Monday 20 November 2023


CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION. THE COUNTRY AND HER CITIZEN. NATIONAL BEHAVIOUR FOR GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONSHIp. AND CULTURAL IDENTITY. INTRODUCTION This distinctive chapter However, will unveal holistically the significance of this book to the readers with the clarity contains. nigerian dream, seeks to re-navigate some of the unhealthy behavours that distorted essential growth and therefore,rendered our nascent Democratic governance sterile.this book will pursue to achieving good governance through quality leadership at every spheres of our national assignments and selfless endeavours. observeably, the nigerian populace is becomeing more engolf with the negative mindset that the easiest platform for becoming afluent, is joining political leadership where sharing propensities has become the order of the day.let me use this unweavering opportunity to disabuse our mind. politics is all about sound leadership as well as a conscious process for attaining national growth and development for the overall welfare of the governed.if we cast our mind to some of our post electoral practices, you will concur with me that the electorates whom are enshrined with the constitutional power to elect political candidates into various public offices are those who aid some of the political candidates to manipulates electoral results against the weak opposition candidates who stood for a free and fair credible poll. the weak in the polity will continue to be oppressed until the electorates takes a drastic change standing to do things right in line with the constitutional provisions of the law.we seek for a country where no individual should appropriate power to himself outside the confide of the constitution against the citizen of the state.. preliminary reports has shown glaringly where police officers that is saddled with the responsibilities to maintain laws and orders, now boldly carries out brazzen lawless activities and marshall impunities against the unarmed electorates out to excercise their civic responsibilities. we crave for a country where true egaliterian society is paramount irrespective of our political class.Elitism musn't be a course but a clear cut for philiantropic participation in making the society a better place for the destitute . we strongly say no to those unbearable behaviour that has defiled our collective bargain for substaintial growth .we look forward for a new nigeria where every citizen's productive aspirations are achieved. A new nigeria where rule of law is unavoidable, unselective, and unweaveringly predominant in our national character. we must fight against corruption, ethnocism, parochialism, and lack of political will to galvanize our resources productively. we must effectively shun every political upheal that has disintegrated us into a segmented ethnic bigotricism. nigeria as a country with the current population over 250 million viable citizen, 36 states of the federation including federal capital territary, 774 local government and above 360 ethnic local languages must leverage on the strength of our population in taking actionable plans into productions against unproductive consumptions. we seek for the birth of a new nigeria where all human lives including that of an animals matters and takes a significant premium .look, people must understand the preciousness attached to all human lives as well as learn to protect them adequately with every available opportunities. we need a new nigeria where citizens should not be alleniated.A new country where justice is supreme and its equitable distribution of our national resources.A new nation where electoral guidelines are uncircumvent. A new nigeria where public office holders are not subcervient to the political godfatherism, both to that of the supremacy of the constitution and the public. page 1

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the ñominees above,are personalities that has done exceptionally well in their areas of endeavours as well as impacted immensely to the grow...