures undeniably,controls national growth in size but,the size of the national growth lacks the will power to control structures. Structural development,encapsulates effective institutions, good behavior, National character with strict demostratable adherence for the rule of law,and providing dividends of democracy to the people.while development in terms of growth, creates uncontrollable citizens,criminalities,and government inability to cater for the entire people of the state.Nigeria as a nation state ,is a place where the unjust becomes extremely rich and oppressive.the educated ones in our insane society, evidently now becoming more impoverished due to lack of job employment even with their excellent academic degree.from my findings,out of 250 million population of Nigeria,the uneducated ones in our society are more richer than the educated citizens.the rich school dropped out,occupied 20 percent of the affluent people in the society, the educated rich citizens, occupied only 5 percent of the affluent citizens in our insane society, the educated -graduate rich citizens occupied 3 percent of the entire population ,and the poor citizens occupied 82 percent which comprises both the educated and non educated citizens.with the above comprehensive analysis, it becomes glaringly unopposed to say that ,Nigeria as a country is completely domicile and  prone for unerasable crisis.the perception of the average Nigerians, is that education is nothing but a scan, a joke,and unviable institution.For the minds of the average Nigerians,academic pursuit, is a clear waste of participatory ventures with the poor result for anticipatory success.hence,they perceived education as waste of material time that ought to have been used in pursuing financial success. The life of the educated ones in our insane society, is riddled with poverty,joblessness, and unproductive to the families and the society at large.Nigeria is a country known as the survival of the fittest where a larger junk of the academic illiterate citizens are living in an unexplainable affluence against those citizens who sacrifices their material time to pass through the foreword of eduction. Look,when an illiterate controls the economy, people will surely suffer for oppression and abject poverty with penury.The failure of government looking at the living standards of those who are graduate yet no job, is what is seriously driven some of the graduates going into conscious crime without prejudice.should the government continue to follow the part of bad leadership without looking inward to reapplying real method of governance that will better the lives of the people and its fulfilment of her aspirations, the Nigeria state will debilitate to a state where crime will become unavoidable for the survival of the soul.this debacles of ineptitude in policy formation,is causing an immeasurable pathway for a crime awarded economy.knowledge is not just a power to the citizens, but also a weapon used to changing nothing for something.academic knowledge refind the human mind to distinguish between good and bad.I see a Nigeria where pragmatism will become our watchdogs while carrying out national assignment against irreparable articulations.

Broad and growing economy are harmonized by patriotic economic experts with sound minds coming together to collectively contribute their wealth of knowledge and experience for a tremendous economic growth in achieving a dream economy.A narrow economy will produce nothing other than a narrow minded leaders with poor ideas for diversification.we can not continue to overlooked the important contribution of the teeming unemployed graduates in our society with the intellectual will to necessitate a deliverable meaningful development that will birth the Nigeria of our dream.we need to provide grants for all the creative graduates with no job to invest into their creative dreams and create job employment for those employable Nigerians.

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