Clifford .N. Igwe a.k.a CLIFF DBOSS as he is fondly called by fans and poeple around him, is a Nigeria Citizen resides in Lekki Lagos Nigeria. He was born on 7th April . He is the CEO of MR. AND MRS DEMOCRACY LIMITED of which the company is located at Lekki Lagos Nigeria.a movie producer,and a graduate of educational Psychology University of Port-Harcout Choba Rivers State Nigeria. For advertisements, sponsorship.pls call.+2347037696056
Sunday, 26 November 2023
Nigeria as a country saddled with the obligatory responsibilities as the big brother of the African continent in maintaining peace and transquity, Democratic standard , and providing soccur for other countries in Africa with a patry GDP in making life an average living conditions for the citizens of the affected countries However, has performed below expectations .
it is imparative, we as a country which every other countries in Africa continent greatly look up to for a sound democratic practice, rule of law, gallant armed forces, quality education, unbiased electoral system, and quality Democratic instistutionalized behaviour , has refused to become a pacesetter where every other nations in the African continent ought to emulate.
the success and the failure of the entire African cintinent rest on us.if nigeria as a country continue to refuse in picking up her giant responsibilities to lead the entire continent into a developed continent in the global map, the entire continent will never get it right and occupy her pride of headship position in all sectors of human endeavours.
if we genuingly Carry out a comparative analysis in our educational sectors, infrastructural development, human capital development , practicing democracy, and good leadership, you will agree to the facts that, nigeria as a country is lagging behind.
the pride of any country in the world, lies on the provision of quality leadership such country offers to the people.
nigeria leadership defects, has caused the country alot of collateral damage and total disrespect to the citizens both within and out.
several nigerians that seeks for a greener pastures abroad, are been dehumanized, regards as criminals, and subjected into a modern slavery in order for making a living and ends meet.
nigeria as a great country with great people across the globe, must endeavour to form a formidable forefront for the generality of the entire Africa continent.every nigeria citizens need to realize her adequate responsibilities in providing a solid platform for the development of the entire continent.
our innovativeness shouldn't portray the image of our dear esteem country into disrepute rather to enhancing our esteem nation globally as people of greatness and amiable personalities.
our one nigerianess is not negotiable hence, we must work effortlessly to unite every faction of the nigeria states seeking for self determination to coming together to reel out plans in meeting to their demands that sprouts such agitations.
the sacrocsantity of our one nigerianess remain uncontestable and indisolusible.
we are resolute to ensuring that there is a relative peace in every part of the nigeria state to bring about proper development across our locals.lack of peace, is also lack of development.nothing good happens under a choitic and disaray atmosphere.
every progress, is a product of unity therefore, we as a country must endeavour to solve our myraids of challenges with bravity and collective bargain.
our geographical location must not be a yardstic to inpede or detter development but to spread an evidence of social Amenities from the urban to the rural or remote villages in order to give life to lives.
nigerians should see ourselves as one indivisable emtity with great power to turn the world around.yes we have that power and capacity to effect positive change that create beneficial development to the society.every nigerian is an asset to the world only if we understand our hidden potentials as an innovative people that oftentime, struggle to the top without government assistance whatsoever.
our nigeria dream need to be bogus in our sub-conscious mind as well as make every concerted efforts in achieving our articulated nigeria dream for the overall benefit of the new generation to come.
we must wash off hatred, tribal war, injustice, disintegration, and poor public conduct away from the project called nigeria if we must move forward as a people.
the surest way to a new nigeria begins now.
we must leave no stone unturned in fishing out the enemy of our one nigerianess in bringing them to justice to face the consiquence of their actions for making the nigeria state ungovernable and poverty ridden with their stolen wealth that has impoverished the nigeria populace into a perpetual captivity.
what is wrong with our psyche that the demography of people wanting to assume public offices is never with the intensions for a selfless service to our mother land but to steal our national patrimonies?
what is wrong with our idealogies that has been overtaking by overt greed and unexplained wealth aquizations?
we are amasing illed wealth for our unborn generations at the expense of the poor nigerians that are wallowing in excruciating abject poverty and starvations?
look, the time to reconfigure our mind and pursue for the development of every nigerians to becoming a better person in the society as well as contributing his own quota for nation building is right now.we need not to continue doing same thing all the time and then expect a different result.we need to have a paradin shift from fighting one another out of regional or religious superiority to seen ourselves as one mind in one body where love and peace gain supreme evidently.
we need to conciously take a pathway to understanding ourselves as nigerians above our religion, regions, and ethnic colourations.first and foremost, we need to exist as an emtity before every informed decisions in chosen what part of religious practices to engage ourselves with.
we must pursue stregnth in making our diversity into productivity.
A true queentisence that embodied national behaviour, is nothing but a significant carrier of development.
every unproductive polarities must be ameliorate to achieving our drean country.
no geographical region should see others as inconsequential in the scheme of the nigeria project .
every single nigererian is important to this project.
all regions , cultural group, and socio-political affiliations are equally essential in achieving our dream for the development of nigeria.
nigeria is not just a country, but a country with unique and hardworking people.
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