Thursday, 27 February 2020

signs to know ur possessed by obanje spirit"by cliffdboss.

Spiritual life, superside our physical life. In the realm of the spirit, the spiritual controls the physical. When ur spirituality is been bastardized by the enemies, u became porus to challenges and obstacles occasioned by the enemy. Dear friends, the only devil we all are in search of as well as cast and binding every now and then, is with us. Therefore, search no further but look around us and u will find the real devil. For most of us who are highly Christianized therefore ,deducting our spiritual traditional knowledge into a mere shopistry and illusion believing strongly,  some of this spirit are not in existence within our locales. Dear friends, plz beam up ur search light and u will see either ur the one been possessed or someone very closed to u. Obanje spirit has been in existence from time imemorial. Every body born of a woman is possessed in one way or the other. But the ontological question is, what type of spirit that possessed ur mortal body? As for me cliffdboss, am been possessed by the Holy Spirit that's while I bring u this piece of information through my easy. Life is not just a mirage, but a carefully designed ediface where one chooses on how to live with it. The decision to choose where we should all be, rest upon our custody. We are directly or indirectly incharge of how our lives should become.the design of human lives is full of ups and down. But the ability to surmount those myraids of challenges and forge ahead, is in our decisions. Many believed obanje spirit never existed yet they are been destroyed by this same spirit. Look let me tell u. A man who refuses to examine himself before arriving at a concrete placement of his self imagery, is just a mere child whose brain development Is still at the pre-natal stage. Once upon a time, cliffdboss who is a movie producer, gathered all his production crew members, Was in Asaba delta state in 2010 to shoot a movie where our lead actress was meant to assume the position of a tormented possessed lady with marine spirit. We got to the river and asked her to assume her movie role. Undoubtedly, she was doing a great interpretation of her movie role. But to our astonishment, she possessively jumped into the river. It took our dilvers some time to fetch her out from the river. Later we realized she was fantastically possessed by marine spirit before she assumed her movie role. We had to hire a strong habalist who revived her to normalty. Look, some of this things are real. Do not let any body deceive u as if such things or events  are superstitious belief!that pretty possessed actress would have gone if not for the quick interventions of those that knows how to handle her problems . Even some of our pastors wife that tells u those things are unreal, are possessed by the same obanje spirit or marine spirit!and their husbands knows about it.
The signs to know if ur possessed by obanje spirit are as follows;
(1)those possessed with obanje Spirit are usually extremely beautiful.
(2)those possessed with obanje spirit are generally loved by people even when their character is nothing to write home about.
(3)those possessed with obanje spirit are scared of nothing. Everything scare them.
(4)those possessed with obanje spirit often get favoured from people even when progress looks impossible for others. And
(5)those possessed with obanje spirit do not last on earth, they usually die untimely at their youthful age especially when their vision or dreams is about to come through.
This is just my opinion! Plz don't take it too personal! Life is a beautiful thing! No long thing.
My name is cliffdboss. A prolific writer, motivation speaker, event Mc, exponent of political psychology, author of "introduction to political psychology, and the man blessed with so much knowledge and wisdom. Title given to me by my fans across the globe. For some of u who had made me received torrent of messages on my mail box, asking for this topic, I hope it goes well with u as u read and digest this unavoidable topic u demanded for. I love u all. For more info.

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re many nigerians are hypocritical in their behaviours as such,shouldn't be taking serious when it comes to comenting  on national issue...