Friday, 27 December 2019


The elusive task getting a decent and a virtuous woman in this modern days,is becoming worrisomely abhorred. Many women now see's love as nothing but a money making ventures where they felt all their needs must be met by their men.this however,has placed alot of relationship in a precarious situations where the man literally  have to go to the extra miles in doing all he could to satisfy his woman,s unending material needs.some even goes as far as getting them selves into all forms of
criminalized activities all in a bid to fulfill the woman,s appetite for her material desires.let's take this Xmas as our case study.a certain young lady who has been in a serious relationship with my very good friend who is an oil worker and is doing exceptionally well in his own field of endeavour, lost his good relationship he has been nurturing for the past year to lead them into marriage due to his inability to buy his woman a new car for her Xmas gift!Mr Darlington has been promising his girlfriend that he was going to her

 her a new car as Xmas gift  ,unfortunately, my good friend mr darlington had some financial pressing needs that sprung up and he used the money to solve that problem while pleading with his girlfriend to exercise some patience till ending of January to get her a new car as was earlier promised by him.dear friend,this over material girlfriend of his became furious and uncomfortably speechless. She went into the master room,picked all her belongings and shown my good friend her back as goodbye! Come and see my good friend Darlington begging her like a baby that needs some unmentioned assistance from his parents. When the begging became stupidly uncontrollable, I decided to join him in begging this lady if she will resent to her decisions. She looked at me and said"Mr cliff am done with him goodbye! I ran after her asking her that I shouldn't be the one she will look into his eyes to say am done.dear friends,come and see how I was begging her to go back and tell my friend eyeballs to eyeballs the same way she looked at me and said am done. Dear friends,she left unremorsefully. However, this lady  uses a venza car product bought for her two years ago by my friend Mr Darlington.! When I tried to call her to find out what actually necessitated her breakup with her boyfriend Mr Darlington, her reasons where untenable, irrational, flimsy, and illogically blackminded.she told me"look Mr cliff,am done with that man and that is final. "After telling all my friends that I will be buying a new car this Xmas and many of them are waiting right now to see the new car ,what do I have to tell them?how can Mr Darlington do this to me?what did I do to deserved this illed treatment from him?how do I face this harvest of shame from my friends whom I had already informed I will be buying a new car this Xmas?dear friends,these where the exact words of my friends girlfriend!and she ended the call by saying" pls go tell that fool that is over! Haba!over just like that?I began to asked my self so many unanswered questions like"so a girl can pretend for years to hav loved a man just because of reward system in a relationship? So a girl can just developed an unrevised hatred for a man she claimed she loves just because he was unable to fulfilled his material promises? What a world of materialism! Dear friend,come and see my friend panicking as well as suspiciously  saying I was dating his girlfriend! Come and see Mr Darlington telling me that how can she looked at me eyeballs to eyeballs and tells me is over between him Mr Darlington and her but was unable to look at him eyeballs to eyeballs to repeat same to him?dear friend,Mr Darlington began to make sum calculation of all he did spent on this same girl and he found out he has spent closed to a 100 million within the long period of their relationship. Dear friends,come and see Mr Jonson shouting like a mad man in his living I decided to let him shout as long as he can if only that can bring back his right senses! My dear Mr darlington kept on shouting non stop then I realized he has finally gone mad and I had to call his doctor! My dear,is I speak with u now,Mr Johnson who was very mentally healthy, is now mentally derailed. Dear friends, to identify a woman that comes for ur money is simple if u notice this signs:
(1)she will make some demands above ur means;what this means is that ur woman knows how much is ur monthly salary or how much u generate from ur business monthly yet she places demand that will make u spend 80 percent of ur income and left u with just 20 percent.dear friends, if u have such as a girlfriend, pls run as long as ur legs can carry u!
(2)she compares what her females girlfriends are getting from their boyfriends to what u are giving to her:this is another signs to know when a woman comes for ur money. Love does not deal with comparison whatsoever. Love remains love and constant without harm with its contentment. When a woman began to compared what she is getting from u as little to what her friends are getting from their boyfriends, then there is a problem. Pls let her go she does not love u.
(3)she became self-centered: dear friends, self-centeredness belongs to the kids who knows nothing about the rational world because they belonged to the irrational world due to their stages of brain development. Therefore, when a matured adults began to behaved like a kid,all she thinks is about her self,about her desires,and about what she can get from u that moment. Such behavior are early warning signs to notice she does not love u at let her go  out of ur life and forge ahead.
(4)she lacks home managerial skilss:this is another method to noticing when a woman never loves u but loves ur money. A wife material manage what ever that is in the house with her man.while a bad woman becomes very bad spender of nothing meaningful to the wellbeing of her man!when u hav a woman who wants u to spend 20 thousand naira to prepare a pot of soup when u have 30 thousand nair in ur account, my dear such woman came for ur money! Be wise.a lady that comes to stay builds home,a woman that comes to eat,destroy s be wise.
(5)Every good woman is financially supportive to her man when things are going rough:A good woman who is working or doing her iwn business supports her man when things are no longer going well with him!do u know that many women are very wicked to the extent that if they are cooking a pot of soup and the money given to her from her man could not get her to buy all the things she needed to prepare that food,she will abandoned the food and wait until when the man is back home to give her the money to go to the market to buy those items even when she have the money to support? This is wickedness from the pit of hell!men when u have such a woman,pls discharge her!
The wise will always leverage on the early warning signs,while the fools see,s early warning signs as nothing but a common wise.
My name is Clifford igwe, aka cliffdboss. A prolific writer, motivational speaker, events Mc, exponent of political psychology, author of"introduction to political psychology, and the man blessed with too much knowledge and wisdom. A title given to me by my fans across the globe!
For more info:

