Clifford .N. Igwe a.k.a CLIFF DBOSS as he is fondly called by fans and poeple around him, is a Nigeria Citizen resides in Lekki Lagos Nigeria. He was born on 7th April . He is the CEO of MR. AND MRS DEMOCRACY LIMITED of which the company is located at Lekki Lagos Nigeria.a movie producer,and a graduate of educational Psychology University of Port-Harcout Choba Rivers State Nigeria. For advertisements, sponsorship.pls call.+2347037696056
Thursday, 30 November 2023
All problematic situations, starts within before its wider spread.
nigeria problem didn't start in the now, it started in the past and was not accorded significant attention in arresting those national challenges, as such, the entire facron of the nigeria state becomes domicle and inactive for national development.
nigeria problem is associated with leadership failure at every spheres of our national lives.
all problem have a solution solving mechinism if been attacked with a relentless will in achieving an excellent results.
coping mechinism does not dissipate a long lasting challenges , it rather sprout more challenges and then, destroy the entire system.
nigeria as a nation is swallowing with poor leadership and lack of knowledge for economic growth.
for us to move forward as a country, we need to ask ourselves this hypothetical questions as regard all our past national assigment from our past leaders to be able to pinpoint some of the mistakes made in order to arriving at a solution solving gear to pushing the country to a greater hight.
why are we presently here as a nation blessed with all the natural and human resources yet under-developed?.
the ability to solve problem, is the capacity to identify those challenges that has kept us disunited and unde-developed.
yes, we are where we are simply because, we have failled to collectively attack those challenges and use them as an advantage to advancing our true quest for a developed nation.
our problem as a country is an age long challenges created by our political elite to disintegrate the citizens through religious polarities and ethnic colouration
used against the good people of the state in order to loot our collective partrimony dry and then lord themselves against the people.
How did we find ourselves into this quagmare?
why is the nigeria problem excercebating?
does it mean that the only solutions and its alternative is to possibly call for a national comfab or a refriandum?
Is the nigeria only solution is for a collective call for seccession?
Are we ever readily available for a united nigeria where no individual or region is more superior than the others?
our political space has been polluted to the point where politics are been played at the expense of human lives.
politics has eating up the entire segment of the nigeria society and then making our problem unreformable and unerrasable.
A situation where political appointment are been giving to balance religious affiliations at the expense for meritocracy, is a serious problem that need a significant reformation.
the situation in nigeria, is gradually getting out of shape where the present generation may take laws into their hands through agressive protest that may unsettle the political landscape into apocalyptic atmosphere.
A situation where those saddled with the responsibilities to making laws for the common citizens now makes laws against the people to continue to impoverish the people .
all nigeria citizen need to realize that we all have a core mandate in ensuring that the nigeria dreams is achieved irreapective of our unfortunate situations.
peoples right must not be infridged and get away with it.
people must be giving their civic right for a lawful gathering or protest against government policies that lack humanface.
counter protest with the toga for pro protest, must be annihiliate out of our Democratic system due to the fact that such gathering is a product of corruption with men and women engaged in national ignorance .
why are we here?
oh yes, we are here due to the fact that the people of this country has been bought over by the political class that has battered their national consciense away from doing the right thing that benefits us as a nation.
we must not reneged in our collective will for a better nigeria.we must decimate those unforseen elements that mars development.
page 10.
Wednesday, 29 November 2023
Nigerian collective will, is crucial to our peculiarities and development.
the behavioural record of the nigeria populace with good image before the international communities, is essentially regarded as image laundry in reshaping the battered image of the country to somewhat something significantly good for the next generations yet to come .which its enablement, is to be regarded in a higher esteem whereever they introduce themselves as a nigeria citizen.the international communities has messed up citizens of nigeria found in various nations in the world, due to unscrupulous elements with poor anticidence that places the image of the nigeria nation portrayed in a bad perceptions.
An average nigeria before the international communities, is been perceived as criminals, lawless, prostitutes, cyber crime or internet fraudsters, bribery and corruption which has displaced the once cherished image of our dear country as intelligent people, hardworking, good moralist, and people with the fear of God.
