Clifford .N. Igwe a.k.a CLIFF DBOSS as he is fondly called by fans and poeple around him, is a Nigeria Citizen resides in Lekki Lagos Nigeria. He was born on 7th April . He is the CEO of MR. AND MRS DEMOCRACY LIMITED of which the company is located at Lekki Lagos Nigeria.a movie producer,and a graduate of educational Psychology University of Port-Harcout Choba Rivers State Nigeria. For advertisements, sponsorship.pls call.+2347037696056
Sunday, 27 August 2023
cliffordian principles, are carefully and extensively drafted laws that guides the philosophical cogencies of cliffordian thoughts and its behavioural applications.this laws however, models both positive and negative behaviours bywhich foster personal sense of reasoning in every giving situations.
the applicability of this laws, guides your day to day behavioural relationship with families and friends, politics, academics, and intra personal relatipnship.
significantly, this laws are subject for review as time goes on.
(1)Never present gifts of trust to any humans.not even to your own shadows.
(2)Have respect for constituted authorities.
(3)learn to respect other peoples wishes and personal decisions.
(4)Acceptance of mistakes , evidently placed you to an environment for learnable activities.
(5)forgive no one who intensionally wrong you, for they will surely strike again if giving another opportunities.
(6)Become self sufficient to avoid been taking for granted.
(7)don't donate unnescessary apologies to your enemies for he will always sees you as an enemy.
(8)Don't appeal for a broken relationship, if been amended, you will surely live like a slave under such personality.
(9)Do not negotiate for the things that has no values .even in your possessions, it will continued to be valueless no matter how you put in effort to create values for it.
(10)Don't call people's line above ones if such calls is centred on asking "how are u?can you come to see me?can we hav a date?calling someone continueously should only be for bussineses .
afterall, A friend that values you will call back if he missed your calls.
(11)learn how to place a tag of self worth to whatever you do.
(12)during your social media chats, do not type a new message if the said receipient haven't replied your old message.
(13)show no care to those that see's you as a nobody, for it will never be regarded as a care but a disturbance.
(14)speak less and listen more.
(15)choose the right fight not all fight.
(16)spend prudently .
(17)choose your friends that respects you for whom you are , not for what you are.
(18)Always proves to your doubters you can do it over and over again.
(19)stop eyeservicing , for it pays nothing but unavoidable hatred whenever you withdraw from those things you constantly do to attract praises.
(20) fear nothing but your God , for He is the driver of your life.
(21)Become intelligently industrous with workadays activities if you want to be successful.
(21)keep to your intergrity even in your lowest state.
(22)while on the phone call, ensure you hav no food in your mouth.
(22)Don't eat while walking on the road.
(23)Don't join trends without the full capacity to sustain it.
(23)Don't give out if you hav no hope to replace it.
(24)don't outshine your mentor without giving him some credits, for he will fight to bring you down behind the scene.
(25)Don't create a lifestyles you can not maintain to the end, for it will drive you into crime to meet up.
(26)do not empower your secret enemy for he will use it as a weapon to destroy you.
(27)Be a success magnet, and not afailure dignified
these are cliffordian laws and principles to life.use them, master it, let it guide your day to day activities, make it your life philosophical applications and it will recreate your perceptions about life and engenders your personal growths and development .
my name is clifford igwe, aka cliff dboss.A prolific writer, exponent"political psychology"and an entertainer.
my name is clifford igwe.aka cliff, exponent"political psychology, and an entertainer.