Thursday, 26 December 2019

Ik ogbonna,s wife sonnia Morales released family picture with her cute son.

Sonia is the ex wife of Ik ogbonna who got divorced due to the actors unbearable attitudes. However, since she got divorced, nothing new has been hard on this pretty young lady aside releasing hot and sexy pictures without a job!or does she want to join the leagues of slay mama?hmm

Dr.sid,s wife Ese,shares Xmas photo with her family without Dr.did.

Esi,is or was the wife of our popular singer Dr.sid who is signed under Marvin's record.he got married to Esi some years back and their union produced a very wonderful kids.rumour has it that their Union hit the rock some years back due some forms of infidelity from the singer who is not only Dr.sid,but also a many women which he claimed as fans.don't also forget that Dr.sid  was mentioned by tee bliss tiwa salvage ex husband among those that graciously rocked tiwa salvage body very well.Now that the wife has publicly released family Xmas photo without him,is a clear indications that their marriage has finally hits the rock.

Olamide bado,shares cute Xmas photos with his family without his first babymama.

Sexy nollywood actress INI Edo gifts her fans Xmas gift with this photo

Ini Edo is a Nigerian actress and a movie Producer too.she has acted over 200 movies to her credit.she also produced her own personal movie that made so many actress like omoni oboni popular on the screen.she was once married but her marriage clashed on the basis of her infidelity and her in ability to bear a child for her ex husband. The nollywood diva is sexy and hot as she went on the knife to enhance her body shape which placed her among the celebrities with hourglass shape. She does not care of any public opinion about her expression of I employed u to just watch her cute pictures and keep mute!

See how president Buhari received Xmas gift from his well wishers at the villa.

Saturday, 21 December 2019

Five ways to Re-vitalize our Reading culture in Nigeria"cliffdboss.

