Friday, 12 January 2024


 The role of the market woman for the uninterrupted actualization of the nigeria dreams for a better society, can not be underestimated.the market women holds an important role for the stability of our growing economy since they control the direct effects of the local economy through SME .the market women plays a collective roles that galvanized any growing economy if been giving  an adéquate support from the government at all levels for the improvement and sustainability of their deno businesses to thrive and fulfill its optimal potentials for the betterment of the society. The market women,must work with the various agencies and ministries of the government e.g ministry for women affairs at all levels,and women forum for good governance to bring to bear to the political class on the excruciating pain of the average men and women in the society for an onward solutions to those undaunted challenges faced by the common people in the society. A situation where makert women unilaterally skyrocket price of food items for personal gain and then destroy the physical economy with higher inflation, is unacceptable as well as a gimmick to demarket the government of the day before the people.the harsh economy which is propelled through leadership failure at all sphères of our national lives,is a collective failure of the people.observably,leadership at the market space,has become more blisteringly sensizational to the people for the failure of the economy than what our failed political leadership has done to the people of the Nigeria states since this dispensation of our democratic practice.the market women,are been used on several occasions by the obnoxious politicians to stage a counter democratic protest for personal aspirations. This is  an ignominy and its national  consequences for setting a strategic voyagé that renders democratic credentials unimportant .the market women with a Patery educational qualification nor with non educational training, should be trained through adults and non formal education to carefully and extensively train them to know how to read and write,as well as having a logical reasoning to  distinguished between right to wrong and identify a good political leaders by carefully listening to their electoral manifestos before mobilizing support for the candidate with the best interest of the people at heart.A responsible governance, holds the collective contributions of the market women for national growth of the economy and working in hands with the market women to reduce inflation in the society. Government at all levels,must start now to Begin to assemble all market women leaders  to show a strong economic support base to regulate food items for the people as well as provide the market women with substantial grants to boosts their local businesses to reaffirming a strong commitment for growing our economy. Our economy can not be revamped with an imaginary believed system,but a practicable system where leaders and the people working the talks with actionable practices to finding a collective growth.the market women who have made themselves meaninglessly worthless before the political class who donates to them the market women a single cup of rice to voting against their conscience .the market women need to rise up and discard this illogical democratic practices that has brought untold hardship and agony to the people of the Nigeria state.

The market women should effectively engage the government to addressing the needs to reducing poverty and youth social vices. This immeasurable intervention, will help in curbing poverty and youth restiveness ,and joblessness in the society. The Aba market women protested for a better society and the independence we partially have today.the market women,should engage themselves with the present administration at all levels with a meaningful discussion that will grantee good governance as well as provide terms and conditions should in case,the said  peaceful dialogue did not produce a meaningful results,then protest should serve as the last hope to achieving the said objectives.the market women can assist the Nigeria people achieving a better and a sustainable governance gearing towards poverty alleviation and job creations for the armies of the unemployed youths through active participation in our democratic process.good leadership must be  egligible at all sectors with a striking clarity for a sustainable directions. The market women must not continue to destroy our voting powers with the poor material gifts received from our Carlos politicians and then,bleed the good prospect for a better leadership  to death.look,dispassionate people for good governance, can do anything within their jurisdiction to compel obedience from the electorates in order to having his way to hold on to such,the market women need to resist every of their schism that signal to the people as a decoys to continue to impoverished the women and the youths.

