Monday, 4 December 2023


Definition of education: Education is the process of all educative activities through conscious teaching and learning method of transmission of career ,vocation,and professional existing knowledge from the teachers to the learners.

Education is a procedural method of learning.This teaching and learning method,could come through formal or informal teaching  learning methodologies. But for this purpose,we shall deduce our intellectual capabilities to focus more on formal eduction which is the primary objectives for this discussable topic.

In light of this,we shall briefly stretch our intellectual jurisdiction in looking at the informal education which is domesticated with the Nigeria culture.

Education absolutely, can  not fuction effectively without involving people's culture. Cultural practices is part of education.if the above statement is an authentic verifiable truth,it means,culture is the cradle for all formal eduction.learning begins the moment a child is born into the world through the child's biological parents or guidance which form the basis for every informal learnable activities of the child which is holistically embedded by the culture of that environment such child is born.

The child learns from the behavior of the parents through sight and hearing techniques even at the age of one.this learning abilities didn't come through formal education but an informal education organized through the cultural practice of the child's immediate society (family).Now,as the child grows older,the child tries to distinguish between those practice of behavior learned through formal education and informal education in accepting the behavior best suites for him and grow with the behavior into adulthood.

In view of this,it becomes cumbersomic extracting away completely the informal learned behavior of the child associated with the culture  in the name of inculcating a new formal learning to the mind.

The human mind is already cultural before birth.since the formation of the child is from a dual source ,which comes from the average 46 chromosome of the both parents and the child becomes a product of the father's DNA,it means,if the father carries the behavior influenced through his cultural upbringing, that child that carries his DNA,will also be part of that cultural behavior even at the conceptual stage .this becomes a knowledgeable facts since no child was formed in its self.our efforts to introducing western education is a welcome idea that channels our collective energy into a more civilized and modern society hence,this mustn't dryclean our existing cultural practices away out of huge ignorance of the significant effect of our cultural heritage to matching with the western education and modernities.

Yes,we all need modern eduction yet ,we must not misplace our priorities using western education against our cultural practices that is capable to unify and strengthen our collective cultural character for sound moralities and underlined  purified divinities.

Now let's have a clear peep at the formal eduction.

Formal educational system is nothing but an advanced system of education drew from the informal eduction.Formal education is an investment of grater opportunities in maximizing our ultimate potentials in creating a kind of society modified by the people in the overt society.formal eduction offers us useful advantage to hyness our national resources to consolidate development of the society.glaringly, the credibility of the western education can not be overemphasized. There is a high-level of human consciousness through formal education.the tendencies for working within the armpits of the laws which  oftentimes is in the front burner,controls the human behavior to be civil and adopts proper developmental pursuits.the relevant perspective of formal education restructure our ideologies for an effective communication with the international society in attracting modern development.

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