As a citizen of nigeria, we must conduct our business any where in the world legally and uphold rule of law that governs the environment we may find ourselves anticipatorily.Arbiterarily, no country in the world, with out citizens with lawless behaviour labbled as criminals, prostitutes, and internet fraudsters.this set of citizens with the above personalities, are scartered everywhere in the world commiting henious crime against humanities yet, that of the nigerians, becomes noticeable across the globe due to the fact that the percentage of nigerians found in this abnormal act is seemingly very high against other countries in the world.
look, there are many nigerians across the globe doing efficiently good in contributing their quota for nation building in the country they resides yet, the international communities never accord glory to the nigeria nation for the successful contributions of our citizens in the foriegn land, instead, the international communities refers to them as"America born Antony joshua"American born chima amanda"etc .what they tried to do, is to decieve some gullible minds to believing that the above international figures are not nigeria citizens but that of the America ciitzens while errasing their original affinities with Africa or their home country.
nigeria as a country need an urgent attention to minimize this ugly trend against our dear nation.
we must begin to identify all our nigeria stars that nationalized any where in the world and bring them home to honor their hard effort in putting the country's image in a shinning light.we need to give them award, and recognize what they do with their career.
we need to breakout from our lack of care for the citizens anywhere in the world, and begin to place some level of importance to ourselves by ensuring our security and welfare is been granteed for all the nigeria citizens be it in nigeria and beyond.
we need to work with the country ambassadors in various countries of the world to collaborate with our citizens that are doing excellently well abroad to attract development to our father land with their resources.
nigerians living abroad, must shun illegal businesses , drug trafficking, and lack of proper paper documents for their stay abroad which has become monsterous to their entire wellbeing making law enforcement agencies searching to have them arrested and destroy their life time ambition in incarceration.
every single nigeria , home and abroad, need to understand the enomity of the crime they anticipate to commit and should eminently desist from every crime labbled practices for the growth and development of the nigeria state and her generations to come.
good reputation, is far better than ill riches that posess a great threat to our immediate soceity.
nigeria citizens in the diaspora, must understand that they hav a civic responsibility to perform in bringing in the nigeria of our dream.
we need those in diaspora to come back home and participate in all our electoral process as well as sponsor a good candidate with their financial resources to bring about good leadership to our Democratic governance.
election in nigeria is capital intensive, as such, good citizens do not have the financial resources to get involve in the monkey water of the nigeria politics classfified as"dirty"
the biggest problem of the younger generation in nigeria, is misinformation and strong ignorant.
nigeria has degraded or degenerated to a stage where reading , has become an elusive task due to the overbearing occassion of hardship and poor living conditions which has disengaged the citizens from the quest for useful knowledge.
i charge every well meaning nigeria to start revolutionary movement in their area of endeavours, to causing a radical innovative change that will move us away from those acts and behaviours that has deprived us good leadership, good citizens, and underpened us as under-developed nation and critically look for beter things in fixing our past lacunas correctively for the good people of the nigeria state.
i am confident that every conflicting interest that has deepen our political and ethnic discord, will be settled in moving the nigeria state achieving the vision of our forebearers.
we must agressively challenge those grey areas that has caused us as a nation with mal-leadership, mal-administration, and mal-development collectively in getting our nigerian dreams achieved.
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Tuesday, 28 November 2023
Development comes with some sort of innovations and proper planning methods hence,
national development is associated with human development.
take away human in the overt society, development becomes meaningless and voidity of appearances.
every development is painstanking and resilence of an action puts together to neccessitate giant stride.
development is never a magical appearance of sorts, but a sequence of an actionable plans puts together into practice in producing a better result for
for the betterment of the general public.
with the above assertions, therefore implies , development is not an appearence of poor planning and lack of actionable practices but remarkably a tested action of plans.
nigeria as a country is under developed not because it lacks all the qualities that brings about sequence of development, but due to the inability to enshrine pragmatic leadership into our Democratic system of governance, national development bears that lack of some sorts in all the segment or parastatas in the nigeria state.
every citzen of the country must work synergously in tandam to the national development plans and fashon out ways on how we can start bringing in development in our local communities through community efforts in persuit for national development plans.federal
Government can not reach out to every part of the communities for develooment but communities can initiate those pet projects that falls within their jurisdistion to
achieving the basic need of the society.
community service is not government, it is a service of the communities rendering services to the people in their locals to enjoy the basic need of life for the overall benefits of the immediate society.