Tuesday, 22 August 2023
immorality is a serious issues that has degraded moral societtal standard. as such, must be handled with no kid gloove.if we look at the societal prognosis, you will surely agree with me , our new generational teenagers, will prospectively go hellwire against every sense of morality in their choice of clothing, attitudes, and peer group influence.disgustingly, they will act in a way our moral society will frown at.they will participates in various activities that goes against our morals which many citizens will give
them a clapping hands of solidarity in advertising immorality . the younger generations will be regarded as fashonable and civilized.our once cherished moral society, is fastly erodding from her classical shape of beauty in our upbringing and some behavioural deficiencies for a sanner society.the demography for moral uprightness, is rapidly deminishing and devastating against the originality for what the society was known for.the hallow effect for our poor moral practices, will continue to be transmitted from one generation to another , and then, decay our moral society with an unwanted trends for devilish really beats my imagination seen a beautiful younger lady getting entangled with a follow woman for a lesbian sexual gratification.what on earth will attract my follow men to me for sexual gratification when there are cute and pretty young ladies all over the places?this is demonic and must be reduced to the bearest minimum. evidently, some of you ladies that are bysexual, the lord says i should advice you to desist from such an ungodly act that does not promote a purified or a chastitized society.The lord says i should inform you, you must not serve two masters at a time.look, nothing can be more shameful than seen a full blown human been labelled as a perverse generation whose significant duties is to go against the moral laid down practices to something more unholy practices.our moral society is crying for justice against those culprits who polutted her once a cleaner environment to a dirty trashed environment where all manners of irrational and illogical behaviours are deposited .this is uncontestable, sex now is more cheaper than ever.the level of sexual advertisement been showcased on the social media, is highly Apocalyptic. as such, should be comdemenable in its intireity.many souls has signed a directory signature to be languished in hell.if we carry out an integrity test for all nigerians, my dear, , non will scale through to be somewhat you concur with me , many nigerians lacks integrity?integrity is a personality of character.take away personality, no character.also take away character, no personality.the two semantic words of expression works in peri perso.some ladies now out of shameful conducts.sexual immorality is at its higher peak.ladies and gentlemen, last month, i joined a certain industry friend of mine to celebrate his 33rd birthday at the elequish beach in lekki lagos.what i saw at the wee hour of the night was astonned.suprisingly, i saw many young ladies at the beach having sex in an open places without shame.dear friends, the young guys was like"babe, can't you see people are here watching"the ladies replied"pls, do it what do they want to see they haven't seen before now" omo, i could not behold such an ungodly sight therefore, i resorted to move down to the car and relaxed. the most agonizing part of it, many of the pretty young ladies involved for that open sex, where all big girls that equally came around with their flashy cars.and i asked?where is our sense of morality?where is our upbringing?what are we practicing?is this our African culture?finally i came to a definitive conclussion, our cultural value as African is gone, our belief system now struggles to survived at the expense of foriegn practices that has emcompassed poor morals and perversive behaviour.the contemprary society is fast becoming demonic and insensitive to uphold the good tenets for a quality society.we now used our money to purchase things that destroys us rather than to give life to life itself.we used our money to buy wishky, moet, ciggaret, sex toy, coccain, butt implant, breast enlargement, pen enlargement, etc.against the things giving to mankind freely from our makers.your lord God, gave you fresh air for life, unpurchasable breath, ability to eat and discharged, ability to talk through your mouth instead you chosed to use same mouth to gossip and speak evil against God.He gave you brain , instead you chose to use it to question your God, He gave u power to recreate things, instead you choses to recreate immoralities against moralities.He gave you right for selections, instead you chosed to become a lesbian.He gave you right to have sex with your male husband, insted you choses to make use of sex toys that can get stocks inside your body.He gifted you talents to honor him, instead, you chooses to honor the devil against your God.He gave you nice hair, you chooses to buy wig to cover ur natural hair.He gave you nice eyes, you chooses to make use of eye context to cover your original eyes.He gifted you fine ass, you chooses to carry fake ass.He gave you fine complexion as black African woman, you chooses to tone your original skin.He gave you nice natural boobs, you chooses to get artificial breast to enticed fake men.He cloths you to cover your nakedness, you chooes to open your sacred body for the masses.He gave you the power to make wealth, you chooses to use same wealth to promote the devil.He instructed you to honor and submit totally to your husband, you chooses to practice gender equality.He instructed you to be upright in all your doings, you chooses to get involved in sharp practices.dear friends, what do we need from God he never gave out to mankind?He has gifted us all things according to his exceeding riches.
