Monday 27 November 2023


WHY ARE MINE A CITIZEN OF NIGERIA? THE 1914 amalgamation which broght about the south and the north coming together as an indivisible country, did not took place by happenstance but a divine orchestration by the supreme controller of the universe (God) whose emphasis is for the unity and progress of the nigeria forming an army of great people whose resilence power will bring about a great nation where God's overwhelming glory will be present. if the above belief is said to be an absolute thinking, it there means that God's perfect will for the nation nigeria is unavoidable, indisputable, and unchallengeable. though, it may take some period of time in achieving this absolute will of God for the people of this great nation called nigeria .therefore, we must not be paturbed by the occurence of political event and its leadership malfeasance that has defiled our collective efforts since the inception of the amalgamation of this great nation. the ability to be born as a citizen of this great nation, can not be overemphasize but the perfect will of God to mankind. this informed understanding of our collective existence as a people who never bargain to be born into the nigeria state but find ourselves been born in nigeria as a citizen, need to understand that the permissive will of God is a determinant factors we as human do not have control over them which however, ushered in some foundamental basic tools for our co-existency as a nation. glaringly, our citizenship as a nigerian must be broght to bear with some essential elementary questions e.g, why are mine a citizen of nigeria? dear nigerians, your citizenship as to been a nigerian can not be questionable.what is questionable regarding your nigeria citizenship, is that of your individual capacity in joining forces with other well meaning nigerian in making the reel out projects of this great nation achievable. i hav travelled to several part of the world, never seen a country whose citizens are not proud of her country as nigeria do in the public space.this abhorable behaviour is demarketing our country nigeria before the international communities as well as chassing away potential investors from coming to estabulish businesses in nigeria. we must collectively see our country as a great nation and become proud of it.whatever is in your possession you ignorantly do not place value on , will never ascert valueness to you either. we need to be proud of our nigerianess where ever we go or found ourselves.afterall, the value of a thing lies in the way and manner you portrays it before people around you and beyond. A country where citizens do not believed in her aspirations and dreams, is an unproductive nation where all sorts of obnoxious behaviour and lack of rule of laws overrides all Democratic ethos . Rome, was not built in a single day.therefore, if we so desire for a great nation, we must set out a development plan that will encapsulate both human and infrastructural development for the generation yet unborn as well as re-engineering our collective efforts towards achieving them. our Democratic institution is nascent.unlike America Democratic institution which is over 100 years. we will evudently get to the peak of our democracy only if we start some fruitful efforts in reminencing to our past leadership lacunas and the level of under-develooment it caused us as a nation and start ameliorating those changes for the betterment of the nigeria projects. of a truth, nigeria as a nation need quality leadership.look, you can not get a quality leadership if there are no quality citizens?leadership does not make a leadership, what makes leadership is the people.leadership does not rule leadership, leadership is to lead people.the citizen of this great nation nigeria, is the significant product of our leadership.people are rule by the people not rule by the animals. if people are rule by the people that makes up certain percentage of the overt society, it means, the leaders doing the ruling are part of us, our fathers, sons, daughters, friends, mothers, relatives, and our bosses living in the same street and geographical space with us.they are all humans as you are. the time for a conscious thinking that will re-birth a great nation nigeria is here with us. time for the unity of purpose for the project nigeria has come hence, we need to leverage on this uninterupted opportunities in setting up a great nation we shall be proud of. nigeria must get it right now.if we don't achieve our dream nigeria state now, we will certainly bequeave a rotten system to the generation next to come. page 7

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