Tuesday, 19 December 2023


 The effect of a positive leadership, is the measurability of transformation taking place in the lives of the people and the society at large.leadership is the unfolding tested plans of actions in bringing about a substantial development both in human capital development and infrastructural development that compliments a better society.in achieving an efficient development for the people,is to reassess performance of governance in finding out how the lives of the average people in the society are measured to ascertain the generality of the peoples welfare if  the present government are doing the needful for the people or perhaps, has gone astray with their policies,and  poor performance against the people.the implications for good governance, is  evidentiary to the people creating a massive support base system for the progress of the government in power to achieving more quality development for the people.leadership is one of the most risky venture on the surface of the earth ,due to the facts that, it deals with the ability to lead the people not leading an animals.However, a minor mistakes caused by the leaders, will have a strong severe implications on the lives of the people either to be law abiding citizens or goes against the law.controlling humans to adhere to instructions, entails doing the right thing that pleased the minds of the general public to dancing through your created directions.citizens are not interested with any kind of misfortune that befalls the government of the day,what they care most is how their lives,security, and living conditions are taking care of since the assumption of that public office.hence,if the citizens are not satisfied with the present governance, the resultant effects is protest upon protest against the government of the day.therefore ,the government of the day are mandatorily saddled with the core responsibility to providing social amenities and enshrined an equitable distribution of national resources to the people. Their stipulated roles for leadership ,is clear ,unambigious,and uncontestable therefore, it is incubent on the leaders to clearly carry out this constitutional duties to the people and provide to the people a good leadership.for a good governance to be noticeable before the public,it must be felt in the lives of the people. Afterall,,the true importance of governance is benefits for the people.the objectivism and its foundationalism that constitutes true governance ,is been real and sincere to the people that elects those in public offices.the core spirit of governance is to lead the people from poor or bad economy to a viable economy that affects positively to the lives of the people of the Nation state.To perform leadership roles that provides peace and Tranquility to the people as well as work in compliance with the constitution while discharging their duties to the people.in view of this,the leaders must not be complicit or compromise their mandate for any personal reasons that contradict the law nor siphon appropriated funds meant for a collective development of the society. Whenever the citizens becomes anti participant in moving the country forward in achieving growth and development of the society, it means that ,the present day governance has intensified bad governance to the people without a recourse whatsoever. All achieving quality governance ,indirectly comes from the people .if the government of the day have some significant regards for the people they govern,the governed conducts themselves orderly and fail to participate in any act of insecurity, criminalities,,corruption, and disobedient to  the laid down laws.

The government of the day must be resolute in solving the overt problem of the people which is poverty and lack of education and create an informed collective decisions that will treat the people much better for reposing an unwavering support for electing them into public offices.this is a country where the people do not really know what they want from the public office holders and hold them accountable for going against the people.isn't that glaring to say that, our political office holders are bereaved of an ideas for a constitutional leadership that encapsulates proper development and exercise a coperational relationship between the elite and the common people of the nation state.the leaders and the leads, are instrument of brazen ignorance that lacks proper knowledge for a pragmatic governance therefore,clear sense of direction and separation of duties has become draconic .the leads does no longer understand their obligatory democratic roles to perform,same as the leaders who now sees themselves as lords over the people which ordinary by the provision of the constitution ,they ought to be serving , ensuring the lives of the averaged person becomes a huge beneficiary in the nigeria projects.the insensitivity of the governance turning blind eyes to the excruciating pains of the average man in the society, is creating a lot of tensions and national unrest therefore,driving the people into crime and deliberately fighting for a secessionistic agenda.the dream of all Nigerians ,is to have a better living conditions where government provides the core basic needs of the people.

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