All we need is to turn back from our immoralities and embrace God.
our society will be more safer and secured when we return to our originalities.
my name is clifford igwe, aka cliffdboss.A prolific writer, exponent"introduction to political psychology"and an entertainer.
Tuesday, 15 August 2023
Africa as a continent, has been erroneously adjudged as a black continent with under development, less educated people, and poverty residual continent.Africa as a continent is misconstrued with many unfavourable index used in rating the African decents.the ordinal scales of measurement in rating the continent of Africa, does not connotes any sense of factuality in defining the real state of the Africa continents and that of her decents.The ontological truth associated with the etemology of the Akabland,can not be overemphasize which simply means, the mother of all creations.the name Africa is never the original name given to the acclaimed Africa which was named and fashonned by the westerners out of inferiority complex that enveloped the west against that of the African decentry.the issues pertaining headship, was the essential root casues of the name changed from the west against the black race.during the precolonial era, Africa was and still remains the craddle of development back then in Egypt.Africa as a continent was never under developed as science and technologies was at its traditional peak before colonialism became noticeable.evidently, the use of herbs where employed by the African herbalist who uses leaves and root to heal all kind of sicknesses through traditional, looking at means of transportation.Africans where using canoe to transport goods and humans to other nighbouring African countries for commerce and local trading patterns.looking at the African educational context, significantly, African education was basically centred on military training, cultural practices which oftentimes comes through verbal citations of folktales, use of objects to practice mathmatical calculations, use of signs to mark date of every given crucial events, used of divination to consult oracles in explaining retrosgresive and introspective occurance of an events, they also developed blacksmitting technologies to wed iron through fire burning methodologies,invention of local lantan to light up rooms, streets, etc.manufacturing of local made wears through traditional fiberics made from our indeginous cottons primarily processessed from woods, use of firewood to cook homemade food, production of local wine well prossessed from the natural trees.and local made cassava prossessed equipment in prossessing our casava tubes before consumptions.with this clarifiable evidence substaintiated above, it becomes glaringly attestable to say, Africa where never unintelligent nor uncivilized people.Africa was
the centre for civilizations and nobody will take this ontological truth away from her.afterall, it is writtingly historic to say that the earlier philosopher thales, patagoras and many more began their philosophical learning and practice at the maiditerianian sea where philosophical physics and mathmatics where taught, technological science and biological knowledge became at its peak.isn't that classical and examplary to say that every human knowledge gave birth from the Africa continent.?Africa is the birth of all things, and all things remain the primary products of the African continent.the westerners are suffering from severe insecurity and accute personality degredations.we must not continue to lower our headshipness due to a little pot of stew.we must rise up and discharge every insignificant factors that has invaded our common wealth and that of our share belief system.whenever an African man speaks a factual truth, the west associates such truth to, when a white man says hateful speech against the blacks, it becomes a human right expressions.look, you can't preach to the Africa continent on gender equality, LGBT right to marry in our Africa society which the african continent frowns at it, s practiced as human right.look, non of the human right laws are absolute therefore, such right must work in conformity with the African traditional laws before such right can become acceptable.Africans reserves the unwavering right to practice some of this so called human right nor discard it to the trash being.we collectively said no to this guise of indirect rules from the outgone colonial society whose ultimate plan is to render the entire African continent into a pepectual boundage through recolonialistic aids from most of this foriegn banks who dishes out loan to some of this African countries without recourse for dequate assessment of the fund if it actually achieved the said objectives through a forinsic framework on how the said money are been spent.there is nothing wrong with the black colour of a black man.what is obnorxiously wrong with the black man, is his inability to take his core responsibilities to headship and rule his world.for cry out loud, when would African president learn how to manage his resources without running around to source for all this toxic foriegn loans?How long will our political leaders takes loan for just official consumptions and servicing