citizens of the society can work collectively or with individual efforts in providing portable water, schools, primary healthcare, maintenance of government good road, schoolarship to the less previllage in the communities, protect lives and properties, and revamping of government abandoned industry situated in their various cimmunities with a written agreement with the federal, state, and local government.
good governance comes from the people, not from the government.government is an institution not a people.people can be in a governance but governance can never be in a people.what makes up every governance, is the people of vested interest not governance of vested interest.once our human behaviour is been devoid of greed, stealing, carlosness, pride, extrvagant spending, parochialism, ethnocism, and lawlessness , governance becomes interestingly palatable to the society.since human behaviour controls institutions and not institutions controlling human behaviour.effectively, the enermous responsibilities rest on human to changing those institutional behaviour with the depth of negativism into positivism.
no system works on its own without humans .human operates every system termed corrupt and evil.therefore, to get the system to function to our societal expectations, we therefore, need men with unquestionable character and lack of corrupt or criminal tendencies in taking total control of the entire system.
the conductors and drivers of every institution is exclusively operated by humans who puts in institutional rules and laws and then violates those laws made by them with greed and pride.institutions can not move except people moves them.the institutions are infallable.
institutions does not steal nor goes against its self but people steal and go against institutions.
it becomes incubent on this generation that operates those system to be guided by integrities and fear of God to allowing the unblamished institutions perform its core values and responsibilities to the general interest of the people.
every citizen of nigeria is duty bond to put in national interest above individual interest in carrying out our responsibilities.
the success of every nation, is the power of the citizens in making sure the effective workings of the institution with no sharp practices.
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Monday, 27 November 2023
THE 1914 amalgamation which broght about the south and the north coming together as an indivisible country, did not took place by happenstance but a divine orchestration by the supreme controller of the universe (God) whose emphasis is for the unity and progress of the nigeria forming an army of great people whose resilence power will bring about a great nation where God's overwhelming glory will be present.
if the above belief is said to be an absolute thinking, it there means that God's perfect will for the nation nigeria is unavoidable, indisputable, and unchallengeable.
though, it may take some period of time in achieving this absolute will of God for the people of this great nation called nigeria .therefore, we must not be paturbed by the occurence of political event and its leadership malfeasance that has defiled our collective efforts since the inception of the amalgamation of this great nation.
the ability to be born as a citizen of this great nation, can not be overemphasize but the perfect will of God to mankind.
this informed understanding of our collective existence as a people who never bargain to be born into the nigeria state but find ourselves been born in nigeria as a citizen, need to understand that the permissive will of God is a determinant factors we as human do not have control over them which however, ushered in some foundamental basic tools for our co-existency as a nation.
glaringly, our citizenship as a nigerian must be broght to bear with some essential elementary questions e.g, why are mine a citizen of nigeria?
dear nigerians, your citizenship as to been a nigerian can not be questionable.what is questionable regarding your nigeria citizenship, is that of your individual capacity in joining forces with other well meaning nigerian in making the reel out projects of this great nation achievable.
i hav travelled to several part of the world, never seen a country whose citizens are not proud of her country as nigeria do in the public space.this abhorable behaviour is demarketing our country nigeria before the international communities as well as chassing away potential investors from coming to estabulish businesses in nigeria.
we must collectively see our country as a great nation and become proud of it.whatever is in your possession you ignorantly do not place value on , will never ascert valueness to you either.
we need to be proud of our nigerianess where ever we go or found ourselves.afterall, the value of a thing lies in the way and manner you portrays it before people around you and beyond.
A country where citizens do not believed in her aspirations and dreams, is an unproductive nation where all sorts of obnoxious behaviour and lack of rule of laws overrides all Democratic ethos .
Rome, was not built in a single day.therefore, if we so desire for a great nation, we must set out a development plan that will encapsulate both human and infrastructural development for the generation yet unborn as well as re-engineering our collective efforts towards achieving them.
our Democratic institution is nascent.unlike America Democratic institution which is over 100 years.
we will evudently get to the peak of our democracy only if we start some fruitful efforts in reminencing to our past leadership lacunas and the level of under-develooment it caused us as a nation and start ameliorating those changes for the betterment of the nigeria projects.
of a truth, nigeria as a nation need quality leadership.look, you can not get a quality leadership if there are no quality citizens?leadership does not make a leadership, what makes leadership is the people.leadership does not rule leadership, leadership is to lead people.the citizen of this great nation nigeria, is the significant product of our leadership.people are rule by the people not rule by the animals.