The essentiality that prompted this imperative concept,is burned out of my undying desire for a quality education which to me is the bedrock for every modern society. No society can progressively record any substantial development in the overt absence of a quality education. In this regard,reading becomes unavoidably a trademark for knowledge acquisition.quality and decent reading engenders proper knowledge and experience.knowledge they say,is a great teacher .for no single knowledge is a waste.the products of every intelligent personality, is imbedded in his reading capacities. A good reader,is a good contributor in every decision making. Therefore,when we fail to read,we fail to understand anything! Nigeria as a country with over 190 million people, are gradually abolishing every available avenue that promotes reading culture due to the government complete negligence to rewardingly identify  with those with bright students who studied painfully hard to emerge as a bright students. This however, has left our educational environment unproductively unuseful as well as made our educational libraries unattainable to accommodate those who are meant to be knowledge seekers.reasons been that no good books in some of our educational libraries. 80 percent of the books in some of our educational libraries are avoidably outdated ,as such they are now a decorative property for the Liberians.not longer a useful knowledge to her students.from my recent research, I was made to understand that 80 percent of our educational genius, bright stars,and our prominent professors,u can't find some of their books in our libraries and book stores due to lack of patronage from the students and the Nigerian populace. In this regard,they often exports their books to other neighbouring countries and overseas where there are huge patronage for their intellectual works.Nigerian govt do not value education rather they place higher premium on things that are not of national importance to her citizens. If u look at the budget for our education, u will certainly understand that we are not yet ready for modern development because no nation can developed under poor educational index,lacks of  educational facilities for her students and its administrators.our reading culture has been bastardized with corrupted entertainment where some of the students finds it hard to read online, but busy down loading unmeaningful and unreasonable songs that lacks intellectual meanings. A country that rewards her universities best students with just the sun of twenty thousand naira,and reward those who goes into a mansion, drinks,practices all manners of alcoholism with huge adulterous and fornicative acts with the sum of forty million naira,isn't ready to prepare her citizenry for a greater futures. Well,yesterday night,I decided to go through my blog stats,trying to identify countries that visit my blog site often.I was so marveled to find out that Americans visit my site more often than my own country called Nigeria who never appreciates what they u know that even Germany appears to be second to Americans among those that appreciates my intelligence and my good works?my dear,am not ur usual bloggers who blogs nonsense without any meaningful impacts to educate the human minds. My blog is nothing but a significant tools to educating human minds as well as unearthed hidden knowledge to those that cares to read and understand. When would Nigeria as a country began to place value on what they have?when would Nigeria reward good ideas to unproductive ideas?when would nigerian govt learn how to identify young schoolers whose work in educating the Nigerian society is noticeably unhindered by all standards? When would those with great knowledge, authors be given national honors for their good works?what platform can Nigerian govt set to revitalize our fading off reading culture? And how did we found our selves into this state of poor knowledge emanated from our  poor negligence to reading what is usefully beneficial to the society? This is the only way forward!
(1)federal government most appropriate money for young researchers not to some old professors who uses our research money for self gratification.
(2)Every state and local government must as matter of fact learn how to reward best graduating students both in the tertiary institutions down to our primary educations as well as set up large book shop where  those that own authorship to their books can easily sale their books to the larger society as well as make provisions on how there books can be exported across the globe.
(3)companies and cooperate bodies,should try as much as possible to sponsor reading contest where the best will be made brand ambassador the same way they are making some of this unintelligent celebrities with bad model brand ambassadors.
(4)federal govt should do all they can to promote our reading culture by providing grants to those who do not hav financial power to published their intellectual materials as well as as set up a platform where there will be an award for best author of the year,best most widely read student of the year and so on.
(5)government at various level should sponsor some of our young bright scholar s to international book competition and exhibitions for global recognitions.
Every knowledge is gotten through transmission therefore,it is ur duty to selectively identify  with the kind of knowledge that enhances good moral,sound citizens, law abiding citizens, and criminality tendencies.
The words of the wise are selective not in wise.
My name is Clifford igwe,a prolific writer, motivational speaker, event Mc,exponent of political psychology, author of",introduction to political psychology, and the man blessed with too much of knowledge and wisdom. A title given to me by my fans all over the world.for more

Wednesday, 18 December 2019

Most sexiest BBnaija star,kim opra releases hot picture.

Kim opra,does not joke when it comes to given to her fans hot and steamy pictures online. She is beautiful and sexy too.she was one of the participants who participated for the just concluded BBnaija reality TV show.since then,she has carved an unavoidable platform for her fame.she just released the picture u are seeing above to tell her fans that she still remained hot and sexy!