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Wednesday, 10 January 2024


 The role of the electoral empire is equally important for a coperative democracy .the electoral empires plays an unwavering roles to ensuring that the electoral system abides by its guide lines derived from the constitutional electoral acts that advocate for free,fair and credible elections without any forms of discrepancies that contraven the supremacy of the constitution.the electoral empire may collectively employ certain guidelines at their discretion in conducting general elections for electing potential candidates into assuming public elective offices for the productive growth of the economy yet ,the sacrosanctity of the constitutional provision must not be overlooked.The electoral empire vested with the certain rights and privileges for conducting national elections,must do this unbiased, unparochial,and with a patriotic zeal to providing a level playing field where such candidate that duly scored the highest number of a popular votes as well as been certified with all the electoral requirements,must be not be victimized by upturning their votes to favoring another candidate with lower votes and with poor electoral requirements  now declared as winner of the said election.this act ,is unpatriotic with a grave tendencies for anarchy as well as dismantle a quality democratic practice. The electoral body,need to recommit themselves with a proactive measures where election rigging will deliberately become completely impossible for any electoral candidate and their cohorts from manipulating electoral results to their favor. The electoral empire need to spice up a sound democratic rule of laws in carrying out their electoral duties to the people of the Nigeria state. The electoral body need a total review of the past electoral conduct that has been characterized as staggered elections and begin to restrategize on bettering a robust and an efficient electoral body with uprightness in discharging her duty roles to the people.we need to deroof the present electoral structures strangely shortchanging the aspirations of the candidates and the electorate who oftentimes, reposed an enormous trust for a credible elections to be organized by the electoral empire.the electoral empire need to learn from the psst elections conducted under their watch which was frown at by the général electorates and begin to make adequate corrections as early as possible before incoming élection to give to both the electorates and their candidate an urgent reassurance with a strong renewed hope for an efficient conduct for subsequent elections.the electoral system has become an instrument of the political elite used to dislodge the strength for an emforcible voting democracy with crass misconduct and huge transactional framework for sharp practices. The electoral empire need to function with her core mandate for giving to the people a credible election with a sound idéologies that acknowledge the direction of the Constitution. In light of this,the beauty of democracy, is the majority over minority. The majority is a significant determinant factors for a democratic leadership at all level of a democratic governance. The level of deception coming out from the electoral body,has created a huge gaps of trust coming from the electorate to the electoral body.this is a classical case of trust versus distrust which has fan the amber for electoral tensions and public uprising for having a credible future elections. Additionally, this trust deficit against the electoral empire,is a national call for concerns for the electoral empire to show leadership where the people will become collectively proud of.

The manifesting ideologies of the electorate is that ,Nigeria as a country, will never have a credible election therefore,needless of wasting a precious time and energy exercising their civic responsibility to casting their votes to their préférable candidate when the electoral empire has already collapsed the voting right of the people to their paymasters .the foundation of democracy is deeply rooted from the people and her will power to choosing or electing a credible candidate to steer the ship of leadership to the people. When political leaders,observably and primarily understand that the people has waken up from this electoral ignorance, the political elite will seat up and provide good governance to the people to entrenched trust and working towards their reelection bids  through winning the heart of the people shown for their good performance that gives growth and development of the Nigeria state.the electoral empire, has subjugated the people as a non viable democratic instrument that determine her political leaders for the betterment of the people and the society. This cause and effects,has predominantly ran the democratic institutions aground .the revered electoral institutions, has become a complicated set of dilemma for upholding its rules and regulations for conducting a free and fair elections to the people.the electoral ad-hoc staff, must be properly trained in a way to be able to freely operate the electoral mechine for the smooth and easy voting process. The baguages in the electoral system,are enormous. A situation where an ad-hoc inec staff conducting his electoral duty in a conflicting situation with no or poor security protection as well has no food for meal within the stipulated timeframe he is serving her fatherland, is nostalgic and a severe antagonist to having a credible election. The ad-hoc staff,must be provided with the primary basic needs e.g,water,food,and shelter must be made available to them to avoiding any candidate consciously approaching them for bribery as well as providing to them those arising needs  neglected by the empire for her employees. Look,it takes a patriotic zeal and integrity to reject financial bribe especially when the affectant is hungry with no shelter. The electoral body need to disengage any corrupt staffers found of sharp practices to sanitize the system to function effectively and provide the yearning Nigerians a free,fair,and credible is insensitive for the Nigeria populace to believed that the entire democratic institutions, has degraded irreparably therefore,the only solutions, is seccessionistic agenders.every institutions is a body of ideas controlled by the people who heads those institutions as such, the behavioral practice of the people that heads institutions ,promotes what they want the institutions to be known for.look,if we collectively come together to Co-ordinate our institutionalized behavior to pragmatize good leadership,good characters,and selfless services, the bad institutions will have a drastic reshape to accommodate what the people wants as a country.

