Clifford .N. Igwe a.k.a CLIFF DBOSS as he is fondly called by fans and poeple around him, is a Nigeria Citizen resides in Lekki Lagos Nigeria. He was born on 7th April . He is the CEO of MR. AND MRS DEMOCRACY LIMITED of which the company is located at Lekki Lagos Nigeria.a movie producer,and a graduate of educational Psychology University of Port-Harcout Choba Rivers State Nigeria. For advertisements, sponsorship.pls call.+2347037696056
Sunday, 31 March 2019
Five reasons it will be difficult to achieve sustainable peace across the world today.
There are several factors that are capable of truncating sustainable or enlasting peaceful society across the globe.peace,is the absent of crisis,Be it communal,Emotional, Religious, and political crisis etc.American govt did spent their material time and hard earned resources in ensuring elasting peaceful society. we must give them credence for their supportive effort made for this course which the American government had shouldered upon themselves. The world at large must show course why we all must partner with the American government by enjoining the American govt to fight for a peaceful society with our personal or collective contributions. Peace,is one of the essential factors that attracts positive development within our immediate environment and as such,we must pay every supreme price that will enable the society receives relatively peace in every strata's we demand for a peaceful coexistence. Factors that has de-steplized our peaceful coexistence are:(1)Religion: Religions is one of the fattest factor and the initiatory systematic crisis that we are seeing visibly across the entire globe today."Karl max,posited that "Religion is the opium of the masses.from Karl max perspective, Religion has brought nothing but discord,poverty,stealing, and immorality to the material society. Religion initiated superiority versus inferiority,love versus dislove,poverty versus riches and success versus failure.All these,are products of Religioness.The fight for religious superiority among the two notable religion, Christianity and Muslims has become an uneding war caused and supervised by different religious beliefs system.A situation where the Christian faithful will quote some biblical verses,claiming that " Isaac is the only biological and acceptable son of Abraham,As such,Isaac is therefore, the first biological son of Abraham while telling us that ishemal was not recognized by God as Abraham's biological first this case,ishemal felt cheated and been denied of his biological right as the first son of Abraham. With this singular belief system,the entire world became at the mercies of several belief system which has shaped the world into all forms of crisis to achieve her supremacy battles.if we all believed that we are serving only one God irrespective of the Chanel's we uses to reach him,either by Mohammed or Jesus Christ,why are we killing one another for relious supremacy?why can't a Christian faithful and an Islamic faithful live in the same room and have peace?why did we established banks and named it after our religious belief?(islamic bank)why can't we love our selves irrespective of our belief system?I think,the time has come for us to first of all,have this idea that we must all realize we are first human before we can chose how to accept our belief system to bring God,s glory here on earth.(2)politics and leadership: politics and leadership is another factors that is hampering sustainable peace in our society today!political actors especially in our African political space hav made politics and leadership a gang for street hooligans and unacceptable political characters which has caused the society with undue pressures in connectivity with all forms of societal crime associated with unacceptable political character with severe enemy image been created against her oppositions.political actors must learn to play politics with high sense of decorum in participatory Democratic society. If our political actors takes the full responsibilities of evangelizing for a peaceful society before and after elections,our society will be in a safer place.(3)I literacy:Education is the power to know the unkown within our immediate environment! Illiteracy plays a very pivotal role into the societal we are observing across the globe today.Education is a character modifier. Education, has the overall power for cognitive or mental restructuring that can give our society a relatively sustainable peace we all craves and yarning for.Education is a director of some of our human actions and inactions since human actions starts from our cognitive environment before our physical environment, therefore,proper education given to the people living in the society, can as well give the society every forms of relatively peac we all desired for.(4):poor moral conscience: poor moral conscience is another factors that remains a jeopardy to our peaceful coexistence. A man with poor moral conscience can do any thing only if u can meet up for his price.However, A man with inadequate super ego,can even kill his follow man for this is where counseling is needed to save our moral society from total collapse. (5):unacceptable scientific u agree with me that some of our scientific inventions, hav caused more harm to the society than its positive aspect of such inventions. 80 percent of the scientific invented gadgets or equipment are been used to perpetuate evil to the society. For example,social media,Ammunition, and etc,some bad societal influencers uses all this to get at their enemies,instead of using them for the purpose they are primarily assigned summary, Government at different levels must begin to see national unity as a day to day business of governance to work effortlessly with the American government in ensuring an enlasting and sustainable peace for our human society. For more ,contact me
wizkid Ex girlfriend,Tania omotayo just received her big gift for the mothers day.
