Tuesday, 28 November 2023


Development comes with some sort of innovations and proper planning methods hence, national development is associated with human development. take away human in the overt society, development becomes meaningless and voidity of appearances. every development is painstanking and resilence of an action puts together to neccessitate giant stride. development is never a magical appearance of sorts, but a sequence of an actionable plans puts together into practice in producing a better result for for the betterment of the general public. with the above assertions, therefore implies , development is not an appearence of poor planning and lack of actionable practices but remarkably a tested action of plans. nigeria as a country is under developed not because it lacks all the qualities that brings about sequence of development, but due to the inability to enshrine pragmatic leadership into our Democratic system of governance, national development bears that lack of some sorts in all the segment or parastatas in the nigeria state. every citzen of the country must work synergously in tandam to the national development plans and fashon out ways on how we can start bringing in development in our local communities through community efforts in persuit for national development plans.federal Government can not reach out to every part of the communities for develooment but communities can initiate those pet projects that falls within their jurisdistion to achieving the basic need of the society. community service is not government, it is a service of the communities rendering services to the people in their locals to enjoy the basic need of life for the overall benefits of the immediate society. citizens of the society can work collectively or with individual efforts in providing portable water, schools, primary healthcare, maintenance of government good road, schoolarship to the less previllage in the communities, protect lives and properties, and revamping of government abandoned industry situated in their various cimmunities with a written agreement with the federal, state, and local government. good governance comes from the people, not from the government.government is an institution not a people.people can be in a governance but governance can never be in a people.what makes up every governance, is the people of vested interest not governance of vested interest.once our human behaviour is been devoid of greed, stealing, carlosness, pride, extrvagant spending, parochialism, ethnocism, and lawlessness , governance becomes interestingly palatable to the society.since human behaviour controls institutions and not institutions controlling human behaviour.effectively, the enermous responsibilities rest on human to changing those institutional behaviour with the depth of negativism into positivism. no system works on its own without humans .human operates every system termed corrupt and evil.therefore, to get the system to function to our societal expectations, we therefore, need men with unquestionable character and lack of corrupt or criminal tendencies in taking total control of the entire system. the conductors and drivers of every institution is exclusively operated by humans who puts in institutional rules and laws and then violates those laws made by them with greed and pride.institutions can not move except people moves them.the institutions are infallable. institutions does not steal nor goes against its self but people steal and go against institutions. it becomes incubent on this generation that operates those system to be guided by integrities and fear of God to allowing the unblamished institutions perform its core values and responsibilities to the general interest of the people. every citizen of nigeria is duty bond to put in national interest above individual interest in carrying out our responsibilities. the success of every nation, is the power of the citizens in making sure the effective workings of the institution with no sharp practices. page 8

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re many nigerians are hypocritical in their behaviours as such,shouldn't be taking serious when it comes to comenting  on national issue...