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Tuesday, 9 January 2024


 The role of the teachers in the classroom for the realization of the Nigerian dreams ,can not be is inelegant to fashion our institutions of learning with poor character training and half barked educational disciplines that can not solve the constantly evolving problem of the society with their acquired skills and knowledge for the émergence for a better society with a sound leadership capacity.the classroom teachers,plays an essential roles for the development of the society as they provide the younger generations with a useful transmittable knowledge for the overall pursuits of the tecjnological society where artificial intelligence do the work of humans in a modernized society. In view of this,the failure of the classroom teacher to distribute useful knowledge to her students ,creates a serious problem to the society where ignorance and lack of will power to attending the immédiate needs of the growing society. The essence for having various career pursuits in our various institutions of learning,is to impact positively to solving the various degrees of problems faced by the society. It is undoubtedly undebatable to say,every problem in the society, has a significant good numbers of people trained to solving that problem with their acquired existing knowledge and experience in making the society a better place.pointedly, all problems are never an automatic occurrence, but a processes ignored by those who ought have carefully give a proper attention and providing a technical frameworks to solving those arises problem fighting to dislodge a promising better society.knowledge is invention, inventions is a practicum of both knowledge and experience.every failed society, is a failed educational institutions of learning where teachable and learnable activities apparently refused to compete favorably intones with the current contemporary issues of the overt society. The classroom teachers whose participatory roles in the classroom is to teach her students to acquired sound knowledge for the enhancement of  the general development of the society. Effectively, the educational institutions is the cradles for all societal development since all development starts from the institutions of learning in conjunction with the existing knowledge and experience acquired through classroom teaching professional experiences therefore, the failure of the various institutions, is the failure of the classroom teachers.the educational institutions has abysmally failed to a point where students now compète with grade over acquiring existing useful knowledge for national development. These are some of the precursors that has marres effective leadership in the society. The classroom teachers should be readily available to ensuring the overall pursuits for education which is providing the students with useful professional knowledge and experience, are tremendously achievable .the level of poor educational standards, is eating up the entire democratic institutions and other institutions in the society .students must be taught properly as they undergo their professional training to facilitate economic growth of the society as a professional contributory donations for her father land.Oftentimes, those acclaimed educational graduates are the bogus problem of the Nigeria state who employs every instrumentalities of the human right laws to escape justice for corrupt practices.

Our educational sectors is now a market place where buying and selling is at a higher increase. Disgustingly, it is on a bad record where many political class now goes to various institutions of learning to purchase academic degree certificate illegitimately from this corrupt institutions. The academic authorities with vested political interest,has bastardized our educational institutions .this exigences is uncalled for ,and must be consistently be condemned in its entirety. We must stand up to resist this foisted political interest on the people that has cascades into enormous dilapidation of the academic learning institution.Educative activities is a processes that moves from one stage to another.time for student academic admission into various professional disciplines is an academic process,time time for study is a process,time to seat and write an exams,is another process, time to graduate and acquire academic degree certificate is the last phase of all academic processes. These are the nuisances for a creditable academic records.we must be very careful and strategically meticulous to position our institutions of learning to compete favorably for a global best practices. Learning is never a product of assumption but pragmatic processes.the classroom teachers owed us a strong duty to detect some of this academic impostors to the general public that they where never one of his students.the classroom teachers need to replan their school curriculum to face the current realities of the society. The classroom should reinstate focus on teaching the students on character training and economic consciousness for the growth of the economy. The classroom teachers need to selectively domesticate a prudent teaching and learning methods that reflects our current traditional challenges.we need to redefine our promising academic professions to reassess the level of knowledge been acquired to introspectively pursue positive development. Seemingly, the teachers and the learners has created an unapproachable relationship for further knowledge after graduation due to the level of sharp practices that transpired between both.these has created some forms of distrustful between the teacher and the learners.