Nigeria musician Ex girlfriend,Tania omotayo just received her mothers day gift as she gives birth to a bouncing baby today been 31st of March 2018.Tania omotayo was WizKids first girlfriend during his days in the universitybut the moment the super star clamped to the peak of his career,He left her for another girls which has resulted into baby mama's parlavas.Anyway,we congratulate her for the bundle of joy she just brought into her family today.
Nollywood actress,Tonto dike changes her son's name.
Actress tonto dike changes her son's name to "king Andre dikeh!tonto dike is Really a nollywood drama queen who do not only act drama on screen but acts her dramatic role off screen .that's while ,she is the only nollywood actress with the said popular titled as " tonto dike the drama queen.Tonto dike has decided that she does not want any thing that will associate her with her former husband .But we must remind tonto dike that she is just wasting her precious time because when ever the said boy become of age,He will be the one looking for his father! These has been the Nigeria child rights traditional custom.
computer and its typographic errors!
Computer and its typographical errors is a serious issues that call's for concern!imagine a student who is taking her final year course exam in English language, who undoubtedly had performed creditably well in all her previous exam's in English language but failed her final year exam due to computer and its typographic errors in terms of computer inputs or words u never bargained for!imagine u writing a letter to ur dear father who was supposed to pay ur last term sch fees but failed to do so because he had not received his 3 months monthly salary .however,The content of ur letter was to inform him that u had just be sent out of sch since u where unable to pay up for ur last session school,ur father had prepared his mind to read ur letter and begin to identify some grammatical blunders unreasonably imputed by ur computer,would he still have the mindset that his son is doing very great in his studies?imagine when u wanted to write or type "have ,and ur computer had forcefully made an inputs of "has,instead of imaging a situation where u wanted to type" six,and ur computer is given u sex instead of six and the letter gets to ur pastor,how would he perceived ur personality? I said this for the educated ones to understand but the illiterate ones may never understand. Some people are just there to pick out ur human errors but failed to understand that some human errors are some times caused by some unforseen higher forces!A word is enough for the wise.
Re-"my mother in-law hates me for noise making during sex.
Ladies and gentle men,A certain lady named "jenifer.sent me an email last night to narrate her ordeal with her mother in-law who doesn't like the way she handles her sexual orientations."sir,my mother inlaw does not like my sexual orientation.claiming that the ways i make some hell of noise during my sexual intercourse with my legally married husband is unacceptable to her.sir,i enjoyed been very loud when ever am making out and that gives me the real sexual pleasures I desired for during love making!sir,each time am having sex with my husband ,my mother in-law will leave her room and begin to knock frantically at my door shouting "pls don't kill her in my house!sir,this woman kept on doing this over times claiming that we are disturbing her peace.sir the worst that she did one faithful morning when my husband and I thought she had left the house for church not knowing she did not go to church.that very good day we had prepared our selves to enjoy our sex life that day to the fullest as my husband was heating on me so hard and I was screaming as if I wanted to pull down the entire roof,The next thing we saw was my mother in-law standing in the front of our bed silently without saying any thing but was seriously watch her son heating on me so hard.sir,by the time I was about to reach orgaism,she angrily jumped on top of my bed slapping me and her son at the same time shouting" this children, u people will not kill me in this house!"stupid children! Sir,as I speak with u now,I want to pack all my belonging to leave her son for good because, I can never reach sexual gratification with out shouting so loud during love making."my dear,Jenifer, "my simple advice for u ,pls,don't leave ur legally Married husband who never offended u but his mom did.that is not an excuse to leave him.u can engage ur husband with discussion that will lead to resolving this issues,or u can increase the volume of your sound system when ever ur making out with ur husband to avoid your mother in-law hearing all the sound and the unwanted noise that may come out from ur room.Readers,if u hav any contrary advice for Mrs Jenifer, kindly do and we shall appreciate ur advice for her.tanx.