if people are rule by the people that makes up certain percentage of the overt society, it means, the leaders doing the ruling are part of us, our fathers, sons, daughters, friends, mothers, relatives, and our bosses living in the same street and geographical space with us.they are all humans as you are.
the time for a conscious thinking that will re-birth a great nation nigeria is here with us.
time for the unity of purpose for the project nigeria has come hence, we need to leverage on this uninterupted opportunities in setting up a great nation we shall be proud of.
nigeria must get it right now.if we don't achieve our dream nigeria state now, we will certainly bequeave a rotten system to the generation next to come.
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Sunday, 26 November 2023
Nigeria as a country saddled with the obligatory responsibilities as the big brother of the African continent in maintaining peace and transquity, Democratic standard , and providing soccur for other countries in Africa with a patry GDP in making life an average living conditions for the citizens of the affected countries However, has performed below expectations .
it is imparative, we as a country which every other countries in Africa continent greatly look up to for a sound democratic practice, rule of law, gallant armed forces, quality education, unbiased electoral system, and quality Democratic instistutionalized behaviour , has refused to become a pacesetter where every other nations in the African continent ought to emulate.
the success and the failure of the entire African cintinent rest on us.if nigeria as a country continue to refuse in picking up her giant responsibilities to lead the entire continent into a developed continent in the global map, the entire continent will never get it right and occupy her pride of headship position in all sectors of human endeavours.
if we genuingly Carry out a comparative analysis in our educational sectors, infrastructural development, human capital development , practicing democracy, and good leadership, you will agree to the facts that, nigeria as a country is lagging behind.
the pride of any country in the world, lies on the provision of quality leadership such country offers to the people.
nigeria leadership defects, has caused the country alot of collateral damage and total disrespect to the citizens both within and out.
several nigerians that seeks for a greener pastures abroad, are been dehumanized, regards as criminals, and subjected into a modern slavery in order for making a living and ends meet.
nigeria as a great country with great people across the globe, must endeavour to form a formidable forefront for the generality of the entire Africa continent.every nigeria citizens need to realize her adequate responsibilities in providing a solid platform for the development of the entire continent.
our innovativeness shouldn't portray the image of our dear esteem country into disrepute rather to enhancing our esteem nation globally as people of greatness and amiable personalities.
our one nigerianess is not negotiable hence, we must work effortlessly to unite every faction of the nigeria states seeking for self determination to coming together to reel out plans in meeting to their demands that sprouts such agitations.
the sacrocsantity of our one nigerianess remain uncontestable and indisolusible.
we are resolute to ensuring that there is a relative peace in every part of the nigeria state to bring about proper development across our locals.lack of peace, is also lack of development.nothing good happens under a choitic and disaray atmosphere.
every progress, is a product of unity therefore, we as a country must endeavour to solve our myraids of challenges with bravity and collective bargain.
our geographical location must not be a yardstic to inpede or detter development but to spread an evidence of social Amenities from the urban to the rural or remote villages in order to give life to lives.
nigerians should see ourselves as one indivisable emtity with great power to turn the world around.yes we have that power and capacity to effect positive change that create beneficial development to the society.every nigerian is an asset to the world only if we understand our hidden potentials as an innovative people that oftentime, struggle to the top without government assistance whatsoever.
our nigeria dream need to be bogus in our sub-conscious mind as well as make every concerted efforts in achieving our articulated nigeria dream for the overall benefit of the new generation to come.
we must wash off hatred, tribal war, injustice, disintegration, and poor public conduct away from the project called nigeria if we must move forward as a people.
the surest way to a new nigeria begins now.
we must leave no stone unturned in fishing out the enemy of our one nigerianess in bringing them to justice to face the consiquence of their actions for making the nigeria state ungovernable and poverty ridden with their stolen wealth that has impoverished the nigeria populace into a perpetual captivity.
what is wrong with our psyche that the demography of people wanting to assume public offices is never with the intensions for a selfless service to our mother land but to steal our national patrimonies?
what is wrong with our idealogies that has been overtaking by overt greed and unexplained wealth aquizations?
we are amasing illed wealth for our unborn generations at the expense of the poor nigerians that are wallowing in excruciating abject poverty and starvations?