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Sunday, 7 January 2024


 Leadershop is all about readiness and preparatory responsibilities for problem solving and its developing mechnism for maintaining laws and orders for the immediate society.leadership provides directions and undue moral investment for a justifiable society.the significant of good leadership, is the distinctive promotion of the society into becoming a conducive and productive moral being where consciousness for uprightness plays a profitabl roles in the lives of the people.the society becomes a decayed place for corruption and poor moral due to a clueless practice of the leaders with low cognition to providing a soft ground for attending the arising needs of the society. Exclusively, the role of the leaders for the changing dynamics for a contemporary society can not be overemphasized. The zeal of the leader is to sincerely manage the food security, education security, religious security, and economic security of the people for the overt productivity of the entire people and the society. A leader with poor intelligence quotient has nothing to offer to the people since leadership deals with the capacity for smart thinking process and an incoperated sincerity for emotional intelligence that is devoid of parochialism, and ethnic favoritism. The leader must work with the good prospect of the people derived from the Constitution. The leader need to provide palliative for the people to cushion the effect of hardship caused by any unforeseen circumstances to avoiding a huge crime society. The exceptional leadership provision for the people,deduced sharp practices in the lives of the people. Good leadership is a significant projection for a better society where law abiding citizens coming together to working with the government in achieving a targeted ends for the growth of the society. When a corrupt leaders are been exposed for their illicit romance with sharp practices which oftentimes attracts public criticism and subsequently demanding for her resignation ,the political leaders termed this act as a disparaging remarks to tarnishing their image.leadership orientation becomes imperative to established the do and the don't in leadership. Many Nigeria political leaders absolutely lack the knowledge of professionalism for the leadership mantle they anticipated for.these however,has deterred good and responsible leadership boxed to the corner with a limited pursuit for a stable viability of the practical growth of the economic. The contingent approach for leadership, is leading by example. People citizens their leaders as an idol that contrast good behavior and a revealing products for rule of laws and due process.therefore,when their is a vacuum for the directionality of the people towards attaining a better society through the detailing observable lawful behavior of the leaders,the people becomes lawless and outgrown due process for a sustainable democracy. To defeat bad economy, is to primarily defeat poor leadership at all level of governance. We need to créât a multi democratic door to deradicalize unprofessionalism,rascality, and sharp practices literally out of the system. The essential tools applicable for a growing democracy, is responsibility. Leadership must be consistent and not epileptic. Whenever their is a deliberate attempt to overlook the challenges of the people, that confirm the underlying failure of leadership in its universalities.

Collectively, we the people need to fight effortlessly lending our voices to call on various corruption fighting agencies for the sequestration of properties acquired through corruption to curtail this unwanted menace for stealing of public funds and using its proceeds to achieving properties home and abroad.the potency for leadership,is to lead hence,its onion for a peaceful leadership creates a joint responsibility for national development. The leaders must travize above ethnic lines and irreconcilable sentiment for pursuing a noticeable development capable of remitting good governance to the people.the position of the leader must be more clearer  to the people to extricate the leaders and the leads accepting and performing its civics responsibilities for the collective dream and vision of the Nigeria state.focus leadership is what Nigeria as a nation state need at this critical dispensation of harsh economy to revitalize purposeful leadership that bears the people which they govern at heart.our political leadership and its poor profitable leadership degradation is at the higher increase  which is an error for commissioning  leadership pattern for the growth of the society.(ab-initio)the politucal conundrum that has deep watered ineligibility for elective positions been awarded to the electoral candidate via the supreme court against popular votes,is undemocratic, selfish,and ego servicing personality for super imposed actualization. For the sake of the suffering Nigerians, leadership at all level need to look and think outside the box from a mono economy to a production induced economy. Out of my own volition, I believed a better leadership is the only surest ways for a better society with a clear withdraws from the old system that enshrined indispensable corruption.

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Friday, 5 January 2024



THIS discussable chapter was carefully designed to critically look at the roles each an every citizens of the nigeria state ,will play as an essential roles in working towards the operationalization of duty  for the possible growth and development of the Nigeria dreams.this chapter will outline the roles of the political leaders,teachers in the classroom,electoral empires,market women,youths,common man,and the female genders working in unison for the essential growth of the economy irrespective of our tribes, religion, gender,class,color,and educational is crucial we begin to lay a solid foundation for the generation yet unborn right now ,than to stay aloof watching the system debilitate further to an irreparable damage.the next generation will collectively apportioned a severe blames on this present generation ,if we continually allow the enemies of the state to deplete our national patrimonies and subsequently render the unborn generations into an abject poverty with destitution of some sorts. A country blessed  as Nigeria ,with a huge deposited mineral resources where every citizens of the state ought to hav become a successful stakeholders in determining how our national treasuries are spent and its equitable monitoring distributions down to the list people in our society which by virtues of our huge resources, the common man,shouldn't be poor.the political equations which is chatting a serious course for plutocracy and undistinguished gerontocrats with a kleptocratic tendencies,will definitely destroy our economy if not been put to a stop.we must come together to flush out those elementary sharp practices been introduced into our democratic system skewed to favor only the elite and then impoverished the people to depend greatly from this wealth stealers which Stern's from the illicit proceeds of corrupt practices in governance.the security agencies, ICPC,EFCC,must wake up from their poor duty roles and begin to figure out modalities to combat illicit wealth acquisitions generated through corrupt practices and other forms of cyber crime.people must be made to be accountable for their opulence lifestyles through proper investigation by the security agencies putting them in a proper check to authenticate how they made their money.when people becomes imposed to account for their riches,the culprit  learns how to distribute their wealth to the people secretly without public notification. This will affords us the undue possibilities to reducing poverty and crime to the besrest minimum.all ministries and agencies of governance ,constitutionally is answerable to the people not to the godfather who d'etat  as the whimpers and caprices to their stooges whose obligatory duty ought to  lies on the people and the society at large.politics in nigeria are played with such an enormous deposits for hate, bitterness, vendetta and corrupt practices now transferable to the successors in office as a blueprint for wickedness and maladministration which has become a reoccurring decimals that has deemphasized standardization for a good political culture.