of a longtime range foriegn debt?How do we hyness our God giving potentials to compete favourably with other commitee of developing nations in the world?when would African values their God given originalities at the expense of that of the foriegn products?Africans must rise up to decimate this ugly monster of recolonialism agender that has raped our collective harmony, sincerity, and unanimous forefront in developing a blueprint that will encapsulate human development, job creations, Anihilation of excruciating poverty away from the continent?we must say no to this unwanted imperialist with their gimick forceful invasion to our purified land.we must as urgence, say no to those who do not mean well for the continent for the fear of seniority and positioning the continent to take its rightful place as the head of all mankind.we need to map out programmes that will enhance our traditional science to become productively competetive.we must as a matter of ugent inportance, position all African currencies into a single digits and make the African economy enviable.A continent with so much mineral deposits, must not be poor!A continent with the must intelligent being on the surface of the earth, shouldn't source for a foriegn aids before solving her problems.A continent with many resourceful personalities, must led in every spheres of human resource management.we must see our diverse culture as a yardstick that drives strength of traditional character not a curse.we must see the colour of our skin as an unfaking originality that exhume headship and superiorty, not a minority or uncivilized people.we must see ourselves as one indivisible emtity for a morally unique development of a share identity that carries the gen for essential pasonale as well as work in synegy to salvage the bleeding economy
of the continent.everything bad must not come from the Africa continent just to paint the continent bad and potrays her in a bad lane light to the world?can any thing good come out of Africa again?the answer is yes.if nothing good will come out of Africa, then the existential foundamental questions is, what are the foriegn nationals coming to the continent to do?and why are they stubornheaded to leave us alone and manage our selves and that of the continental resources?look, you can't paint the entire continent as bad yet, invades us to divert our mineral resources to develop ur foriegn land.Afterall, A thief does not break into an empty house.
my name is clifford igwe, aka cliff dboss, exponent"political psychology, and an entertainer.
Thursday, 10 August 2023
Toxic friendship is a serious issues that has eaten deep across the fibrics of the global communities which has dymisified once a healthy relationship into a state of disaray and complicatively suspicious in sustaining a healthy friendship.However, in every relationship, there are visible factors that points as a redflag or an early warning signs that enables the affected person noticeably places such a toxic friendship into an observable factors to avoid an inpending dangers of is evident to say that, once a certain behaviour becomes somewhat repititious, it serves as a guidance call for a mental alertness which significantly filled ur mind with the future dangers awaiting to take place against you.Afterall, what makes any human intelligent is of two factors which is, the Capacity to be properly guided against running into manmade problems , and the capacity to provides solutions to such elicited problem.
(1)HIGHER SENSE OF ENTILEMENT MENTALITY:this signs, is significantly noticeable at the formative stage of that friendship which the affected person blatantly ignores.At this stage, such toxic friend, strongly makes no boundaries to your belongings and possibly uses them at will without prejudice for a sense of ownership.
(2)GOSSP:This IS Another fators used to identify a toxic friendship.gossip is a murderous behavioural abnormalities that ought not to be entertained and accommondated for any reasons.dear, if you hav a friend who speaks ill behind you, pls, discard such friendship before her behavour could led to the other party involved taking his/her precious life untimely through
depression and subsiquently throw family and good businnes aquitence into complicent of is dangerous for any human life to be fashioned with many unprintable name calling which the affected, may hav heard from annonymous source .A friend who could not challenge and comfront you when ever you go wrong against her, but choses to gossip you with jobless and lazy friends. isn't a good friend at all.As such, discountinance from such friendship.
(3)UNPRODUCTIVE FRIENDShIP:what keeps a quality relationship running smoothly, is the gains and productive benefits the both parties are gainfully achieving from such a relationship.some friends are lazy.some friends depends their lifelihood from the other party.Any friendship that is not contributing positively to the growth of that friendahip, is toxic.Reward system is a product of work done work, no reward.been subservient to that friend in the morning, and became toxic at night.such friend, is nothing but an eyeservicers whose only aim is to satifies the stomoch infrastructure.
