Thursday, 27 August 2020

Game politicians plays"cliff dboss"

 Politics they say" is a game. In every game, there must be a winning team.  the success of any winning team, goes with unity and sincerity of purpose. 

Every politicians is desperate. 

The desperation in the  minds of  every politicians, can not be over emphasize. 

Every politics, is local. The locality found in the political arena, goes with the strength of popularity any politicians records across political and religious divide. Many politicians are seeking for publicity, but undermining personal reputations and how it affect the future generation. The question is this, what type of publicity capable for aiding any politicians win elections? What direction can such publicity from a politician drive him to? And how does the populace perceived such publicity stunt pull by any politicians?  reasonable or a political ironic behavior in winning any election? 

Atleast, we have seem and observed how numerious politicians deceived her electorates during electioneering campaign. Many, went as low as eating roasted corn on the street. Many, have been seeing eating in a local food vendors as an antics to buy the heart of his electorates. Now, the questions is, why are they displaying such a deceptive behavior to their gullible electorates? and why is  this deceptive behavior comes seasonal only when election is fast approaching? 

Where did we the electorates gone wrong to received such a deceptive and Carlos  attitude from our present crops of politicians? 

The major problem affecting the electorates from taken a wise decision in choosing who governs them, is poverty and patry education. 

Now let's look at poverty:poverty is a serious maladies that is capable of crippling a tiny productive society. Do u agree with me that poverty can make a man do the unthinkable when his predicament becomes out of control? Poverty can also make a poor man become stupidly loyal to his pay master to the extent he can ask him to kill anyone opposed to his ambition?  and such a poor man will adhere to such instructions and carry out such an umbomenable act? Our politicians understands  the power of poverty and how it controls the behavior of her electorates, they used it against the electorates in winning elections through what they called stomach infrastructure. What a nonsense. I had tirelessly carried out a modern research to find out if such stomach infrastructure used by our politicians, of such is also applicable in some of the democratic nations across the globe! Dear friends, we must fight poverty in our society if we must elect good leaders. Look, a poor man is like a blind man, deaf, powerless, and one suffering from speech impairment. A poor man knows what to say, because he is poor, his voice are never heard. A poor man see, s the right thing to do, but chooses to follow the wrong direction because he lacks the abilities to direct himself to the future. As such, he needs someone to sustained his today before he talks about the future. A poor man, hears when the music of war, crisis, poor leadership, and public outcry for a change of leadership. Yet, he joins hand with his oppressors to counter any viable protest by well meaning Nigerians just because he has been offered a cup of rice.. A poor nation, with huge numbers of poor citizens, is a retrogressive nation where growth and development becomes minimal Insteaad of rapid growth

Poverty, creates room for crimes and all forms of social vices. Our insecurity challenges will continue to overpower us if we all see nothing good in tackling our core challenges which is poverty. A country where middle class has vsnished like a vapor in the air, will continue to go behind other committee of nations in championing social development goals. Should we continue to allow our political class deceive us with their political gimmick any time they are approaching electioneering period? this is un-nationalistic approach, deceptive, repugnacy, illed behavior, disAffectoonate, and carlosly idiotic from our so called political class. 

Poor education :this is another tools employed by our employees(political class) to make her electorates lack proper sense of direction in differentiating their left from their right. Show me an educated man, and I can assures u how far he can go in defending his human fundamental rights enshrined in the constitution. An illiterate personality takes every challenges as God orchestrated plans! Therefore,  allows others to trample on his right. Our political class knows the power for education. That's while they conventionally crippled our educational system. Look, many of our present crops of politician went to school on government scholarship. Now ask ur self, do will have government scholarship for the masses that is on meritocracy? Our educational scholarship has been hijacked by our politician who now award government scholarship to family and friends unmerited lg. our educational system  now in deficit due to mismanagement of human and material resources. Dear friends, the liberation for our dear country from the hands of our political class with poor leadership wisdom, would start by educating every single citizen of this country to see the light for a quality education. Education, is the sustainable future. Knowledge is not just a power to the powerless, but also a weapon in decimating ignorance from the society. 

My name is Clifford igwe, aka cliff dboss., prolific writer, motivational speaker, event mc, exponent political psychology, author "introduction to political psychology, movie director, movie producer, and the man blessed with too much knowledge and wisdom. Title given to me by my fans across the globe. For more  

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re many nigerians are hypocritical in their behaviours as such,shouldn't be taking serious when it comes to comenting  on national issue...