BBnaija star mercy Eke looks radiant on this photos

kingship and humility! ooni of ife,plays table tennis with little children!

wonderful!see what fans advised Regina Daniels husband concerning wizkid and her wife!

Nigerian youths are sad at all corners. A certain fans advised Ned Nwoko,Regina Daniels husband to stay away from starboy WizKid to avoid sleeping with his teenage wife Regina Daniels. Isn't this crazy?lol

Wow!see what nollywood actor Yul Edochie said concerning Angela Okorie fake gun men attack!

Tuesday, 17 December 2019

See levels!See how much Nigeria musician naira Marley charges per show!

Alleged credit card theft naira Marley, is telling those that cares to know how much he earns for a show.the upcoming musician who is facing some criminal charges with the efcc,is telling his marlian fans that he charges 20 million naira per show while bringing down the ego of the likes of wizkid and Davido whom we all know as one of the biggest Nigerian artist at the moment with huge charges for any event to attend or perform.wizkid charges 10-15 million naira per show while Davido charges 8-10 million naira per who is naira Marley deceiving? The marlian king,claimed that he has made the sum of 60 million naira this week.could this be real or another celebrity media stunts like unrepentant nollywood actress Angela Okorie.

see what actress nkechi blessing did to her male fan!

Actress Nkechi blessing calls her male fan out who tries to trolls her.the actress did not take it lightly as she immediately calls him out to empty her mind!read what she wrote above.

slay queen nollywood actress Daniela okeke purchased multi million naira house in Lekki lagos

In case u don't know who Daniela okeke is,she is just nothing but a nollywood slay Queen whose impact on screen is not known at she has acquired an expensive house in Lekki Lagos state!we ll,we hope the sugar daddy that bought her this house will someday show his face to the public!

Monday, 16 December 2019


The jagaban,is one of the most powerful political gladiator for today pokitical dispensation that has exemplified a  totalitarianism styles of leadership where despotic decisions are taking to suit the overall interest of the political bargainer.A political king maker with ironical Democratic tendencies. A political industry  key player with sufficient acumen for political negotiatory powers.When it comes to political negotiations for public offices,he is uncontestably good at that.his autocratic decisions in handpicking who becomes this,who becomes that,is gradually spreading across the six geo political regions where his foot shoddiers are now unavoidably ready to risk their lives if his mortal dreams and aspirations of becoming the next president of Nigeria is unachievable and shredded with blackmails from his opponents. Jagaban,is a fantastic strategist who knows how to manipulate the minds of the political industry key players to dance to his political tones.we can never hurriedly forget how he made many of his protégés realized their political aspirations through the same despotic pattern of selecting who assumes political offices to further spread his tentacles in achieving his inordinate ambitions and ready to crush every political ambients with his gigantic wealth and power.A master that refuses to free his boys becomes a master of the game,isn't a good master at all.master are well known for setting up a good standard duly acceptable by the political society therefore,when ever a master continued to lord himself over his boys he trained to take over from him,it becomes a higher level of slavery. Every despot,is noticeably known through his tendencies or overt actions for political impunity because, he must never accept a Democratic level playing Field where the people will have their Democratic say in chosen who governs them.power they say is transient, those in the position of authorities must abide by this relatable