Friday, 5 January 2024



THIS discussable chapter was carefully designed to critically look at the roles each an every citizens of the nigeria state ,will play as an essential roles in working towards the operationalization of duty  for the possible growth and development of the Nigeria dreams.this chapter will outline the roles of the political leaders,teachers in the classroom,electoral empires,market women,youths,common man,and the female genders working in unison for the essential growth of the economy irrespective of our tribes, religion, gender,class,color,and educational is crucial we begin to lay a solid foundation for the generation yet unborn right now ,than to stay aloof watching the system debilitate further to an irreparable damage.the next generation will collectively apportioned a severe blames on this present generation ,if we continually allow the enemies of the state to deplete our national patrimonies and subsequently render the unborn generations into an abject poverty with destitution of some sorts. A country blessed  as Nigeria ,with a huge deposited mineral resources where every citizens of the state ought to hav become a successful stakeholders in determining how our national treasuries are spent and its equitable monitoring distributions down to the list people in our society which by virtues of our huge resources, the common man,shouldn't be poor.the political equations which is chatting a serious course for plutocracy and undistinguished gerontocrats with a kleptocratic tendencies,will definitely destroy our economy if not been put to a stop.we must come together to flush out those elementary sharp practices been introduced into our democratic system skewed to favor only the elite and then impoverished the people to depend greatly from this wealth stealers which Stern's from the illicit proceeds of corrupt practices in governance.the security agencies, ICPC,EFCC,must wake up from their poor duty roles and begin to figure out modalities to combat illicit wealth acquisitions generated through corrupt practices and other forms of cyber crime.people must be made to be accountable for their opulence lifestyles through proper investigation by the security agencies putting them in a proper check to authenticate how they made their money.when people becomes imposed to account for their riches,the culprit  learns how to distribute their wealth to the people secretly without public notification. This will affords us the undue possibilities to reducing poverty and crime to the besrest minimum.all ministries and agencies of governance ,constitutionally is answerable to the people not to the godfather who d'etat  as the whimpers and caprices to their stooges whose obligatory duty ought to  lies on the people and the society at large.politics in nigeria are played with such an enormous deposits for hate, bitterness, vendetta and corrupt practices now transferable to the successors in office as a blueprint for wickedness and maladministration which has become a reoccurring decimals that has deemphasized standardization for a good political culture.

The excruciating pains of the oppressed citizens,means nothing to the political ruling class due to selfishness and greed for wealth acquization.this amazing plans of the political elite to continually soaking the people into serious poverty for a political control,will pollute our society with an exciting intents for criminal tendencies,prostitution, social vices,and destruction of  lives and properties of the ruling class as a revengeful action against the political ruling class for conditioning the people into a perpetual irrevocable hardship in the midst of our rich resources. The lives of the people must be enhanced to favorably meet up with the current challenges of the harsh economy.unequivocally,both the government and the people, need to show a share commitment for a better society for the people to enjoying the substantial benefits of a democratic governance.the ruling class must steer a clearer ship for leadership that will demonstratively alleviate the people from poverty, poor education, and poor self development if we desire a relative peace advocated by our political forebears. The tendencies for an efficacious governance, is sufficience.we should begin to look at our leadership failures with a uniform mindset for a multifaceted avenues  to disrepeat those established related failures, but to using it as an existing advantage to grow our traditional leadership to compete favorably with other developed countries in the world.nation building is a shared responsibilities between the leaders and the lead providing a corresponding dreams and visions for the nigeria has become apparently difficult and impossible to grow an economy where the leaders and the leads are working selfishly for personal interest against national interest.the promoters of corruption in our various institutions are increasingly high which has flourished across the various ethnicity, religion, and family background. We must annihilate every characters that illicit sharp practices and enshrine due diligence of duty for the generality of the people.

Page 33.

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re many nigerians are hypocritical in their behaviours as such,shouldn't be taking serious when it comes to comenting  on national issue...