Saturday, 30 March 2019
how determine for success
Success is never automatic but procedural, success is never in a state of rocket science but hard work,success does not work with laziness but industriousness. Success is determined by the decision u undertake.success is planing.planing,is the act of taking decisions in advance of time not how it should be done but how it must be down"olayinka 2001.success works with great visions and puting ur vision to work.The major problems associated with unemployment is caused by mental laziness. A creative mind will not only provides employment for him self but for others and the society, you will agree with me that 80 percent of the youths who are jobless, are those reckless and extravagant spenders who never image what the future will look like at the old age.A wise man builds an umpire while a fool builds on nothing but ignorance.we can all be employer's of labour only if we can set out minds to become one.we must purge our selves the mentality of trying to fit in,in the unreasonable competitive society of hopelessness where acquisition of material things that are perishables with out saving for the raining day.iPhones,cars,Gucci materials or items are all seasonal items that will surely fade away and shall be remodel into some thing different in subsequent years.The questions to ask our selves,can will meet up in purchasing the latest items that will now be invouge?we must as matter of Truth begin to reason ahead of time and its seasons. If there is any thing to be proud of the Americans, is because they learnt how to think ahead of time in proffering solutions for human and material problems in a wider range of acceptability. Africa as a continent need to starts thinking in a futuristic manner on how to solve Africa maladaptive problems. African innovators should inbebe the idea of expanding their innovative ideas beyond the scopes of African continents if we must move forward and compete with other developed nations.However,there are strong indications that various govt policies in some of our African continent has crippled some innovative ideas and her Enterprises. African youths are bunches of immeasurable resilient no matter the circumstances that throws at us.I hope a word is enough for the wise. My name is Clifford Igwe.A prolific writer and a motivational speaker.for more info,mail
- Movie directing is one of the most elusive job we have today as it comes with several challenges either Emotionally or mentally drained when especially it has to do with some crazy actors and actresses. But for the young and talented popular nollywood movie director, Chidi Chikere, he goes about doing his directing job with so much eased and fun.Chidi Chikere is a great example of humanity and decent hard worker who does not attach his directing profession with any forms of sexual harassment or sex scandals as he is guided by his principles in discharging his obligatory responsibilities with every sense of decency. Did I said movie directing is an elusive job?oh yes it is an elusive job!do u know that human management is one of the must difficult task to embark on?do u know that the people u are managing under ur care are people from various cultural background, different family orientations,and people with different mindset!do u know in directing a movie comes with her own personal unique challenges in every movie scenes u kick starts?do u know that some of the actresses personally offers them selves to movie directors just to get a movie role?however, inspite all this enimical challenges, movie director Chidi Chikere was able to surmount them with a high levels of innovativeness and good sense of humor while on a movie set,don't forget that this veteran movie icon has been in the industry for more than two decades now and he had made many of our nollywood acts both male and female big stars in the industry. For example, the likes of omotola,Rita Dominic, InI Edo,Amanda Abeye and many more.All came under the acting lineage of the movie director, Chidi Chikere.A great man is not measures by his acquisition of wealth but the numbers of people u gave life to live for themselves. I can continue on and on,but the last thing u must always perceive abourt his great movie icon,is that he is so humble,intelligent, hardworking,accommodative,and above all,very tolerating!
Cliffdboss.blogspot. com in partnership with Mr and Mrs democracy media company is offering upcoming Artist low percent discount promo with full packages which includes:Alaba promo of ur demo music single,opportunity to have an interview with us and we shall publish it here and other platform as well as have a media interview with some of the ,on air personalities OAP , on Radios or TV,play ur songs on wazobia TV,NTA,CHanels TV,AIT,sound city etc.upcoming movie stars forms is now for sales.we shall assist u talk to popular movie directors and movie producers in the industry to put u for their movies.for more info:mail me @ send ur phone contact to us we shall call u and discuss with u.