look, the time to reconfigure our mind and pursue for the development of every nigerians to becoming a better person in the society as well as contributing his own quota for nation building is right now.we need not to continue doing same thing all the time and then expect a different result.we need to have a paradin shift from fighting one another out of regional or religious superiority to seen ourselves as one mind in one body where love and peace gain supreme evidently.
we need to conciously take a pathway to understanding ourselves as nigerians above our religion, regions, and ethnic colourations.first and foremost, we need to exist as an emtity before every informed decisions in chosen what part of religious practices to engage ourselves with.
we must pursue stregnth in making our diversity into productivity.
A true queentisence that embodied national behaviour, is nothing but a significant carrier of development.
every unproductive polarities must be ameliorate to achieving our drean country.
no geographical region should see others as inconsequential in the scheme of the nigeria project .
every single nigererian is important to this project.
all regions , cultural group, and socio-political affiliations are equally essential in achieving our dream for the development of nigeria.
nigeria is not just a country, but a country with unique and hardworking people.
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Saturday, 25 November 2023
Friday, 24 November 2023
Culture is the foundation of all human existence.without culture, we will all be devoid of our unique identities.culture however, is a specific unique identities of people's ways of behavoural practices and share belief system.
culture becomes much important as it attaches its self to all human existence.
culture is like a product we intentionally purchased in the market place through personal decisions.
culture though, could be transmitted from one generation to another yet, the decisions to either accept it or discard such practices, is vested upon the individual.
culture is like a traffic light that navigate our personal upbringing.culture form some total of our human personalities.
culture is extricate.culture could somewhat have some striking semblance to another, yet, it extricates its uniqueness from the other..
every institution is enshrined with some forms of cultural practices attached to human behavoural conducts and possible outlined ethics that guides the behavoural conducts of the organization or institution which must have a strict adherence to.
according to clifford.n. igwe (2017)"every institution, is a system of behaviour"
the capacity for the transference of one cultural heritage and practice to another, makes such cultural practice unartificially viable as well as rejuvinate the indelibilty of such cultural belief system .
Africa as a continent that exhumes practical culture which interface with the nature, must be proud of her cultural identities and uphold its true share belief system.
A cultural practice with some higher degree of spiritualities, need to be revalidate, celebrates, and prove to the world of her headship above every other continent..
A continent as the craddle of all human race , must not be relegated or box to the corner.
A continent that speakes and controls natural creations, must be held in a higher esteem before other commitee of nations.
A continent that speaks to nature with the language she best understood and such nature obeys her commands, need to place more value to her cultural inclinations.
A continent that uses natural leaf to cure all manners of illness, must not be regarded as a weak continent.
A continent which spiritually controls scientific technology, must be giving her place of headship not a baby child.
we must rise to this occassion to occupy our place of headship, use our spiritual power to estabulish unavoidable development, create scientific technology, galvanize our local medicine to solving our medical defects and infermities, and make use of our God giving potentials into a global acceptable products.
no one can value the you in you except you.
we must not allow those with the tendencies to destroy us to begin to identify the real you.the real you, is in you not outside of you.
whatever we do not value as a people of one race and share belief system, can not be valued by others who knows nothing about you.
You can't define what you ignorantly knows nothing about.
i am africa, Africa is me.
you can't deny your true identity out of poor knowledge of your originalities.what is not known to you as an African, can never be known to others.
Be it a white man whose real shadow is never white but black still knows he is a product of black not white.
Africa must come together to re-structure our Democratic governance, politics, education, entertainment, and our social practices that will incoperate with our cultural values as a people with pure divinities.
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Relationship between two countries are paramount and can not be relationships, affords the two or various countries of sovierenties coming together to champion unity of purpose and brainstorm for the overall purpose of the people and that of the society in strenthening ties in the area of security, human rights, substainable development goals (sdg), providing financial aids, fight against terriorism-religious extremism, and saction countries that goes against international laws which such sovieren nation is signatory to the above collective agreed relation is essential for the development of the society.
no human is an islander.we all need one another in our areas of strength and weakness.
nigeria as a country with the autonomous power to define the future foundation of the country, must do this in alliance with the internation union laws.nigeria as a country, is constitutionally empowered to disagree from entering into any international laws that contravens our cultural values and practices.
nigeria citizens in every part of the world must endeavour to uphold our cultural values, conduct their business with the armbit of the law, work effortlessly in maintaining our sacred identity as a people with high moral values and pursuit for bringing glory back home from where ever we find ourselves.
we must not render the image of the country in a badlight before the international communities irrespective of our present predicaments, we must work efficiently in portraying the image of our nationality as people of high moral standard, incorruptible, and hardworking people.