(4)COMPARATIVE BEHVIOUR:this is another uncceptable attributes of behaviour that can be visibly noticed from a toxic friends whose only duties, is to compare her personalities to that of the other party, A toxic friend, compares the following with the other, Boyfriends, complextion, Academic qualifications, height, stature, wears, etc.dear friends, whenever you noticed a friend makes an overture of comparism on the above, then, there is a problem .All you need do when identified, is to discharge such friendship as quick as possible to avoid putting your life into danger.
(5)STINGINESS OR FRUGALITY:i believed, this is self already understand the behavioural flashpoints that places one to be called a stingy personality.
A wise man, is a personality that knows when to drew the battle line and when to select an intelligent responses to issues.
my name is clifford igwe.aka cliff dboss.exponent"introduction to political psychology, and an entertainer.
Sunday, 6 August 2023
Mentorship, is just an act, not validity for success.mentorship could however synonimously hav some significant semblance to that of coaching yet, there is a huge dichotomy between the two binance words of expression.
mentorship, is the act of experiential teaching methodologies from a higher successful persoonality to the mentees.Evidently, the work of a mentor, is to make adequate corrective measures of assessment from the mentee for futuristic success in order to avouding relapse of failure that may hav bedeviled the mentees productive efficiencies.
A mentor is one who performs a carreer modeling approach to the mentee in setting up a solid platform for success through advice giving, cognitive assistance, referial, financial, and consistencies in checking up on the mentee, s welbeig.A mentor, is unequivocally regarded as the mentee,s career godfather whose ultimate responsibilities is to see the mentee achieve laudable success in the area of professions which he the mentor stands as an authority in that profession.A mentor is also a role model but hav a tiny different of can hav a role model which he or she adolizes yet , never met him in person to share any forms of brainstorming professional ideologies.while a mentor, is someone the mentee looks up to , shares his ideologies with him, transmit his future endeavours, and possibly had met him in real live situations.A coach, is never a mentor.A coach is someone who is knowledgeable and overtly expirienced in his proffession whose core responsiblities and objectives is to see the team wins or becomes successful for
his career adventures.the underlying key word here is, A coach is someone contracted for a job with a specific duration of timelines.while a mentor, is someone who made up his mind volountrily with out any financial payment or contratual agreement to assist the mentee becomes successful in the area of profession which the mentor is an authority.Basically, the job of a mentor to the mentee, is endlessily continium even when the mentee becomes successful in that profession he the mentor, continues to offer him more useful experiential advice to keep his success smoothly, and undyingly running to stand the taste of time.Now, looking at mentorship with that of African mentalities.from the above explanatory guides , you will surely agree with me that, a western mentor is much more better than an African mentor.reasons been that, A western mentor, tells u nothing but the truth , as well as discharge his obligatory responsibilities to enable the mentee becomes exceedingly succeasful in that profession.A white mentor does not boarder of the mentee becoming more successful than himself in that matter of facts, A white mentor will work effortlessily seen his mentee becomes more success than him self in order to cede the credit to him the mentor and provenly share with the success trajectory story of his mentee.Africa is a country where people do not want another to succeed in their life endeavours.As such, they do not want to pertake in the making of the mentee's proceedural training for successful story. African elite hides succeasful knowledge and techniques on how they struggled to the top through consistent hard work and resilience to
the younger generation due to career insecurity and poor understanding that the young shall grow and some day, become new generational elite that will beam the light of the continent.we the younger generation builds from nothing to something yet we are succeasful.imaging if the younger generation is building on the platform of an existing something to something, then, Africa would hav become a better continent.Africa is called a dark continent with a black mind.the African Elite need to reevaluate themselves and asked this basic question? how many younger generation passed under my mentorship and becomes successful?look, as a shinning star in that profession, and you do not hav someone you made through ur wealth of experiential knowledege, dear brother, your not successful yet in that careee.the success of ur career is dependant on the number of people who are readily available to take over your lecacies