Friday, 24 November 2023


INTERNATIONAL RELATIONSHIP. Relationship between two countries are paramount and can not be relationships, affords the two or various countries of sovierenties coming together to champion unity of purpose and brainstorm for the overall purpose of the people and that of the society in strenthening ties in the area of security, human rights, substainable development goals (sdg), providing financial aids, fight against terriorism-religious extremism, and saction countries that goes against international laws which such sovieren nation is signatory to the above collective agreed relation is essential for the development of the society. no human is an islander.we all need one another in our areas of strength and weakness. nigeria as a country with the autonomous power to define the future foundation of the country, must do this in alliance with the internation union laws.nigeria as a country, is constitutionally empowered to disagree from entering into any international laws that contravens our cultural values and practices. nigeria citizens in every part of the world must endeavour to uphold our cultural values, conduct their business with the armbit of the law, work effortlessly in maintaining our sacred identity as a people with high moral values and pursuit for bringing glory back home from where ever we find ourselves. we must not render the image of the country in a badlight before the international communities irrespective of our present predicaments, we must work efficiently in portraying the image of our nationality as people of high moral standard, incorruptible, and hardworking people. page 4

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