Tuesday 15 August 2023


Africa as a continent, has been erroneously adjudged as a black continent with under development, less educated people, and poverty residual continent.Africa as a continent is misconstrued with many unfavourable index used in rating the African decents.the ordinal scales of measurement in rating the continent of Africa, does not connotes any sense of factuality in defining the real state of the Africa continents and that of her decents.The ontological truth associated with the etemology of the Akabland,can not be overemphasize which simply means, the mother of all creations.the name Africa is never the original name given to the acclaimed Africa which was named and fashonned by the westerners out of inferiority complex that enveloped the west against that of the African decentry.the issues pertaining headship, was the essential root casues of the name changed from the west against the black race.during the precolonial era, Africa was and still remains the craddle of development back then in Egypt.Africa as a continent was never under developed as science and technologies was at its traditional peak before colonialism became noticeable.evidently, the use of herbs where employed by the African herbalist who uses leaves and root to heal all kind of sicknesses through traditional methods.now, looking at means of transportation.Africans where using canoe to transport goods and humans to other nighbouring African countries for commerce and local trading patterns.looking at the African educational context, significantly, African education was basically centred on military training, cultural practices which oftentimes comes through verbal citations of folktales, use of objects to practice mathmatical calculations, use of signs to mark date of every given crucial events, used of divination to consult oracles in explaining retrosgresive and introspective occurance of an events, they also developed blacksmitting technologies to wed iron through fire burning methodologies,invention of local lantan to light up rooms, streets, etc.manufacturing of local made wears through traditional fiberics made from our indeginous cottons primarily processessed from woods, use of firewood to cook homemade food, production of local wine well prossessed from the natural trees.and local made cassava prossessed equipment in prossessing our casava tubes before consumptions.with this clarifiable evidence substaintiated above, it becomes glaringly attestable to say, Africa where never unintelligent nor uncivilized people.Africa was the centre for civilizations and nobody will take this ontological truth away from her.afterall, it is writtingly historic to say that the earlier philosopher thales, patagoras and many more began their philosophical learning and practice at the maiditerianian sea where philosophical physics and mathmatics where taught, technological science and biological knowledge became at its peak.isn't that classical and examplary to say that every human knowledge gave birth from the Africa continent.?Africa is the birth of all things, and all things remain the primary products of the African continent.the westerners are suffering from severe insecurity and accute personality degredations.we must not continue to lower our headshipness due to a little pot of stew.we must rise up and discharge every insignificant factors that has invaded our common wealth and that of our share belief system.whenever an African man speaks a factual truth, the west associates such truth to racism.now, when a white man says hateful speech against the blacks, it becomes a human right expressions.look, you can't preach to the Africa continent on gender equality, LGBT right to marry in our Africa society which the african continent frowns at it, s practiced as human right.look, non of the human right laws are absolute therefore, such right must work in conformity with the African traditional laws before such right can become acceptable.Africans reserves the unwavering right to practice some of this so called human right nor discard it to the trash being.we collectively said no to this guise of indirect rules from the outgone colonial society whose ultimate plan is to render the entire African continent into a pepectual boundage through recolonialistic aids from most of this foriegn banks who dishes out loan to some of this African countries without recourse for dequate assessment of the fund if it actually achieved the said objectives through a forinsic framework on how the said money are been spent.there is nothing wrong with the black colour of a black man.what is obnorxiously wrong with the black man, is his inability to take his core responsibilities to headship and rule his world.for cry out loud, when would African president learn how to manage his resources without running around to source for all this toxic foriegn loans?How long will our political leaders takes loan for just official consumptions and servicing of a longtime range foriegn debt?How do we hyness our God giving potentials to compete favourably with other commitee of developing nations in the world?when would African values their God given originalities at the expense of that of the foriegn products?Africans must rise up to decimate this ugly monster of recolonialism agender that has raped our collective harmony, sincerity, and unanimous forefront in developing a blueprint that will encapsulate human development, job creations, Anihilation of excruciating poverty away from the continent?we must say no to this unwanted imperialist with their gimick forceful invasion to our purified land.we must as urgence, say no to those who do not mean well for the continent for the fear of seniority and positioning the continent to take its rightful place as the head of all mankind.we need to map out programmes that will enhance our traditional science to become productively competetive.we must as a matter of ugent inportance, position all African currencies into a single digits and make the African economy enviable.A continent with so much mineral deposits, must not be poor!A continent with the must intelligent being on the surface of the earth, shouldn't source for a foriegn aids before solving her problems.A continent with many resourceful personalities, must led in every spheres of human resource management.we must see our diverse culture as a yardstick that drives strength of traditional character not a curse.we must see the colour of our skin as an unfaking originality that exhume headship and superiorty, not a minority or uncivilized people.we must see ourselves as one indivisible emtity for a morally unique development of a share identity that carries the gen for essential pasonale as well as work in synegy to salvage the bleeding economy of the continent.everything bad must not come from the Africa continent just to paint the continent bad and potrays her in a bad lane light to the world?can any thing good come out of Africa again?the answer is yes.if nothing good will come out of Africa, then the existential foundamental questions is, what are the foriegn nationals coming to the continent to do?and why are they stubornheaded to leave us alone and manage our selves and that of the continental resources?look, you can't paint the entire continent as bad yet, invades us to divert our mineral resources to develop ur foriegn land.Afterall, A thief does not break into an empty house. my name is clifford igwe, aka cliff dboss, exponent"political psychology, and an entertainer.

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