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Wednesday, 22 November 2023
National behavour fuel's a peaceful cohabitation among citizens.
A country that lacks citizens with good behaviour, will become unproductive with the poor understanding of how a state should be governed.assumeably, members of the public or electorates whom are directed by the INEC officials to queue up in a single line to cast their electoral vote for preffered candidate , decides to flat such order giving by the electoral officials , it may cascade to a total state of confusion where the electorates will engage in a fighting activities which will completely disrupt a true flow for a peaceful this junture, such illogical un-nationalistic character poses a strong challenge to the federal government and the electoral body to fixing a new date for the conclusion of the said interupted election with high profile electoral flash point.
Human behavour is never stetic but dynamic.what this connotes, human behavour is comprehensively associated with trends and unfolding events.
national character streamline roburst growth and development for the significant benefit of the immediate society.
take for example , A filling station patrol attendant who sell patrol against NNPC approved pumb price or creating an artificial scarcity for the petrolium product in order to achieve excessive profit at the expense of the poor nigerians.this irrational act of behavour, will not only portrays the image of the country as corrupt people, but will as well murder the psychological welbeing of the people with low income earnings.Government at all levels, must ensure policies in governance should incoperate the psychological and the social economic welbeing of the people they govern.government must put into consideration that the people been governed are not animals but humans.they must dish out policies that have human face.
our behaviour should reflect our core values and propel some degree of development for the overall interest of the general public.
a new nigeria is sacrossant.
A new nigeria where national interest overide that of our parochial interest has come.
A new nigeria where freedom of speech will not be gag is here.
A new nigeria where people's right can not be infridged nor taken for granted has come.
A new nigeria where public office holders will no longer use public office to embazzle or misappropriate funds meant for the development of the state but meticulously use fund at their disposal to develop our country, is right here with us.
Having a poor good citizen, is better than having a rich citizen with battered obnoxious anticeedent .
it is expidient every citizen of this indivisible entity called nigeria working in harmony to bring about positive substainable growths for the interest of the unborn generations.we must take away every forms of tribal, religious, and political ascerbities that inpede growth and development out of the polity if we strongly yarn for a better nigeria.
politics must be played when it is time for politics, and true governance must be brought to lanelight when it is time for real governance.quality governance can not be overemphasize as it affords the citizens become a huge beneficiary.
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Tuesday, 21 November 2023
The true essence Amalgamating people as a sorveiring nation, is essentially driven from unity , progress, peace, and collectively taking decisions that are independent without undue interference whatsoever from the colonialist for efficiencies and its palatable attainability for national dreams and visions of the nationalist.nigeria as a country , will continue to remain under-developed if the issues of poor leadership is not annihilate.leadership failure engenders corruption, shiphoning of national coffers for personal use, sharp practices, protest and agitations, undemocratic behaviour, and apparent disregard for court subsisting judgement.
inadvertently, the citizens expects alot from the leaders that are Democratically elected by the people to provide portable water, constant electric power suply, good road, quality education, good health care delivery system, and reduction in high cost of living.this are primary responsibilities of the government to the people of the state.inequivocally, whenever public elected leaders who are saddled in performing this primary responsibilities for the people fails in their duties, citizens becomes lawless, pervassive, and possibly carry arms against the government of the other lane, the people of the state plays a pivotal roles for the development of the nation.every citizen are expected to working favourably in contrubuting his quota for nation development.
citizens are expected to pay their tax, become law abiding, carry out community service, Help one another in their areas of concerns, religious telorence, participate gallantrily in pre-election, election, and post-election seasons, and ensuring peaceful atmosphere at their various locals to fast-track development.
in every leadership failure, citizens must be held responsible.this however, borders on the constitutional power vested on the electorates to choose and elect leaders with capacities to surmount the myraid of challenges bedeviling the nation hence, when the electorates defiles all odds with clear prospect to elect candidates with the highest bidders against meritocracies, there is a economic boofoom cripples all chances for substaintial growth .
citizen must work asideously ensuring political leaders are elected through the ballots, defending their cast votes without fear of intimidations whatsoever.
