Saturday, 21 December 2019

Five ways to Re-vitalize our Reading culture in Nigeria"cliffdboss.

The essentiality that prompted this imperative concept,is burned out of my undying desire for a quality education which to me is the bedrock for every modern society. No society can progressively record any substantial development in the overt absence of a quality education. In this regard,reading becomes unavoidably a trademark for knowledge acquisition.quality and decent reading engenders proper knowledge and experience.knowledge they say,is a great teacher .for no single knowledge is a waste.the products of every intelligent personality, is imbedded in his reading capacities. A good reader,is a good contributor in every decision making. Therefore,when we fail to read,we fail to understand anything! Nigeria as a country with over 190 million people, are gradually abolishing every available avenue that promotes reading culture due to the government complete negligence to rewardingly identify  with those with bright students who studied painfully hard to emerge as a bright students. This however, has left our educational environment unproductively unuseful as well as made our educational libraries unattainable to accommodate those who are meant to be knowledge seekers.reasons been that no good books in some of our educational libraries. 80 percent of the books in some of our educational libraries are avoidably outdated ,as such they are now a decorative property for the Liberians.not longer a useful knowledge to her students.from my recent research, I was made to understand that 80 percent of our educational genius, bright stars,and our prominent professors,u can't find some of their books in our libraries and book stores due to lack of patronage from the students and the Nigerian populace. In this regard,they often exports their books to other neighbouring countries and overseas where there are huge patronage for their intellectual works.Nigerian govt do not value education rather they place higher premium on things that are not of national importance to her citizens. If u look at the budget for our education, u will certainly understand that we are not yet ready for modern development because no nation can developed under poor educational index,lacks of  educational facilities for her students and its administrators.our reading culture has been bastardized with corrupted entertainment where some of the students finds it hard to read online, but busy down loading unmeaningful and unreasonable songs that lacks intellectual meanings. A country that rewards her universities best students with just the sun of twenty thousand naira,and reward those who goes into a mansion, drinks,practices all manners of alcoholism with huge adulterous and fornicative acts with the sum of forty million naira,isn't ready to prepare her citizenry for a greater futures. Well,yesterday night,I decided to go through my blog stats,trying to identify countries that visit my blog site often.I was so marveled to find out that Americans visit my site more often than my own country called Nigeria who never appreciates what they u know that even Germany appears to be second to Americans among those that appreciates my intelligence and my good works?my dear,am not ur usual bloggers who blogs nonsense without any meaningful impacts to educate the human minds. My blog is nothing but a significant tools to educating human minds as well as unearthed hidden knowledge to those that cares to read and understand. When would Nigeria as a country began to place value on what they have?when would Nigeria reward good ideas to unproductive ideas?when would nigerian govt learn how to identify young schoolers whose work in educating the Nigerian society is noticeably unhindered by all standards? When would those with great knowledge, authors be given national honors for their good works?what platform can Nigerian govt set to revitalize our fading off reading culture? And how did we found our selves into this state of poor knowledge emanated from our  poor negligence to reading what is usefully beneficial to the society? This is the only way forward!
(1)federal government most appropriate money for young researchers not to some old professors who uses our research money for self gratification.
(2)Every state and local government must as matter of fact learn how to reward best graduating students both in the tertiary institutions down to our primary educations as well as set up large book shop where  those that own authorship to their books can easily sale their books to the larger society as well as make provisions on how there books can be exported across the globe.
(3)companies and cooperate bodies,should try as much as possible to sponsor reading contest where the best will be made brand ambassador the same way they are making some of this unintelligent celebrities with bad model brand ambassadors.
(4)federal govt should do all they can to promote our reading culture by providing grants to those who do not hav financial power to published their intellectual materials as well as as set up a platform where there will be an award for best author of the year,best most widely read student of the year and so on.
(5)government at various level should sponsor some of our young bright scholar s to international book competition and exhibitions for global recognitions.
Every knowledge is gotten through transmission therefore,it is ur duty to selectively identify  with the kind of knowledge that enhances good moral,sound citizens, law abiding citizens, and criminality tendencies.
The words of the wise are selective not in wise.
My name is Clifford igwe,a prolific writer, motivational speaker, event Mc,exponent of political psychology, author of",introduction to political psychology, and the man blessed with too much of knowledge and wisdom. A title given to me by my fans all over the world.for more

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re many nigerians are hypocritical in their behaviours as such,shouldn't be taking serious when it comes to comenting  on national issue...