The excruciating pains of the oppressed citizens,means nothing to the political ruling class due to selfishness and greed for wealth acquization.this amazing plans of the political elite to continually soaking the people into serious poverty for a political control,will pollute our society with an exciting intents for criminal tendencies,prostitution, social vices,and destruction of  lives and properties of the ruling class as a revengeful action against the political ruling class for conditioning the people into a perpetual irrevocable hardship in the midst of our rich resources. The lives of the people must be enhanced to favorably meet up with the current challenges of the harsh economy.unequivocally,both the government and the people, need to show a share commitment for a better society for the people to enjoying the substantial benefits of a democratic governance.the ruling class must steer a clearer ship for leadership that will demonstratively alleviate the people from poverty, poor education, and poor self development if we desire a relative peace advocated by our political forebears. The tendencies for an efficacious governance, is sufficience.we should begin to look at our leadership failures with a uniform mindset for a multifaceted avenues  to disrepeat those established related failures, but to using it as an existing advantage to grow our traditional leadership to compete favorably with other developed countries in the world.nation building is a shared responsibilities between the leaders and the lead providing a corresponding dreams and visions for the nigeria has become apparently difficult and impossible to grow an economy where the leaders and the leads are working selfishly for personal interest against national interest.the promoters of corruption in our various institutions are increasingly high which has flourished across the various ethnicity, religion, and family background. We must annihilate every characters that illicit sharp practices and enshrine due diligence of duty for the generality of the people.

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Thursday, 4 January 2024











Wednesday, 3 January 2024


 The real essence for a moral  pursuit for a better society,comes with the genuine contributory powers of the judiciary providing a  fair judgment to the people without any forms of attachment for selfish bargain capable of destroying the enter fabrics of our practicing democracy. The growth of every nation, is the productivity of the various institutions of government working in a synergy for the overall interest of the people. The level of audacious impunity been played out at the various institutions flexing authorities over the other arms of government is at a higher increase at the expense of the people they so governs.the enterprising youths has gradually lost hope on the judicial institution due to some chunks of corrupt affiliated judgement emanating from our judicial institution.the monumental failure of the judiciary ,is a total collapse of the democratic institutions since it is agréable to say ,that the judiciary is a noose that strengthen a democratic institutions.success is never giving but worked for.the judicial institution need to work sincerely to improving the sustainability of our democratic governance through judicial verdict that interpret the constitution the way it is and for all Nigerians devoid of class and etnnocism.the ingenuity on the part of the judges doing things that ought to be right which they stylishly worked to blindfold the stipulated constitutional laws for material acquisition with a deliberate move to stifle the right of the common man,must be resisted by the lovers of democracy. This draconic method of judgement delivery must be put to an end to reposition the judicial institution to achieving a quality legal best practices in the world.the level of miserable judgement coming out from the judicial institution which carries a wider range of high profile corruption ,bribery, and favoritism is condemnable. in a true democratic society, integrity and due diligence, is the watchdog of all judicial practices in weakening lawlessness in our society. Fundamentally,there is no successful governance with a weak institutions where people are misguided to carry out their national duty for the people. Regulatory policies, is also progressivism .unregulated behavior, begat poor institutions which abysmally disengage collective institutional progress.the damage in the judicial institution is a contributory factor for leadership failures that has eating up the political spheres. Institutional loyalty is not measurable with godfatherism kind of loyalty. An institutions is more powerful than an individual aspirations as such,the fallacy of thought for upholding the roles of godfatherism over an institutions, is illogical, irrational, biased,and factorization of a true democratic institution into an inactive and unrealistic pursuit.our constitutional paragraphs for legal guide in interpreting the law and passing judgement, has been quashed,disregarded in order to favor their paymasters. It is on bad record that, our Constitution has become a mere literary  work that tells a story instead of interpreting the is imperative the judiciary need to work with the constitutional provisions of the law as a proper guides that illicts their legal judgement.