notions and do that which is decent for the benefit of the society. The likes of current minister for power and housing,present governor of Ekiti state,present governor of Ogun state,present governor of bayelsa state,present house of rep speaker,  all this are once and the products of selective pattern of leadership as well as the benefiaries of the jagaban,s smoke screen Democratic pattern  of electing or forcing his protégés to the people .while they govern their people under the whims and Caprice of his despotic detects.A man who is provincially made to make kings,must never shy away from his talent of making kings because that is his calling. Trying to become a king when the divinatory arrangement defers,it could lead to a political downfall as well as leaves such personality debilitated by throwing him into a national political opprobrium.under his purviews as the APC national leader who controls the present APC national chairman,a lot has happened and will continue to happen due to vested interest for the 2023 presidency. And I therefore ask, who is bearing the excruciating pains of APC party leadership failure, is we the members of the party who unapologetically joined this party with the mantra of change and the arrowhead for the change mantra in the person of president muhammadu Buhari whom we found incorruptible in leadership. Today,that aspirations has been thrown to the political dustbins where leadership malfeasance and power tussle has taking over the once cherished political party due to the inordinate ambition of those that are strategically positioning themselves for the 2023 presidency. vituperatively,this is not the time for 2023 politicking. All hands must be on deck to stimulate our growing economy with this pmb led administration. Our battered democracy must be completely re-configurated to mitigate the illed perceptions leveled against this government by showing sincerity of purpose in making this country Nigeria truly the giant of Africa by all measurement. The prolificacy that has marred quality governance at all level of governance must be tackled to ameliorate the general sufferings of the Nigerian populace.when is time for politics, we should all play politics,and when its time to govern and give to the people the dividends of democracy and good governance at all level,politics must be kept aside and pursue collective will for good governance. We can not be talking about 2023 presidency when the present administration is in a serious need of sound leadership at all level of governance. Pmb must as matter of fact identify those over zealous, over ambitious political elements who is dragging his government backward with their 2023 presidential ambition and push them to the corners in order to give to the masses good governance in every facet of governance. The divisions in Apc,is a serious concern for the lovers of democracy. The chances for 2023 presidency, is obviously dimed for APC as a political party.a house divided with disunity and self  serving leadership, lack the political will power to fight her opponent. Apc as a political party must do a proper assessments from where they where 2015 and where they are this present day if they where far better or not.we must tell our selves the untold truth that APC as a political party is raddled with unresolvable division due to vested interest for 2023 presidency. And pmb who is the leader of the party must wake up and accept his leadership challenges by calling those over ambiguous APC leaders to order so that APC as a political party can move forward in achieving its core responsibilities.
Unexamined leadership, is not worth leading.
My name is Clifford igwe, aka cliffdboss. A prolific writer, motivational speaker, event Mc,exponent of political psychology , author of"introduction to political psychology. And the man blessed with too much knowledge and wisdom. A title given to me by my fans all over the world.for more