Friday, 29 March 2019
Five systematic patterns to avoid violence against women.
Violence against women is on rampage and as such the society has come under depressed pressures with inproper remedies to challenge this unacceptable behavior duly associated with chronic aggressive behavior. Violence against women hav been an aged long practices but remained unpublicly pronounced especially in the african societies due to lack of availability of informative avenue to register the visibility of such an unwanted act.unlike now where there are great influence of the social media to report this crime in a pictorial or written evidence.however,violence against women is a serious crime that should be cut into pieces and discard such behavior completely away from our overt environment as it portends a great danger to the societal well-being. On the contrarily, I think there are several ways we can avoid gender violence or domestic violence against women and they are:(1):women must master the act of been respectful to the man:Been respectful, does not mean been unable to know ur right and when ur right is been trample upon but the way and manner u handle such unwanted character determines if u had saved domestic violence or initiates it ur self through ur speech and actions. (2):when ever a grumpierd husband is talking on what u did not do right,be quite: been humbly quiet when ever ur man is talking aggressively, the only behavioral pattern to calm the fary nerve is to remain silent even when u know ur right and have something to say.keep it to ur self when his temper is calm,kindly and respectfully approach him and explain to him what u think he misperceived ur actions and inactions,he will surely ask for forgiveness for mistakenly shouted at u.(3):don't starve ur man of food he personally worked hard and provides: some women are always in the habits of denying their man food when he got them angry and they believed, the only way to punish the man is to starve him of food.Remember, "A hungry man, is an angry man!Anger is nothing but expression of un deserving treatment from another learn how to be ur self.(4):don't starve him of sex:sex is nothing but pleasures when u are in a relaxed mood not in a violent mood.for the pleasure will never be felt and enjoyed when agony of the hearts fits in.some women today willingly, deny their legally husband sex without any tangible excuses just to punish her man when she is angry with the this case,if the woman is not in the mood for sex,the way and manner she will approach such subject matter must be in a respectful manner.u can tell him" honey,pls let's do it tomorrow am so tied for sex now but if u insist to,I will still give it to u but u know that It will really hot me cos I am not in the mood.then Peck him on the face.Trust me,such man is not a coward to ask u to open ur legs for a sex that day he will automatically understand ur stressful and emotional plights by pecking u too on the face and tells u"good night I love u.(5):don't shout at ur man:some women are in the habit of shouting at their men with just little provocative man wants to be shouted at by his own wife that ought to be loyal and submissive to him.learn how to approach him when ur mind is not in a boiling state so that u can outline all that hots u about doing that he will attentively listen to u and he will desist from such attitude as well as initiate attitudinal changes.(6):don't invite any third party to step into ur marital disputes: some men personally do not want any third party to know how he runs his home.To him, that is his personal enterprise. Learn how to engage him with conflicts resolutions mechanism through dialogue in a conducive serene. And (7):don't compare ur man with another successful person when ever u have issues with him.pls forward this to many that are in need of it today.for counseling, pls contact me@
Africa as a continent is never and can not be a Sithole! A Sithole, is a stinky place with such much repugnance that no man would like to be closed to while having launch, dinner or breakfast due to its unpalatable orduor that emits out from a Sithole. If president of Americans first lady who visited one of the African country could pass her night and drinks water made and manufactured from the African country, then such continent can never be seem or perceived to be a Sithole. Now,let's go back to the main topic of the day which says"if am Africa.If am Africa, I would not get a visa,book for a light that will probably cost me a whooping sum of 500 thousands or one million naira just to travel to America to charge my set phone cos my phone battery is completely drained due to the fact that all the electric polls in my street has fell down and transformers faulty when I can use the fleet money to fix the electricity in my street. If am Africa,I would not go to Dubai to open a standard