Nigeria electorates need to arise and excercise their civic responsibilities in determining who assumes elective positions for the development of the nation.
The citizens must work in synergy with the law enforcement agencies through information donations in fishing out hoodlums in our various localities.insecurity thrives when the people of the states do no longer cares about the business of governance, as such, crime abates even in our homes.
if government do the needful performing above expectation, every citizens will become fully interested with the business of governance as well as transform their communities into a better place and makes it governable.
look, communities is the apendage of governance.every progressive governance is a government that place essential values on how communities are governed and developed.the foundamental question is, how do we incoperate community governance becomes viable for national development?
are they members of the federal, states, and local goverment security meeting?who are those funding communty governance?and of what effects is the community leadership to the mainstream governance?this questions are pertinent and unavoidable if we crave for a radical change for a new nigeria.
partisan politics shouldn't go against the progress and dreams of the human is as more as important than personal interest should be bigger than that of the national interest.this is known as patriotism.the duty of every citizens to pacify when things are going wrong irrespective of party affiliations and cultural hogemonies, is what makes you a distinguished nigerian.
we must obliterate our perchant
for lack of accountability in governance at all levels .
accountability in leadership is a driver that stimulates development.when leaders are accountable in what they do, it enshrines positive preceedent for every successive governance to follow suites.
we must see things that are obnoxious as obnoxious and not seen black as white.if this national character becomes part of us in all of our national assignments, a new nigeria dream is achievable.
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Monday, 20 November 2023
This distinctive chapter However, will unveal holistically the significance of this book to the readers with the clarity contains.
nigerian dream, seeks to re-navigate some of the unhealthy behavours that distorted essential growth and therefore,rendered our nascent Democratic governance sterile.this book will pursue to achieving good governance through quality leadership at every spheres of our national assignments and selfless endeavours.
observeably, the nigerian populace is becomeing more engolf with the negative mindset that the easiest platform for becoming afluent, is joining political leadership where sharing propensities has become the order of the day.let me use this unweavering opportunity to disabuse our mind. politics is all about sound leadership as well as a conscious process for attaining national growth and development for the overall welfare of the governed.if we cast our mind to some of our post electoral practices, you will concur with me that the electorates whom are enshrined with the constitutional power to elect political candidates into various public offices are those who aid some of the political candidates to manipulates electoral results against the weak opposition candidates who stood for a free and fair credible poll.
the weak in the polity will continue to be oppressed until the electorates takes a drastic change standing to do things right in line with the constitutional provisions of the law.we seek for a country where no individual should appropriate power to himself outside the confide of the constitution against the citizen of the state..
preliminary reports has shown glaringly where police officers that is saddled with the responsibilities to maintain laws and orders, now boldly carries out brazzen lawless activities and marshall impunities against the unarmed electorates out to excercise their civic responsibilities.
we crave for a country where true egaliterian society is paramount irrespective of our political class.Elitism musn't be a course but a clear cut for philiantropic participation in making the society a better place for the destitute .
we strongly say no to those unbearable behaviour that has defiled our collective bargain for substaintial growth .we look forward for a new nigeria where every citizen's productive aspirations are achieved.
A new nigeria where rule of law is unavoidable, unselective, and unweaveringly predominant in our national character.
we must fight against corruption, ethnocism, parochialism, and lack of political will to galvanize our resources productively.
we must effectively shun every political upheal that has disintegrated us into a segmented ethnic bigotricism.
nigeria as a country with the current population over 250 million viable citizen, 36 states of the federation including federal capital territary, 774 local government and above 360 ethnic local languages must leverage on the strength of our population in taking actionable plans into productions against unproductive consumptions.
we seek for the birth of a new nigeria where all human lives including that of an animals matters and takes a significant premium .look, people must understand the preciousness attached to all human lives as well as learn to protect them adequately with every available opportunities.
we need a new nigeria where citizens should not be alleniated.A new country where justice is supreme and its equitable distribution of our national resources.A new nation where electoral guidelines are uncircumvent.
A new nigeria where public office holders are not subcervient to the political godfatherism, both to that of the supremacy of the constitution and the public.
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