Friday 27 December 2019


The elusive task getting a decent and a virtuous woman in this modern days,is becoming worrisomely abhorred. Many women now see's love as nothing but a money making ventures where they felt all their needs must be met by their men.this however,has placed alot of relationship in a precarious situations where the man literally  have to go to the extra miles in doing all he could to satisfy his woman,s unending material needs.some even goes as far as getting them selves into all forms of
criminalized activities all in a bid to fulfill the woman,s appetite for her material desires.let's take this Xmas as our case study.a certain young lady who has been in a serious relationship with my very good friend who is an oil worker and is doing exceptionally well in his own field of endeavour, lost his good relationship he has been nurturing for the past year to lead them into marriage due to his inability to buy his woman a new car for her Xmas gift!Mr Darlington has been promising his girlfriend that he was going to her

 her a new car as Xmas gift  ,unfortunately, my good friend mr darlington had some financial pressing needs that sprung up and he used the money to solve that problem while pleading with his girlfriend to exercise some patience till ending of January to get her a new car as was earlier promised by him.dear friend,this over material girlfriend of his became furious and uncomfortably speechless. She went into the master room,picked all her belongings and shown my good friend her back as goodbye! Come and see my good friend Darlington begging her like a baby that needs some unmentioned assistance from his parents. When the begging became stupidly uncontrollable, I decided to join him in begging this lady if she will resent to her decisions. She looked at me and said"Mr cliff am done with him goodbye! I ran after her asking her that I shouldn't be the one she will look into his eyes to say am done.dear friends,come and see how I was begging her to go back and tell my friend eyeballs to eyeballs the same way she looked at me and said am done. Dear friends,she left unremorsefully. However, this lady  uses a venza car product bought for her two years ago by my friend Mr Darlington.! When I tried to call her to find out what actually necessitated her breakup with her boyfriend Mr Darlington, her reasons where untenable, irrational, flimsy, and illogically blackminded.she told me"look Mr cliff,am done with that man and that is final. "After telling all my friends that I will be buying a new car this Xmas and many of them are waiting right now to see the new car ,what do I have to tell them?how can Mr Darlington do this to me?what did I do to deserved this illed treatment from him?how do I face this harvest of shame from my friends whom I had already informed I will be buying a new car this Xmas?dear friends,these where the exact words of my friends girlfriend!and she ended the call by saying" pls go tell that fool that is over! Haba!over just like that?I began to asked my self so many unanswered questions like"so a girl can pretend for years to hav loved a man just because of reward system in a relationship? So a girl can just developed an unrevised hatred for a man she claimed she loves just because he was unable to fulfilled his material promises? What a world of materialism! Dear friend,come and see my friend panicking as well as suspiciously  saying I was dating his girlfriend! Come and see Mr Darlington telling me that how can she looked at me eyeballs to eyeballs and tells me is over between him Mr Darlington and her but was unable to look at him eyeballs to eyeballs to repeat same to him?dear friend,Mr Darlington began to make sum calculation of all he did spent on this same girl and he found out he has spent closed to a 100 million within the long period of their relationship. Dear friends,come and see Mr Jonson shouting like a mad man in his living I decided to let him shout as long as he can if only that can bring back his right senses! My dear Mr darlington kept on shouting non stop then I realized he has finally gone mad and I had to call his doctor! My dear,is I speak with u now,Mr Johnson who was very mentally healthy, is now mentally derailed. Dear friends, to identify a woman that comes for ur money is simple if u notice this signs:
(1)she will make some demands above ur means;what this means is that ur woman knows how much is ur monthly salary or how much u generate from ur business monthly yet she places demand that will make u spend 80 percent of ur income and left u with just 20 percent.dear friends, if u have such as a girlfriend, pls run as long as ur legs can carry u!
(2)she compares what her females girlfriends are getting from their boyfriends to what u are giving to her:this is another signs to know when a woman comes for ur money. Love does not deal with comparison whatsoever. Love remains love and constant without harm with its contentment. When a woman began to compared what she is getting from u as little to what her friends are getting from their boyfriends, then there is a problem. Pls let her go she does not love u.
(3)she became self-centered: dear friends, self-centeredness belongs to the kids who knows nothing about the rational world because they belonged to the irrational world due to their stages of brain development. Therefore, when a matured adults began to behaved like a kid,all she thinks is about her self,about her desires,and about what she can get from u that moment. Such behavior are early warning signs to notice she does not love u at let her go  out of ur life and forge ahead.
(4)she lacks home managerial skilss:this is another method to noticing when a woman never loves u but loves ur money. A wife material manage what ever that is in the house with her man.while a bad woman becomes very bad spender of nothing meaningful to the wellbeing of her man!when u hav a woman who wants u to spend 20 thousand naira to prepare a pot of soup when u have 30 thousand nair in ur account, my dear such woman came for ur money! Be wise.a lady that comes to stay builds home,a woman that comes to eat,destroy s be wise.
(5)Every good woman is financially supportive to her man when things are going rough:A good woman who is working or doing her iwn business supports her man when things are no longer going well with him!do u know that many women are very wicked to the extent that if they are cooking a pot of soup and the money given to her from her man could not get her to buy all the things she needed to prepare that food,she will abandoned the food and wait until when the man is back home to give her the money to go to the market to buy those items even when she have the money to support? This is wickedness from the pit of hell!men when u have such a woman,pls discharge her!
The wise will always leverage on the early warning signs,while the fools see,s early warning signs as nothing but a common wise.
My name is Clifford igwe, aka cliffdboss. A prolific writer, motivational speaker, events Mc, exponent of political psychology, author of"introduction to political psychology, and the man blessed with too much knowledge and wisdom. A title given to me by my fans across the globe!
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