and susphiscated university to make the people in Dubai acquire quality education and rule over my people whose educational facilities and learning environment is uncondusive.If am Africa, i will never attempt to tone or bleach my natural black skin just to look flashy in the eyes of many but deep in my heart,it still remains black with a theatre of wicked and evil behaviour to bring down my progressive brothers,If am Africa,I will never run to abroad for any forms of foreign aids when I do know for sure that the said money given out to me as foreign aids are the same money my brothers and sisters in the public offices stole from our national coffers in accomplice with the same foreign banks,if am Africa, I will value my self,my ideas,my innovative skills,my giftsets,for other people to value me.If am Africa,I will learn how to stand on my own with out the support of any body to enable me stand especially when those who do not want to see me grow in moral,in leadership to better the life of my people whose agony and poverty is on a higher increase every blessed day.If am Africa,I would rather remain in my father's burning house while I search for solutions and every Alternative measures to quench the fire and fix my fathers house in order rather than running away from my inherited problems. If am Africa,I will see every Africans as my blood brothers any where we live in the African continent irrespective of our Creed, gender differences, and regions affiliation s I will rather work together with him to achieve the Africa of our dreams rather than repatriating my own blood brothers out of jealousy and eviness.If am Africa,I will practically appreciates my uniqueness for been an African and become unapologetically proud of my Africa rich cultural heritage. If am Africa,I will carve or structure our academic curriculum to suit our culture and make adequate corrections where there are lapses and stop polluting our cultures with some foreign trends and unacceptable policies. If am Africa, I would like to produce what we use and use what we produce for the development of my dear continent.thanks dear reader!long live Africa.pls kindly repost if u love name is Clifford Igwe.A prolific writer and a motivational speaker.for more info:mail me @
WELCOME TO CLIFF DBOSS BLOG.. : SEX SCADAL! MOVIE PRODUCER, CLIFF DBOSS CLAIMS “NI...: You said our popular singer Simi wants to have sex with you? CLIFF DBOSS: Yes Simi wants to sleep with me! ...
You said our popular singer
Simi wants to have sex with you?
Simi wants to sleep with me!
CLIFF DBOSS: Ok fine, look some of this girls
in the industry are not really decent as they claim …..
Sorry, can you introduce yourself
to me?
CLIFF DBOSS: Am Cliff Dboss, A movie producer,
Motivational Speaker, Event Mc, Book Author and many more.
Really? You have great profiles!
Thanks …
How long
have you been in the industry?
CLIFF DBOSS: This is my 9th year in
the industry but I started officially in 2015 when I first released my comedy
debut album titled “Reputation Season one by Cliff Dboss.
You mean you have a comedy Album?
CLIFF DBOSS: of course I do
Wow! Tell me more about it?
CLIFF DBOSS: Listen I released that comedy
album in 2015, marketed by AB Western who eventually ran away with the proceeds
of that comedy album after selling all the 5, 000 copies
Tell me, where did he run to?
CLIFF DBOSS: A friend of mine once told me he
is in Ghana but I was in Ghana last year I could not find him. They said he
lives at somewhere in Accra Circle that am very sure I will get him, he can
only hide but can’t run away from his shadows.
Do you have any platform where
people can download or watch the comedy album?
CLIFF DBOSS: Yeah … they can get all my movies
and comedy skit on Youtube, Reverbnation or Google, as Nigeria Cliff Dboss
movies, don’t forget that I lost my former youtube account because a popular
Nigeria singer asked youtube to terminate my youtube account.
CLIFF DBOSS: That is what am saying that this
particular singer is a very obstinate human being. She and her gang wrote to
youtube to terminate my account just to get at me for refusing her.
What actually happened tell me?
CLIFF DBOSS: Look I never wanted to make my
ordeal with her public but she has pushed me to the world and I will let the entire
world know how she has been pestering my life! For cry out loud, is it by
Hmmm! Are you saying that a
superstar like her is asking you out and you said no?
CLIFF DBOSS: What superstar? Am I not a
superstar? I may not be well known but certainly I will get there someday ….. Look
I don’t even place any value on any human being on the ground that he/she is a
superstar? Look no body was born with a superstar status we all worked to become one. As matter of fact some of this their fans they
insult on social media are even more decent and finer than most of them in real
life … forget make up.