Sunday, 8 December 2019


University education they say,is the cathedral for all learnable activities for the enhancement of human knowledge and experiences. If the said statement is truthfully realistic, then education is pivotal to human existence in shaping and modifications of human character development.the Essentialism that a companies proper and quality education, is that it helps humans to govern their moral conscience in line with the rules and regulations that guides a sane society. Education engenders the following.
(1)good moral conscience
(2)higher levels of cognitive development.
(3)abilities to differentiate between wrongs and rights
(4)capacity to identify when human fundamental rights has been infringed upon.and
(5)the capacity to lead a group of people with the right sense of direction as well as set a good leadership standards for the generations yet unborn.
Education on its,self,is an essential product.therefore,such

 products must be attractive to the consumers. When ever a products became unattractive to the consumers, it is regarded as an expired products. Now the questions is,what kind of product is our educational system given to the nigeria society? Is our academic products capable to compete with the other international academic products when it comes to practicum? Is the Nigerian academic products capable to solving the overt problem of the larger society? Why is the Nigerian academic products  usually retrained after graduations from the higher institutions in order to suit the labour market working standards? Why is our educational system not properly equipped in areas of  technological advancement in pursuing the demands of the technological society? Why is our academic professors now converting huge some of money meant to carry out useful research for the benefit of the students and the labour market for their own self gratification? Why is the unintelligent students graduating with distinction and those with high level of intelligent are graduating with 2nd class upper? Why is the Nigerian academic graduates unqualified to fit into the labour market after spending years studying for his course of study in the universities? And why the Nigeria government at all levels not giving a prioritized attention to our educational system in terms of budget allocations and setting up of modernized infrastructure for the overall benefit of her students?
Dear friends, we can ask this questions over and over again, yet cogent answers will not be donated by those who had impoverished our educational system with greed and lack of visionary leadership to sustain the laid down educational standard by our founding fathers who worked effortlessly to ensuring that our present crops of the Nigerian leaders are properly equipped with the requisite for academic knowledge even when it is apparently uncontestable that their parents where unable to see then through the four words of education back in the days.Dear friends, are u also aware that 95 percent of our present political leaders went to school with the mantra of free education which the then government made availability of every  needed education materials for learning as well as sent many abroad for scholarship duly financed by the government during those period?Today,our present leaders are unable to sustain that magnanimous momentum that saw them through during their darker days.
Isn't that crazy that some of the Nigerian graduates who went to the public university could not do imperatively well at the labour market!now listen to this piece of story that bleeding the heart of those who are not generously happy with the looks of things in our educational system!A certain beautiful young lady who graduated with first class distinction from the university,from the department of public relations and then got an automatic employment from one of the notable oil company. She assumed her office as the PRO of the oil company, and she was asked to write a memo to the staffers of the company on a schedules meetings!dear friends, this pretty young lady who graduated with first class distinction was unable to prepare a memo for the company! She kept on asking "sorry sir what is memo?"sorry sir,I don't understand. This is what I called beauty without brain. Only God Almighty knows how she was able to graduate with her distinction. Our labour market is now a garbage of poor products that has no meaningful importance to the growth and development of our immediate society because our educational system has shy away with the proper responsibilities of impacting sound knowledge and experiences in training a sound minds in a sound body.
The perception of the labour market on the Nigerian graduates is excruciatingly obnoxious. And the only way this perceptions can be deviated from the usual perceptions is when our educational system do the needful for her learning students to face the overall challenges of the labour market. A friend of mine who is now a laywer by profession once told me that during his law school days,his teacher told his class that all those stuff they where doing as a law students in the universities where nothing. Telling those that cares to know that this is where the real knowledge for every law students are kept.what this statement simply and sharply implies, is that during their university learning, all that their lecturers taught them was nothing compared to what they are about to inculcated which he claimed is the only real  knowledge for every aspiring lawyer in waiting.
Government at various level must as matter of urgency give priority to education!when the human minds are properly educated, the issues of hate speeches will be minimized,when the human minds is properly educated, the issues of bokoharam and militancy will become a thing of the past.when the human minds is adequately educated, the issues of electoral malfeasance will no longer be exacerbated but completely obliterated. When the human minds is genuinely trained to function as a law abiding citizens, the higher rates of crime offenders will drastically reduced to enable both the rich and the poor have some level of peace at home without any fear of criminal invaders.
Cooperate organization must also not shy away with this obligations. They should use their cooperates social responsibilities to champion quality education for the Nigerian society.
A blind mind lacks the sensitivity of what is good and bad.our youths must be given the prerequisite platform for human development which to me is proper education. Human minds must be trained in accordance with the societal norms that drives quality development.
A wasted mind,is a frustrated personality where crimes becomes inevitable.
My name is cliffdboss, a prolific writer, motivational speaker, event Mc,exponent of political psychology, author of "introduction to political psychology. And the man blessed with too much knowledge and wisdom. This title is given to me by my fans across the globe.for more

Monday, 2 December 2019

Five steps to finding a husband by"cliffdboss.

