Tuesday, 9 January 2024


 The role of the teachers in the classroom for the realization of the Nigerian dreams ,can not be undermined.it is inelegant to fashion our institutions of learning with poor character training and half barked educational disciplines that can not solve the constantly evolving problem of the society with their acquired skills and knowledge for the émergence for a better society with a sound leadership capacity.the classroom teachers,plays an essential roles for the development of the society as they provide the younger generations with a useful transmittable knowledge for the overall pursuits of the tecjnological society where artificial intelligence do the work of humans in a modernized society. In view of this,the failure of the classroom teacher to distribute useful knowledge to her students ,creates a serious problem to the society where ignorance and lack of will power to attending the immédiate needs of the growing society. The essence for having various career pursuits in our various institutions of learning,is to impact positively to solving the various degrees of problems faced by the society. It is undoubtedly undebatable to say,every problem in the society, has a significant good numbers of people trained to solving that problem with their acquired existing knowledge and experience in making the society a better place.pointedly, all problems are never an automatic occurrence, but a processes ignored by those who ought have carefully give a proper attention and providing a technical frameworks to solving those arises problem fighting to dislodge a promising better society.knowledge is invention, inventions is a practicum of both knowledge and experience.every failed society, is a failed educational institutions of learning where teachable and learnable activities apparently refused to compete favorably intones with the current contemporary issues of the overt society. The classroom teachers whose participatory roles in the classroom is to teach her students to acquired sound knowledge for the enhancement of  the general development of the society. Effectively, the educational institutions is the cradles for all societal development since all development starts from the institutions of learning in conjunction with the existing knowledge and experience acquired through classroom teaching professional experiences therefore, the failure of the various institutions, is the failure of the classroom teachers.the educational institutions has abysmally failed to a point where students now compète with grade over acquiring existing useful knowledge for national development. These are some of the precursors that has marres effective leadership in the society. The classroom teachers should be readily available to ensuring the overall pursuits for education which is providing the students with useful professional knowledge and experience, are tremendously achievable .the level of poor educational standards, is eating up the entire democratic institutions and other institutions in the society .students must be taught properly as they undergo their professional training to facilitate economic growth of the society as a professional contributory donations for her father land.Oftentimes, those acclaimed educational graduates are the bogus problem of the Nigeria state who employs every instrumentalities of the human right laws to escape justice for corrupt practices.

Our educational sectors is now a market place where buying and selling is at a higher increase. Disgustingly, it is on a bad record where many political class now goes to various institutions of learning to purchase academic degree certificate illegitimately from this corrupt institutions. The academic authorities with vested political interest,has bastardized our educational institutions .this exigences is uncalled for ,and must be consistently be condemned in its entirety. We must stand up to resist this foisted political interest on the people that has cascades into enormous dilapidation of the academic learning institution.Educative activities is a processes that moves from one stage to another.time for student academic admission into various professional disciplines is an academic process,time time for study is a process,time to seat and write an exams,is another process, time to graduate and acquire academic degree certificate is the last phase of all academic processes. These are the nuisances for a creditable academic records.we must be very careful and strategically meticulous to position our institutions of learning to compete favorably for a global best practices. Learning is never a product of assumption but pragmatic processes.the classroom teachers owed us a strong duty to detect some of this academic impostors to the general public that they where never one of his students.the classroom teachers need to replan their school curriculum to face the current realities of the society. The classroom should reinstate focus on teaching the students on character training and economic consciousness for the growth of the economy. The classroom teachers need to selectively domesticate a prudent teaching and learning methods that reflects our current traditional challenges.we need to redefine our promising academic professions to reassess the level of knowledge been acquired to introspectively pursue positive development. Seemingly, the teachers and the learners has created an unapproachable relationship for further knowledge after graduation due to the level of sharp practices that transpired between both.these has created some forms of distrustful between the teacher and the learners.

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re many nigerians are hypocritical in their behaviours as such,shouldn't be taking serious when it comes to comenting  on national issue...