Are you saying that she is not
CLIFF DBOSS: Guy, let me tell you beauty is
never collective but individualistic. She might be very beautiful in my eye but
for others she is not, beside the concept of beauty and aesthetics has a wider
range of definition. In that case, beauty is not confide to a particular
connotation as it varies and has unrestricted perceptions. Is she finer than
some of our Nigeria girls? In fact Nigeria girls are the most beautiful all
over the world.
When did you meet with Simi?
CLIFF DBOSS: I met Simi in 2017 at Eko hotel
and suit Lagos
Ok tell me more …
CLIFF DBOSS: Yeah, she was with one light skin
girl while I was with my PA. She was looking at me amorously uncontrollable,
before you could spell jack, she stylishly sat close to me, the next thing she
said was “Hi” and I replied “Hi” …. She smiled” what is your name? Am Cliff
Dboss. Simi requested for my contact which I willingly gave out. Simi stood up
and went inside the event hall. Later at about 9pm that same day she called
more than 10 times I was not taking her calls she now sent a message, Hi Cliff
I will like to have a dinner with you to night and I said No … I don’t have
time. However, Simi continued to call my
phone not until I asked her to stop calling my phone that I was not interested.
Is that all?
CLIFF DBOSS: Certainly not all! In fact to call
the long story short, when I uploaded my movie on youtube she watched it online
and find out that I used one of her song for the scene video of which I did not. She horridly
wrote to youtube to terminate my youtube account claiming copy right infringement
just to get at me. One faithful morning I tried to access my account but it was
terminated which I have to call my publicist who to investigate the
circumstance that led to it, during the investigation, youtube officially wrote
to me that Simi asked them to terminate my account with the reasons above. I
have all the substantiated evidence here.
Can you tell me in summary who
Cliff Dboss is?
CLIFF DBOSS: Like I said earlier, my real name
is Clifford Nnamdi Igwe a.k.a Cliff Dboss, am a graduate of educational
psychology University of Port-Harcourt. I am from Ikwerre Ethinic nationality
River State Nigeria. I do motivational speaking, I do event MC, I have an
Authorship for a book titled “Introduction to Political Psychology”. I am a
movie producer and a blogger too. You can visit my blog
“ for more detail. Thank you.
What if
Simi sues you to court?
CLIFF DBOSS: Which Simi are you talking
I mean
the popular singer Simi Adekunle Gold’s wife?
Haba! Not
that one na!! I have so much respect for her person, am only trying to promote
my upcoming movie
Nollywood star actress ,Regina Daniels is living her life to the fullest, the star actress is doing greatly well in the entertainment industries. Let me also remind you that some weeks back, the little star actress bought her mom a magnificent house at lekki area of Lagos State, the little star actress also flaunted her diamond encrusted diamond wristwatch worths of millions of naira, today she is about to jet out of the country for vacation. Hmmm, who ever that is lavishing money on this star actress should please keep it up as the evidence is clear on her body. After all she said "I AM YOUNG, HOT AND GETTING IT" Regina Daniel
Thursday, 28 March 2019
marriage vow"for better for worst is a cause"Bishop David oyedepo.
The founder of winners chapel,Bishop Davido oyedepo has refused to abide by any biblical injunction that some believers in the Christian faith says"marriage is for better and for worst.but however, oyedepo believed such biblical statement is a cause.according to Bishop David oyedepo"All that for better for worst,in sickness and in health marriage vows people recites are unscriptural "it is a cause"
Breaking! Jude okoye,senior brother to popular defunct P -square,Released a beautiful pictures of his family.
Jude okoye who is one of the veteran in the music industry when it comes to artist management and good rewarding packing to make any artist blows, his name is number one on the list.well,the music legend has released a beautiful pictures of his family to prove to his rivals in the industry that he is married to a very beautiful and good looking lady as a wife with a cute child too.
Federal Government issued a bench warrant of arrest against Nnamdi KANU,leader of IPOB group.