When God created the world,he already knew there will be a man and a woman whose Paramount obligations is to have full dominion over all things he had created. God already knows the beginning and the end.He knew every woman,is entitled to her own husband where she will assume the position of a wife at home therefore, when a woman is apparently unmarried,Then there is a problem that needs its urgent attention. The main reasons many women are unmarried is because they refused to do what others often do.many women will tell u that they are comfortably happy been unmarried. But that is a big lie from the pit of many girls are very desirous to be married,have there children under any man,s roof but are living in this denial of reality.
(1)shun your introverted attributes to an extroverted personality: yes!this is a very serious factors that has made many women constantly single due to their extroverted personality. No marriage all over the world took place in isolation without association. The spices that birth a marital union comes as a result of two separate individuals coming together! Don't come and tell me the reason why u are not married is because u didn't hav a suitor. What?now listen, u practically refused to interact with people around,u jumped from your car to ur office,from ur office to ur own house!who do u think u will meet?of course your fathers office staffers and domestic servant!are they the ones that will be bold enough to ask ur hand in marriage even when u don't answer their greetings? My dear,u need to grow and spread ur wings of interaction with the people around u if actually u want to become married for life.
(2)you need to visit places where your choice of a man is kocated!this is another ways a perpetual spinster can get her dream Husband if she is now ready to get her self a husband. U certainly can't be looking for a holy holy kind of a man in a night clubs!u can't be looking for a fun filled husband in the church!nor will u be looking for a partner that loves watching football all the time in the cinemas. U need to know how to arrange and identify ur targets and its locations at the appropriate time frame.this is a modern world of civilization not medieval period..
(3)learn how to say hi to any man u like so much on the social media.:statistics has it that a larger chunk of recent marriages now,the couple actually met themselves through the social media platform!for example,I slid into ur DM and you are happy I did!do u know that many ignorant women especially Nigerian women are very arrogant on the social media?They likes all ur post every day,you see them  watching all ur pictures every day,they are enjoying every thing u post on any of the social media platform, yet they are dying in silence.they lack the courage to first say hi to any guy they admire on the social media!anyway there are few of them that are doing hi,hi kind if things on the social media.yet they still form during conversation with dear,there is absolutely nothing wrong for any lady to first tell any man of her choice on the social media that she loves him!don't wait until he slide into ur DM !u may wait until when Jesus Christ will come yet he did not even noticed u are going crazy fallen in love for his good looks!do u also concur with me that many ladies are still old fashion when it comes to accepting any relationship or marriage proposals at ones?do u know that many ladies still tells u,they can't accept ur relationship proposals without knowing u too well?some will say give me more time.some will say I just met u,some will say,I don't even know you!my dear what ever is destined is destined. If u like go home and began to study the man for the past 50 years just to know him very well before u say I do,what will happen will still happened. I can tell u of many marriages that dated for 7 years and finally got married, yet they broke up their marital vows citing irreconcilable differences. What?irreconcilable differences u where unable to reconcile during ur courtship with him before marriage.? Now after all the study and observations, u still tell ur parents and ur well wishers that your marriage crashed on the basis of irreconcilable differences. In fact,this is the highest forms of ignominious statement u also agree with me that some marriages that never dated before their marriage took place, are still enjoying their marital Bliss! Be careful ladies.
(4)go out for vacation outside ur locations:it is expident ladies take note of this factor.vacation often times creates an avenue to meet and socialize with people outside your locales.this however,is capable of getting u a good suitor if you are good looking and well behaved.Your good looks,is your first attraction to any man before thinking of how your behavior kinda look like!so make sure u look good when ever you are out of ur  home.I can tell you that many woman got their real life husband through this platform.
(5)Don't appears jobless!A jobless woman is like a huge burden to her self and the people around man with his right senses wants to marry an unproductive woman as a wife.ladies do u know that your level of industriousness is  appreciably observable by those who intend to make you there better half for life?but when u appears jobless yet u are buying flashy cars,building mansions, and wearing expensive outfits,people around you tends to perceive you as a well furnished harlot?ladies,let your Percival personality goes with ur hard work for ur earnings, not your earnings without noticeable work!when u carves ur personality with the perception of a slay queen without any visible career or job,people's perceptions towards u will certainly destroys your chances of getting a suitor! Learn how to package ur self with what the society already knows you for.and for those ladies who often causes hold up for other road users admiring a cute guy working on the road,pls stop it and park your car to meet him and tell him how you feel for him!
The words of a wise man,sometimes appears foolish to the ignorant,while the smart ones understands to avoid future wise.
My name is Clifford igwe, aka cliffdboss, prolific writer, motivational speaker, event Mc,author of "introduction to political psychology,the exponent of political psychology, and the man blessed with too much knowledge and wisdom. A title given to me by my fans all over the world.for more


re many nigerians are hypocritical in their behaviours as such,shouldn't be taking serious when it comes to comenting  on national issue...