Tuesday, 2 January 2024


 The evolving society comes with its several challenges imposed on the people which constitutes parts of the societal demands and its dynamic desire for wants,needs,class,lifestyles, and securities ofwhich the judiciary is not exempted.the human minds is a changingflash of colors with intents and unintended behavior as such,the tendencies for competition becomes higher and unavoidable for achieving self determinations and personal aspirations.hence,it becomes expidient to honor the immense contribution of the judiciary for the sustainability of our democracy and provide a durable salary increament,pension and gratuities to avoid  any forms of sharp practices that has bedeviled the great institution.people became readily accessible for crime and sharp practices when their monthly wages can't sustain them for the next payment of their wages.this however,has illicitly engaged most judges into delivering judgement against the legal standard of the judiciary that evidently approved factual exhibit as a proper guide for adjudication. On the contrary,the tone of question is,are the judiciary been paid with a good or quality wages inline with their status as judges?this question is not a critical question but a clearer pictures of poor financial support system that has impoverished some judges who deliberately refused to participate in sharp practices. Detailing some of the blistering pains and harassment of the judges whose parameters for objective ruling based with facts presented ,was sacked, embarrassed, and alleged with crime they never committed just to destroy their good legal reputation before the public. Our legal system need to work towards bringing any actions that are illegal to defeat those corrupt elements that has vowed to go against the constitutional provisions of the law in discharging their duties.how do we expect an ordinary school cert leavers who is a politician making millions of naira from his public office,and then expect a man who is learned and has rising to the position of a judge to wallow in abject poverty? This is a logical curiosity for self assessment that somewhat connotes comparative analysis. Seemingly,it has become practically impossible to expect judgement that carries human face from our judges due to structural corrupt practices and lack of character personification on the part of the judges who are constitutionally saddled with the responsibility to interpret the low in total compliance with the lay down constitution.constitutionality has been trashed to the corners with some connectivity for legal incumbrances with selfish rulings .experte orders from the judges has become a mere legal pronouncements before the executive who arrogantly disobeyed those orders since it did not favor their personal and political interest as such,they move from one lower court to the other shopping for a counter court orders to compound more legal interpretations into a convoluted legal space..

It is important for us as a people to demonstrate democratic culture in all of our dealings as well as respect rule of laws.peace is not just a cooperation, but also a relative ventures for a profitable society where the ordinary man becomes a huge beneficiary. The judicial institution must not be under the payrole of the executive arms,but must be allowed for a true financial autonomy to create a sustainable dividend of democracy to the people. The judiciary must as matter of its urgent importance, working with the law makers to enact a constitutional laws where appointment of judicial workers should not be under the prerogative power of the executive, but within the judicial institution to enable the judiciary to function effectively in their convictions for a deliverable judgement that prove the authentic voice of the constitution objectively.the terms and conditions for an excisable legal judgement, must drives the minds of the constitution in giving a democracy a facelift for an achievable driving democratic economy where the ordinary citizens fuction sufficiently for the overall contribution for nation building.

Page 31.

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re many nigerians are hypocritical in their behaviours as such,shouldn't be taking serious when it comes to comenting  on national issue...