Federal high court sitting in Abuja on Thursday, issued a bench warrant for the arrest of the leader of the proscribed indegeios people of Biafra,IPOB,Nnamdi KANU.The court in a ruling by the trial judge,justice, Binta Nyako,Equally, revoked the bail conditions she earlier granted to the IPoB leader who is facing treasonable felony charges.Placing reliance on section 353 (4) of the administration of criminal justice Act,ACJA,2015,the court, Said it would go ahead to try in absentia, which means Nnamdi KANU trials will not be halt even in his absence..justice, Nyako said,the order was informed by the inability of KANU,s lawyer, Mr.ifeanyi Ejiofor to give cogent ,compelling and variable reasons"why his client repeatedly failed to appear in court to answer to the charges against him. The court, subsequently fixed June 18 to commence KANU,s trial in his absence. The ruling followed an application federal government made on Wednesday after KANU,s case was called up for trial.
Ex Reality star,Joseline Hernandez shows off her big honeypot in a new Raunchy photos.
Ex Reality star,Joseline Hernandez has done it again!this time ,she wants the whole world to know the entire shape of her honeypot for us to know how it looks like.the mother of one hav no shame showing those who cares to see her banging body after all, she believed she got a beautiful skin.pls see it ur self and share the picture above to friends!Enjoy.
Ghanian actress Yvoon Nelson says"I hav not had sex for over one year now.
Ghanian actress,Yvoon nelson claim she hard not hadsex for the past one year and as such she is in a serious need of sex!the Ghanian actress however, said she may want to have another child after having her first child with her baby daddy who is a White guy and a photographer by profession.some years back the popular Ghanaian actress was rumoured to have dated one of the Nigeria popular artist, iyanya who rocked Yvoon Nelson's body any how he wants it for many years and Abandoned her for another nollywood super star Tonto dike which led to a lot of fracas amongs themselves. however ,Rumour also has it that immediately iyanya abandoned Yvoon nelson,another Nigeria musician,ice prince took over from where iyanya stopped. Now asked the popular Ghanian super star why is she in need of sex when all her Ex are all there to service her engine oil again....Yvoon nelson we advice u to get a guy if ur in need of sex.
Actress NGOZi is now a relationship coach!hear her relationship advice to her fans."my two cents:when looking for a life partner, my advice to women is to date all of the bad boys,the cool boys,the commitment_phobic boys,crazy boys.But do not Marry them.Good husbands "when the time comes,time to settle down ,find some one who wants an equal partner. Someone who values fairness and expects or even better want to do his share in the home.these men exist,Trust me,over time,nothing is sexier.
Wednesday, 27 March 2019
How do will progressively revitalize our Africanism?
- Africa as a continent is one of the most greatest continent we have in the world today with her numerous of potentials and human resources but lack human resource management capacity in which has degenerated into poverty,cyber crime,richualism,and poor leadership management.Africa is undoubtedly blessed with all kinds of mineral resources which cut across the tripod space in the African region.the question we all need to ask our serves as African is,are we moving forward as a continent blessed with several mineral resources and human capital enrichment? Are we among the developed continents in the world?are we rich as a continent that possesses all the mineral and material resources? Why is Africa backward in terms of education? Do will still hav the intellectual and man power development to fix the ills of the African society? If yes,who are the people to fix Africa to compete with other developed continent? And what efforts has been made to put Africa as a continent on the right foot?having asked all this abstract and logical questions, I however therefore, arrive at a reasonable conclusion that the problem of Africa is Africans and the solutions to African problems will as well come from African.A man who sleeps why his own house is on fire and decides to take all his investment including his families to other continent to find solace is nothing but a coward whose true identity should be thou roughly question.when we hear the rate of looting in our political spheres where a certain political leader in a public office stills millions of dollars and invest it in other countries to avoid anti craft agencies bringing him to face the law while his own country suffers for unemployment, abject poverty,poor infrastructural develop,deficit in our educational system where we have dilapidated classroom,unequipped laboratory etc.A continent where her youths with great vision are not Harnessed to reach her optimal potentials.such continent will never grow and will continue to witness all forms of moral decadence and electoral violence during and after elections. We must begin to place more premium on human capital development which is the overall bedrock to drive modern economic and material development. A situation where those who are supposed to take over political leadership has learnt nothing but corruption, treasury loots,how to sale our national patrimony to families and friends due to greed,such continent will continue to slow down developmental pace where creative ideas are nothing but a a personal business. In the developed world,good creative ideas are national enterprise that can enrich the fortune of the nation in terms of qualitative rise in her GDP.Africa as a country must begin as matter of urgency begin too look inwardly in orofering a workable solution frame work in mitigating some of the core Africa worst problem which is overtly associated with greed and arogance.the African youth must rise up to her challenges and grab what they believed is ours from the hands of our oppressors whose motto is"destroy every institutions that will make any african youths to succeed to enable our lazy children take over from where we shall stop at.I strongly believed that nothing that is associated with African problems that can not be fixed by we Africans only if we will stop running to seek for foreign aids when those problems challenging our africanity comes up staring us in the face.
