Saturday, 30 December 2023


 In  legal jurisprudence, plethora of undebatable evidence,remain supreme and irremovable against that of the selfish adoption for technicalities that has rendered the overall intergrity of the judicial Institution into a state of lawlessness and total flagrant disobedient for judicial rules and regulations which guidelines,has established professional ethical conducts explicitly which should have exhumed some justifiable judgement that can taste the sand of time.the power for having a saner society where lawlessness can be reduced in pursuance

 for good citizenship and its existential growth of the economy becomes paramount. We must never forget hurriedly how some miscreants invaded the judicial precinct ,beats up judges,and voluntarily destroyed properties due to inability of the judges to delivering sound judgement that is inline with the supremacy with the drafted Constitution.look,technicality, is a product of corrupt practices, and must not be condole in any format.the practicabilities for  legal precedence that has made an inroad provision for a justifiable judgements that is fair and justiceable ,must not be jettison by the judges who uphold poor judicial practices with poor conscience employability for technicalities over evidenitialities.once any segment or subsection of the constitution has made it unambiguous for the interpretation of the law,the tendencies for  such admissible technicalities, becomes irrational, parochial, and partisanship  which is capable for driving Acrimonies as well as setting a poor judicial precedence that ingroup sharp practices into the judicial system of governance. The actionability for a qualifiable visible democracy, is the propelling power of the judiciary ensuring rule of laws,and total compliance to the regulatory constitution that channel citizens behavior to having a clearer consciousness of the laws and its penalty for defaulters is duly and professionally upheld.nigeria judiciary has arrogantly dashed the exercisable right and hope of the common man in the society into irreconcilable hopelessness and poor belief system for a discriminatory justice.if the constitutional provisions for interpreting our laws is disregarded and disrespected,then why are we making the laws in the first place?since the materiality for judgment (constitution)has become useless and unuseful for  any judges to interpret and render a deliverable judgement with a strict compliance of the constitution, it means that,our national house of assemblies is docile,irresponsible, and contradictory with their core mandate which is to make laws for the plurality of justice to all the citizens irrespective of our social stratification and gender disparities.

Our judiciary must work and discharge their duties with due diligence that fashion a world class best legal practices without political interference or selfish gains.the democratic tenets which lays strong emphasis for insulpation of power ,can not be overemphasized. The tendencies for the other arms of the government having a strong overbearing influence over some arms of government with an equal democratic power for carrying out their oversight responsibility, is insupportable and portend serious danger for a sustainable democracy.the judiciary must not have the tendencies for  beneficial interest before a superlative judgement can be delivered to the people.several factors that has incapacitated good judgment ,is,ethnicity, religious affiliation, and corrupt practices. If the judiciary can purge themselves away from this legal abberations ,the sanity of the judiciary will be restored and pursue best legal practices that revitalized the overall interest of the people over personal satisfactory gains.the characters of our legal luminaries is engraved with the above factors over service for nation building. The judiciary must understand that, the legal profession is not an avenue to compete with the aflent people in the society for wealth and material possession ,but to primarily render a selfless service for nation building which however is the core mandate bestowed on every citizens of the Nigeria state.the judiciary has become oppressive to the common citizens through inappropriate judgement that is arbitrarily out of line with the constitution. The judiciary have alot of legal baggage that demand somewhat a total form of reconstruction that will instill selfless services and tendencies for a relatable judgement with an undisputable legal precedence .it is a common knowledge to say,poor legal judgement stressed up true democratic practices as well as disassemble quality applicable democracy.the higher demand for good judgement, is on the higher increase from the people who are shortchanged with the dividends of democracy due to judgements that lacks human face.the legal institution ,must give fair hearing for both the defendant and the prosecutors. The institution need a space to make an introspection on the areas where the legal profession will become viable for bringing real traditional democracy into the system for an  enabling environment to be created for the people to freely and delightfully feels the impact of our practicing democracy.judicial rascality must be put to an end to enable the people thriving collectively for the good prospects of our democratic governance. People becomes conscious of the law when enforceabilities for punishing offenders of the law ,is unselective and blind to recognize class or status.

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