Sunday 8 December 2019


University education they say,is the cathedral for all learnable activities for the enhancement of human knowledge and experiences. If the said statement is truthfully realistic, then education is pivotal to human existence in shaping and modifications of human character development.the Essentialism that a companies proper and quality education, is that it helps humans to govern their moral conscience in line with the rules and regulations that guides a sane society. Education engenders the following.
(1)good moral conscience
(2)higher levels of cognitive development.
(3)abilities to differentiate between wrongs and rights
(4)capacity to identify when human fundamental rights has been infringed upon.and
(5)the capacity to lead a group of people with the right sense of direction as well as set a good leadership standards for the generations yet unborn.
Education on its,self,is an essential product.therefore,such

 products must be attractive to the consumers. When ever a products became unattractive to the consumers, it is regarded as an expired products. Now the questions is,what kind of product is our educational system given to the nigeria society? Is our academic products capable to compete with the other international academic products when it comes to practicum? Is the Nigerian academic products capable to solving the overt problem of the larger society? Why is the Nigerian academic products  usually retrained after graduations from the higher institutions in order to suit the labour market working standards? Why is our educational system not properly equipped in areas of  technological advancement in pursuing the demands of the technological society? Why is our academic professors now converting huge some of money meant to carry out useful research for the benefit of the students and the labour market for their own self gratification? Why is the unintelligent students graduating with distinction and those with high level of intelligent are graduating with 2nd class upper? Why is the Nigerian academic graduates unqualified to fit into the labour market after spending years studying for his course of study in the universities? And why the Nigeria government at all levels not giving a prioritized attention to our educational system in terms of budget allocations and setting up of modernized infrastructure for the overall benefit of her students?
Dear friends, we can ask this questions over and over again, yet cogent answers will not be donated by those who had impoverished our educational system with greed and lack of visionary leadership to sustain the laid down educational standard by our founding fathers who worked effortlessly to ensuring that our present crops of the Nigerian leaders are properly equipped with the requisite for academic knowledge even when it is apparently uncontestable that their parents where unable to see then through the four words of education back in the days.Dear friends, are u also aware that 95 percent of our present political leaders went to school with the mantra of free education which the then government made availability of every  needed education materials for learning as well as sent many abroad for scholarship duly financed by the government during those period?Today,our present leaders are unable to sustain that magnanimous momentum that saw them through during their darker days.
Isn't that crazy that some of the Nigerian graduates who went to the public university could not do imperatively well at the labour market!now listen to this piece of story that bleeding the heart of those who are not generously happy with the looks of things in our educational system!A certain beautiful young lady who graduated with first class distinction from the university,from the department of public relations and then got an automatic employment from one of the notable oil company. She assumed her office as the PRO of the oil company, and she was asked to write a memo to the staffers of the company on a schedules meetings!dear friends, this pretty young lady who graduated with first class distinction was unable to prepare a memo for the company! She kept on asking "sorry sir what is memo?"sorry sir,I don't understand. This is what I called beauty without brain. Only God Almighty knows how she was able to graduate with her distinction. Our labour market is now a garbage of poor products that has no meaningful importance to the growth and development of our immediate society because our educational system has shy away with the proper responsibilities of impacting sound knowledge and experiences in training a sound minds in a sound body.
The perception of the labour market on the Nigerian graduates is excruciatingly obnoxious. And the only way this perceptions can be deviated from the usual perceptions is when our educational system do the needful for her learning students to face the overall challenges of the labour market. A friend of mine who is now a laywer by profession once told me that during his law school days,his teacher told his class that all those stuff they where doing as a law students in the universities where nothing. Telling those that cares to know that this is where the real knowledge for every law students are kept.what this statement simply and sharply implies, is that during their university learning, all that their lecturers taught them was nothing compared to what they are about to inculcated which he claimed is the only real  knowledge for every aspiring lawyer in waiting.
Government at various level must as matter of urgency give priority to education!when the human minds are properly educated, the issues of hate speeches will be minimized,when the human minds is properly educated, the issues of bokoharam and militancy will become a thing of the past.when the human minds is adequately educated, the issues of electoral malfeasance will no longer be exacerbated but completely obliterated. When the human minds is genuinely trained to function as a law abiding citizens, the higher rates of crime offenders will drastically reduced to enable both the rich and the poor have some level of peace at home without any fear of criminal invaders.
Cooperate organization must also not shy away with this obligations. They should use their cooperates social responsibilities to champion quality education for the Nigerian society.
A blind mind lacks the sensitivity of what is good and bad.our youths must be given the prerequisite platform for human development which to me is proper education. Human minds must be trained in accordance with the societal norms that drives quality development.
A wasted mind,is a frustrated personality where crimes becomes inevitable.
My name is cliffdboss, a prolific writer, motivational speaker, event Mc,exponent of political psychology, author of "introduction to political psychology. And the man blessed with too much knowledge and wisdom. This title is given to me by my fans across the globe.for more

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