Ex- big brother Naija housemate, TBoss took to her Instagram handle to share these new set of stunning and heart breaking pictures of her self Amidst pregnancy rumor.
When we all hear the name TBoss,all that comes to mind is big brother Naija!yes oh!former big brother Naija housemate is here again for another set of news but this time she is on the news for the wrong reason which is here entertainment usuals.however,some days backs the former big brother Naija was on the news as been perceived by her fans and the people closed to her as been pregnant due to the manner in which she is rounded up in shape.but amidst all the pregnancy rumor leveled against her person,the former big brother naih has released a tempting pictures as well as captioned it"my body is not your dear TBoss,ur body is our business because we want to know if the same body u freely shown us during the big brother Naija reality show is still intact or might have gone through some knief for sogery which is what is now invoke for both our local and international celebrities. Don't forget that the former big brother Naija reality star was freely advertising her whole body for the viewer to know that she got some flesh in there!
"covered it so you don't see the hole u came out from.Anita Joseph replied fans who is a social media trolls.
Popular Nollywood actress comes after fans who tried to troll her on social media by asking her why did she close her leg ?why she replied"I covered it so you don't see the hole u came our from.she ends it by saying "Big fool.hahaha.Anita Joseph pls take it easy !the fool actually wanted to see something very special that could be appalling to his eye!
popular Nigeria singer"flavor opens schools for the blind.
popular Nigeria finest singer and one of the Nigeria entertainment export material has added another feathers to his grown career by building a sophisticated school for the blind.some years back, the Nigeria musician with his magnanimous character decided to adopt a little boy called "semah G who is also a musician who as well collaborated with falour for one of his hit soundtrack titled" most flavor and his friend masterkraft who is also a musician accompanied him for the opening of the school for the blind!good step in the right direction.
Amadamawa APC afraid of meeting the PDP guber candidate for Adamawa guber suplimentary poll fixed on 27th of march no longer in the public domain that the independent national electoral commission INEC calls for a suplimentary election in Adamawa state fellows by the events that characterized the governorship election in the state held on the 9th of march citing some forms of electoral malpractices and cancelation of some results from the polling centres which made it difficult for the returning officer to declare any candidate as the winner of the election.from the INEC guidelines, a candidate can not be declared winner when the total numbers of vote canceled is higher than that of the declared numbers of votes from a particular local government or polling unit.we believed that Adamawa APC will fade away with the notion of having federal might and could upturn the peoples electoral wish for their preferred candidate. We also believe that INEC will continue to remain as an unbiased umpire and do the needful.
Oyetola vs Adeleke: Davido reacts as tribunal declares uncle winner of Osun governorship election
Nigerian superstar, David Adeleke, popularly known as Davido has reacted
as the Osun State election Tribunal declared Senator Ademola Adeleke
winner of the September 27, 2018 governorship election in the state.
The tribunal had on Friday held that the September 27 rerun election in the state was illegal.
The three-man panel of the Tribunal gave the judgement following the petition filed by the governorship candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, Senator Ademola Adeleka against the All Progressives Congress, APC, and its candidate, