Friday, 24 November 2023


CULTURAL IDENTITIES. Culture is the foundation of all human existence.without culture, we will all be devoid of our unique identities.culture however, is a specific unique identities of people's ways of behavoural practices and share belief system. culture becomes much important as it attaches its self to all human existence. culture is like a product we intentionally purchased in the market place through personal decisions. culture though, could be transmitted from one generation to another yet, the decisions to either accept it or discard such practices, is vested upon the individual. culture is like a traffic light that navigate our personal upbringing.culture form some total of our human personalities. culture is extricate.culture could somewhat have some striking semblance to another, yet, it extricates its uniqueness from the other.. every institution is enshrined with some forms of cultural practices attached to human behavoural conducts and possible outlined ethics that guides the behavoural conducts of the organization or institution which must have a strict adherence to. according to clifford.n. igwe (2017)"every institution, is a system of behaviour" the capacity for the transference of one cultural heritage and practice to another, makes such cultural practice unartificially viable as well as rejuvinate the indelibilty of such cultural belief system . Africa as a continent that exhumes practical culture which interface with the nature, must be proud of her cultural identities and uphold its true share belief system. A cultural practice with some higher degree of spiritualities, need to be revalidate, celebrates, and prove to the world of her headship above every other continent.. A continent as the craddle of all human race , must not be relegated or box to the corner. A continent that speakes and controls natural creations, must be held in a higher esteem before other commitee of nations. A continent that speaks to nature with the language she best understood and such nature obeys her commands, need to place more value to her cultural inclinations. A continent that uses natural leaf to cure all manners of illness, must not be regarded as a weak continent. A continent which spiritually controls scientific technology, must be giving her place of headship not a baby child. we must rise to this occassion to occupy our place of headship, use our spiritual power to estabulish unavoidable development, create scientific technology, galvanize our local medicine to solving our medical defects and infermities, and make use of our God giving potentials into a global acceptable products. no one can value the you in you except you. we must not allow those with the tendencies to destroy us to begin to identify the real you.the real you, is in you not outside of you. whatever we do not value as a people of one race and share belief system, can not be valued by others who knows nothing about you. You can't define what you ignorantly knows nothing about. i am africa, Africa is me. you can't deny your true identity out of poor knowledge of your originalities.what is not known to you as an African, can never be known to others. Be it a white man whose real shadow is never white but black still knows he is a product of black not white. Africa must come together to re-structure our Democratic governance, politics, education, entertainment, and our social practices that will incoperate with our cultural values as a people with pure divinities. page 5

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re many nigerians are hypocritical in their behaviours as such,shouldn't be taking serious when it comes to comenting  on national issue...