Wednesday, 6 December 2023


 Education is a right giving to every citizens that constitute members of the society. Education is not a gift giving to any child but an important assets giving to that child for working in tandem with the core development plans and aspirations of the nation state towards contributing immensely for the overall benefits of the larger society.Education is a gateway for nation somewhat,reconstruct our mind to function in accordance with the consciousness of the law as well as working towards upholding the law in a higher esteemed. Since every law made or enacted, needs a proper interpretation for the benefit of the people. It is the clear interpretation of the law that makes the law popular and  respected even at the grassroots ,the question is,how do we interprète our national or constitutional laws to the less educated citizen living in a remote rural areas to coming to terms with the significant purpose of why those laws are made.are this laws transmitted to the less educated citizens in a language they best understood?now this is where eduction comes in. Once the human mind is properly trained through the foreword of eduction,the human mind becomes covertly conscious of the happenings of the unfolding events in our immediate environment. Realistically, once the human mind has become conscious of a certain institutions, it creates a core responsibility in its self in contributing with an enormous effort to making a significant change where the carrier of the human mind felt shortchanged.the human mind according to Clifford.n.igwe (2017)"is a garage of behavior that contains both conditioned and unconditioned behavior "what this implies, is that ,the human mind is subject for training and modification depending on what we water the human mind to achieve. The human mind,is always controversal and complicated however,proper training give some level of credibility to the mind and create an apparent form of a huge confidence for stability and thereafter, working towards achieving its core assigned mandate.the parameters by which the mind functions, is like a conflicting set of approach to things which oftentimes variés .fundamentally, the human mind isn't hindered with nothing but with innate or natural behavior term as a followcome behavior from birth.though there could be disparity of standards with those natural behavior yet,trainable to forming a collective character for nation building. Education helps the human mind to re-direct those behavioral anormalités that are in the conflict with national development and efficiently consolidate with the progress made.

Education is predominantly training of the human mind not training of the society. The human mind train the society and fashion the direction in which the society swung. All developing nation must prioritize more interest to training of the human mind to avoid producing terrible citizens that dismembered peace and progress away from our once existing peaceful environment.Nigeria government have a duty in this regard without been insensitive to the decaying nature of our educational system.Education must be made accessible to all citizens irrespective of our socio strata's through subsidizing the high cost of our educational system for the less privilege.poor educational system,produces half bath graduates  and unproductive is expedient, our annual budgetary allocation in the education sectors to improve drastically above other sectors. It is time we start thinking on how to inject funds into our educational infrastructure to make learning conducive for the teacher and the learners. Paucity of funds,improves high level of corruption in the educational sector as well as consistently negates our core educational values and poor narratives that associates our eduction where lecturers and students portraying the image of the nation into bad every nation,Government takes a comprehensive approach tackling educational deficits and providing worktable solution frameworks for a qualitative education for the people. There is no flimsy excuse for failure but the capacity to identify areas where you misfired with ineptitude and providing corrective measures to fixing them.A country that celebrates mediocrity over morality, is set for a doom.we need to accord some significant values to our eduction and making it actively viable above every sectors of the economy. Education illicites good character personification and providing innovative minds that streamline national development. Give the child proper education, illegality and leadership failure will be reduced to the bearest minimum. What excercebate problem ,is lack of proper education to solving those problems.afterall,the true essence for education, is to solving the immediate problem of the society.toxic educational institutions, produce toxic citizens.we need to concentration collectively in achieving a quality education for the people.

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