while your no more.we must holistically defile this ugly trend that has deepend our inpeding growth.we need to understand that nothing in life is constant other than change in its self.we need to train the younger generation with poor sense of direction to hav a legitimitized directional visions through sound and proper mentorship.the African youths do no longer participate in serial training that builds up a successful personalities, But rather got themselves in quicker or get rich symdrome due to lack of mentors to disseminate useful information on the process of getting to the top.the African elite must shoulder this responsibilities for sound mentorship to the young stars if Africa as a continent must get it right in all spheres.the youth must submit themselves for adequate learning process that neccescitate progressive profesaion.the elite needs to understand that the life of the mentees career, is in the hands of his mentor.lack of proper mentorship, engenders corruption, cyber crime, criminality, poor perception, and lack of sound holistic knowledge with the ninetigrity of
the profession.we need a true queentisence of professional ideas to be transmitted to the younger generations.Africa is a continent with many raw potentials waiting to be brushed into reality.mentorship is one of the reasons for the African under development.yet, the youth are ready for mentorship.where are the mentors that hav sincerity of purpose?if you do not hav a mentee, pls, look for one and engage him in training. mike muldock will say"i am happy i died empty"now ask your self, are u going to die empty?or you will die with ur knowledege to the grave without collective benefit to the society?
is never too late to be a shinning star in your gallaxy only if you are ready to discover you are a dog star that can never be dimmed in the galaxy.
my name is clifford igwe, aka cliff dboss.An exponent"political psychology, and an entertainer.
Thursday, 3 August 2023
the debilitating situation on going in our economy, is really getting out of hand.all these are happening due to a bold statement made by the seating president for the removal of fuel subsidy. this is a serious call to the nigerian elite to speak up collectively in fashioning out an enlasting solutions to all this myraids of challenges generally occassioned by the fuel subsidy removal.nigeria as a country, is like a country on auto pilot.relistening from the nation wide media broadcast from mr president on the policy documents in cushioning the over bearing effects of the subsidy removal, i wept profusely for this great country called nigeria.Arbitrarily, it becomes obvious to say that, the present govement is only good in articulations rather than providing solutions michanism for substaintial change.., i over heard mr president reeling out plans on how the 500 billion naira recently approved by the national assemblies will rejig the economy and put the economy on the part of progressive motions.hovever, it becomes uninterestingly amazing going further to listen from that policy document that lacks human face but rather choses to enrich the elite and then in other hands, impoverish the poor in a larger scale of president made mention of giving out one billion naira each to 75 technocrats in boosting economic growth.look, this is a smokescreen for shiftting attentions from the current reality driven with hardship on ground to a more unrealistic venture that will never see the light of the day.first questions that comes to mind, who are the 75 business owners that are elligible for this federal goverrment grants?what part of the country do they come from, what impact has their businesses made to the country in the area of lifting the poor through some social cooperate respinsibilities?what ratio of employment hav they generated from the inception of the company to date?and, what is their age bracket?are they below 50 years or above?this are the basic foundamental questions we need an urgent answers from the federal goverment.introspectively, some intelligent minds would assumed, the said one billion naira to be giving to 75 business owners, is nothing but a national decoy used to compensate those who financed their outgone elections.this is unacceptable.national coffers can never be a personal coffers for the greedy politicians who selfishly deplicted our foriegn reserved to finance personal businesses , in return, inflict too much hardship to the nigeria president also made mention of giving out 50k to 1 million nigerians for a dano businesses.look, 50k, can not set up any tangible productive business in nigeria with the current economic harsh realities of things in the country.honestly, the said amount of money , if been giving, will become a conduit pip for a national jamborees.atleast we hav witnessed, how billions of naira appropriated for school feeding program during the outgone administration of Buhari was gone into the financial dustbeing created by this same crops political jobbers.i hav said this overtime in various media foras that, our political leaders are doing business with the nigeria economy for selfish