Thursday 3 August 2023


the debilitating situation on going in our economy, is really getting out of hand.all these are happening due to a bold statement made by the seating president for the removal of fuel subsidy. this is a serious call to the nigerian elite to speak up collectively in fashioning out an enlasting solutions to all this myraids of challenges generally occassioned by the fuel subsidy removal.nigeria as a country, is like a country on auto pilot.relistening from the nation wide media broadcast from mr president on the policy documents in cushioning the over bearing effects of the subsidy removal, i wept profusely for this great country called nigeria.Arbitrarily, it becomes obvious to say that, the present govement is only good in articulations rather than providing solutions michanism for substaintial change.., i over heard mr president reeling out plans on how the 500 billion naira recently approved by the national assemblies will rejig the economy and put the economy on the part of progressive motions.hovever, it becomes uninterestingly amazing going further to listen from that policy document that lacks human face but rather choses to enrich the elite and then in other hands, impoverish the poor in a larger scale of president made mention of giving out one billion naira each to 75 technocrats in boosting economic growth.look, this is a smokescreen for shiftting attentions from the current reality driven with hardship on ground to a more unrealistic venture that will never see the light of the day.first questions that comes to mind, who are the 75 business owners that are elligible for this federal goverrment grants?what part of the country do they come from, what impact has their businesses made to the country in the area of lifting the poor through some social cooperate respinsibilities?what ratio of employment hav they generated from the inception of the company to date?and, what is their age bracket?are they below 50 years or above?this are the basic foundamental questions we need an urgent answers from the federal goverment.introspectively, some intelligent minds would assumed, the said one billion naira to be giving to 75 business owners, is nothing but a national decoy used to compensate those who financed their outgone elections.this is unacceptable.national coffers can never be a personal coffers for the greedy politicians who selfishly deplicted our foriegn reserved to finance personal businesses , in return, inflict too much hardship to the nigeria president also made mention of giving out 50k to 1 million nigerians for a dano businesses.look, 50k, can not set up any tangible productive business in nigeria with the current economic harsh realities of things in the country.honestly, the said amount of money , if been giving, will become a conduit pip for a national jamborees.atleast we hav witnessed, how billions of naira appropriated for school feeding program during the outgone administration of Buhari was gone into the financial dustbeing created by this same crops political jobbers.i hav said this overtime in various media foras that, our political leaders are doing business with the nigeria economy for selfish gain.astonishingly, mr president in his media broadcast, he never made mention of revamping our muribound refineries because, many of our politicians may somewhat are the beneficiary of the Dangote refineries.As such, fixing up the nigeria refineries is at the detriment to the core investors of the ultimate Dangote's refineries .is high time our political leaders realize that the people they leads are not lesser animals than they are, but also a higher animals with higher level of intelligent quotient as they are.opportunity only drives them to lead, does not mean they are better than other citizens when it comes to measurable intelligibilities.the protest that took place by the nigeria labour congress, can never be taking for granted if nothing reasonable is been done looking at the issues brought by the NLC, it may snowball into national unrest if another protest schedule to take place again , as many jobless nigerian youths may seize the golden opportunity to vandalize, and loot peoples had earn properties in the guise for a national protest.we do not need another war in nigeria.All we need is good governance and total restructuring.having said this, i advocate for devolution of power.the high profile level of corruption going on in the system, is associated with so much power given to the federal government who detat the future of the unarmed 200 millions nigerians with stiffer policies that are poverty driven as well as economiclly pulls down several successful businesseS.The nigerian youths are unhappy with the present administration whom they allegedlly claimed rod to power through a stolen mandate.on the contrary, several nigeria citizens had giving up hope seen their preferred candidate emerging as the president of nigeria reclaiming his acclaimed stolen mandate with the change of mindset that they do no longer cares who now pilots the ship of the nation provided dividends of democracy is noticeably spread across the nigeria sub states.power supply is now nighgmarish, quality or portable drinking water now a pip dream, rule of law now becomes unattainable, job creations now a promised never fulfilled, and affordable food items now a dreaming environment. look, our goverment must stop all this stick and carot approach to national issues of is expidient to adopt a quick response approach to national issues that demands swift responses in arresting an ugly situations before it cascade to a complete mayham. we must not turn blind eyes to the problems confronting our national unity and progress without looking inwardly for a workable solutions.we need to empower the youths to potentially boost our economic growth. we need to roll out viable programmes that is capable of lifting poverty out of our enclaves.we need to partner with the youth in building up a modern nigeria where hope is restored.we need to renew the strength of the hopeless youths whose hope and aspirations is gone due to bad governance and her ineptitudes to the nigeria citizens.we need to create a prosperous atmosphere for an egaliterian soceity where people are free to conduct or carry out their legitimate businesses without undue interference from the federal, state or local government.we need to provide substantial grants for the creative industries if we are serious for creating wealth for the youths.we must conduct the business of governance with accountability and sacrificial probity.we must dessiminate information to the nigeria citizenry on a day to day activities of governance by devulging to the public how government contracts are awarded, salary structures , and allowances accrued or allocated to the government officials.we must locate some grey areas that hav marred national devolopment and defiled our collective growth for the past 60 years.we must synergistically work with other arms of government with somewhat a sincerity of purpose.we must revitalize all our dying industries that are into extinctions and oblivion if we are sincere for job creations.we need to pull off the toga of ethnocism and corruption from the system. we must create a dual lane that is capable of transporting the vehicle for national unity.we can not be preaching for one nigerianess yet within us we speak the language of ethnic disharmony and religious intelorance.look, for us to contineously preach for one nigerianess, we must hav been able to figured out in our national character we where never one can,t preach of one nigeria when appointment are loopsided .we can, t preach of one nigeria when an hausa man, choses to favour his kingsmen against a yaruba man with an intelligent qualicication and unwavering meritocracies.we must tame the concept of ethno political favouritism and enshrine profeasionalism with good brain capable of delivery a sound leadership. we must first of all accept our one nigerianess as an identity against that of a regional identity. The rationality of a man, is his ability to first of all understand whom he is, before assumeably go abstract. my name is clifford igwe, aka cliff dboss.exponent"political psychology, and an entertainer.

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