The judiciary is not an institution for expression of opinions, but an institution with a valued facts and evidence that creates fair judgement to the this case,the constitution overrides the inordinate ambition of the judeges for the purpose of an equitable distribution of justice which powers drives from the constitution.isn't that annoying seeing the masses taking a bold predictability stands on the kind of judgement that is about to come out from a court of a competent jurisdiction in view of the direction it may swung?.all legal judgement is unique and relatable therefore, must have the eyes of the extent laws with precedence and its administrative justice system that drew an accurate strength of the constitutional framework.interestingly, the business of the judiciary as provided,is the interpretation of the law without heating up the polity for personal gains.the judiciary need not to strangulate our nascent democratic institutions with their selfish desire for materialism with kangaroo judgement capable of throwing up tension in the system. Respectively, a country with poor ideologies for the rule of law,is an uncivilized nation.good laws,is dependable as well as achievable. The fallibility with  some of the paragraph of  the constitution ,is subject for amendment to incoperate contemporary issues of the society and solving the problem of the people.

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Tuesday, 2 January 2024


 The evolving society comes with its several challenges imposed on the people which constitutes parts of the societal demands and its dynamic desire for wants,needs,class,lifestyles, and securities ofwhich the judiciary is not exempted.the human minds is a changingflash of colors with intents and unintended behavior as such,the tendencies for competition becomes higher and unavoidable for achieving self determinations and personal aspirations.hence,it becomes expidient to honor the immense contribution of the judiciary for the sustainability of our democracy and provide a durable salary increament,pension and gratuities to avoid  any forms of sharp practices that has bedeviled the great institution.people became readily accessible for crime and sharp practices when their monthly wages can't sustain them for the next payment of their wages.this however,has illicitly engaged most judges into delivering judgement against the legal standard of the judiciary that evidently approved factual exhibit as a proper guide for adjudication. On the contrary,the tone of question is,are the judiciary been paid with a good or quality wages inline with their status as judges?this question is not a critical question but a clearer pictures of poor financial support system that has impoverished some judges who deliberately refused to participate in sharp practices. Detailing some of the blistering pains and harassment of the judges whose parameters for objective ruling based with facts presented ,was sacked, embarrassed, and alleged with crime they never committed just to destroy their good legal reputation before the public. Our legal system need to work towards bringing any actions that are illegal to defeat those corrupt elements that has vowed to go against the constitutional provisions of the law in discharging their do we expect an ordinary school cert leavers who is a politician making millions of naira from his public office,and then expect a man who is learned and has rising to the position of a judge to wallow in abject poverty? This is a logical curiosity for self assessment that somewhat connotes comparative analysis. Seemingly,it has become practically impossible to expect judgement that carries human face from our judges due to structural corrupt practices and lack of character personification on the part of the judges who are constitutionally saddled with the responsibility to interpret the low in total compliance with the lay down constitution.constitutionality has been trashed to the corners with some connectivity for legal incumbrances with selfish rulings .experte orders from the judges has become a mere legal pronouncements before the executive who arrogantly disobeyed those orders since it did not favor their personal and political interest as such,they move from one lower court to the other shopping for a counter court orders to compound more legal interpretations into a convoluted legal space..

It is important for us as a people to demonstrate democratic culture in all of our dealings as well as respect rule of laws.peace is not just a cooperation, but also a relative ventures for a profitable society where the ordinary man becomes a huge beneficiary. The judicial institution must not be under the payrole of the executive arms,but must be allowed for a true financial autonomy to create a sustainable dividend of democracy to the people. The judiciary must as matter of its urgent importance, working with the law makers to enact a constitutional laws where appointment of judicial workers should not be under the prerogative power of the executive, but within the judicial institution to enable the judiciary to function effectively in their convictions for a deliverable judgement that prove the authentic voice of the constitution objectively.the terms and conditions for an excisable legal judgement, must drives the minds of the constitution in giving a democracy a facelift for an achievable driving democratic economy where the ordinary citizens fuction sufficiently for the overall contribution for nation building.

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re many nigerians are hypocritical in their behaviours as such,shouldn't be taking serious when it comes to comenting  on national issue...