gain.astonishingly, mr president in his media broadcast, he never made mention of revamping our muribound refineries because, many of our politicians may somewhat are the beneficiary of the Dangote refineries.As such, fixing up the nigeria refineries is at the detriment to the core investors of the ultimate Dangote's refineries .is high time our political leaders realize that the people they leads are not lesser animals than they are, but also a higher animals with higher level of intelligent quotient as they are.opportunity only drives them to lead, does not mean they are better than other citizens when it comes to measurable intelligibilities.the protest that took place by the nigeria labour congress, can never be taking for granted if nothing reasonable is been done looking at the issues brought by the NLC, it may snowball into national unrest if another protest schedule to take place again , as many jobless nigerian youths may seize the golden opportunity to vandalize, and loot peoples had earn properties in the guise for a national protest.we do not need another war in nigeria.All we need is good governance and total restructuring.having said this, i advocate for devolution of power.the high profile level of corruption going on in the system, is associated with so much power given to the federal government who detat the future of the unarmed 200 millions nigerians with stiffer policies that are poverty driven as well as economiclly pulls down several successful businesseS.The nigerian youths are unhappy with the present administration whom they allegedlly claimed rod to power through a stolen mandate.on the contrary, several nigeria citizens had giving up hope seen their preferred candidate emerging as the president of nigeria reclaiming his acclaimed stolen mandate with the change of mindset that they do no longer cares who now pilots the ship of the nation provided dividends of democracy is noticeably spread across the nigeria sub states.power supply is now nighgmarish, quality or portable drinking water now a pip dream, rule of law now becomes unattainable, job creations now a promised never fulfilled, and affordable food items now a dreaming environment. look, our goverment must stop all this stick and carot approach to national issues of is expidient to adopt a quick response approach to national issues that demands swift responses in arresting an ugly situations before it cascade to a complete mayham.
we must not turn blind eyes to the problems confronting our national unity and progress without looking inwardly for a workable solutions.we need to empower the youths to potentially boost our economic growth. we need to roll out viable programmes that is capable of lifting poverty out of our enclaves.we need to partner with the youth in building up a modern nigeria where hope is restored.we need to renew the strength of the hopeless youths whose hope and aspirations is gone due to bad governance and her ineptitudes to the nigeria citizens.we need to create a prosperous atmosphere for an egaliterian soceity where people are free to conduct or carry out their legitimate businesses without undue interference from the federal, state or local government.we need to provide substantial grants for the creative industries if we are serious for creating wealth for the youths.we must conduct the business of governance with accountability and sacrificial probity.we must dessiminate information to the nigeria citizenry on a day to day activities of governance by devulging to the public how government contracts are awarded, salary structures , and allowances accrued or allocated to the government officials.we must locate some grey areas that hav marred national devolopment and defiled our collective growth for the past 60 years.we must synergistically work with other arms of government with somewhat a sincerity of purpose.we must revitalize all our dying industries that are into extinctions and oblivion if we are sincere for job creations.we need to pull off the toga of ethnocism and corruption from the system. we must create a dual lane that is capable of transporting the vehicle for national unity.we can not be preaching for one nigerianess yet within us we speak the language of ethnic disharmony and religious intelorance.look, for us to contineously preach for one nigerianess, we must hav been able to figured out in our national character we where never one can,t preach of one nigeria when appointment are loopsided
.we can, t preach of one nigeria when an hausa man, choses to favour his kingsmen against a yaruba man with an intelligent qualicication and unwavering meritocracies.we must tame the concept of ethno political favouritism and enshrine profeasionalism with good brain capable of delivery a sound leadership.
we must first of all accept our one nigerianess as an identity against that of a regional identity.
The rationality of a man, is his ability to first of all understand whom he is, before assumeably go abstract.
my name is clifford igwe, aka cliff dboss.exponent"political psychology, and an entertainer.
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