Thursday, 14 December 2023


 Nigeria problem is a general problem caused by all nigerians that intentionally refused to working towards ameliorating the myriads of challenges and then sitts back watching the roit  system continued to degenerate into an irreparable damage..nigeria problem is a serious problem that do not only affecting the nigeria state,but traditionally affecting the entire African continent with bad governance,corruption,and poor adminstration of justice.similarly,the business men and women,have a strong role to play in achieving our dream nation.the problem with nigerians,is that people do no longer care to demonstrate national behavior in contributing to the growth of the single nigerian should be exonerate for the unsmooth functioning of the entire system.the business community has failed the nigeria state due to selfishness ,greed,and poor knowledge for stability of goods and services to the people.the business community are worst than the public office holders with their escapede for insatiable riches.most disturbingly, the business community causing high level of inflation against the people in the areas of  purchasable items without regulations, yet reduces the quality and quantity of their product making the people to believing that dollar hike in price is the original caused for the astronomical increment.the business community holds it as a duty to coming together in combating this high cost of goods that has occasioned severe hardship to the nigeria populace to enable them purchase goods at an affordable price through robust partnership with some interesting international organizations working towards poverty alleviation to assist in that regards to subsidize prices of goods and services. The nigeria business community are wicked and they lack the strength to establish genuine customers relationship .An average nigeria business person,always seeking for a little opportunity for a hike in petroleum price and dollar hike against naira which in turns,enables the nigeria business community to employ their collective will to take advantage of the nigeria citizens to enrich themselves. For the average nigeria business man and his theory,whatever that goes up or higher, can never be brought down no matter the changes or development that comes post -dollar or fuel hike.Government at all level must take this issues seriously and Swift promptly to arresting this ugly trend through setting up a taskforce committee to generally checkmate the ex cesses of the business community that compressés the good living conditions of the people to a nightmarish conditions of is incubent on the leaders of the (SON) whose obligatory responsibility is now a cancerous sensation to the people with their level of maladministration and fréquent flow of corruption that has characterized the (SON) organization.
The true standard of living is related to the things we purchase in the market for our basic necessities if it commensurate with the average monthly income of our civil servants in the society .the turbulent market for affordable stability of price of goods,is worrisome and catastrophic to the people of the général public. A disorganized government,is a disorganized society where rule of law is no longer attainable. People act accordingly in respect to their emotions and personal wishes above the spelt  out rules that governs the society.good leadership is of the people, and of the people alone not of the animals therefore,we need to assimilate this ideologies into our minds and understand that good governance comes from the people been governed and not from the animals.As such,we must work actively with the renewals of our minds to consciously  providing the type of a dream nation we so aspired for.we must not be récalcitrants in pursing our collective growth and development of our dear dream country nigeria to bequeathed a prosperous nation where our next generation will be proud of ,and sustain the gains made before them.the nigeria business community need to reconfigure their mind in working towards a dream economy. Nigeria business community has commercialized corruption as well as intercepts a free flows  of a quality affordable products for the people. The leadership of the trade unions congress has impoverished the people of nigeria than the government has done in the last years of our democratic dispensation.our pure interest for the acceleration of  our national growth and to stimulate economic viabilities is efficacious as well as a good reward for a collective bargaining.impressively, our young entrepreneurs are gradually moving away from our old entrepreneurs sense of doing business in our society that practically monopolies their business and inflicted pains on the people through high inflation of  goods at the expense of the people.our new generation business men ,are seriously doing a lot of community services and youth empowerment as an avenue to giving back to the society who constitutes the larger consumers of their products.this is commendable and must be be use as a strong criterion for receiving national honor for their immense contribution for the growth of the economy. We looking forward to seen our nigeria dream where price inflation will drastically be reduced the moment the cause of the high inflation has been stabilized to normalcy.A dream economy where  cost of purchasing food item will be uniform ,depending on the environment where those products are sold. A dream economy where those that goes around creating artificial scarcities of purchasing item or goods will be sanction in accordance with the law.A dream economy where government agencies shall create a conducive business environment for the business community to thrive and contribute their quota for economic diversification and measurable growth.

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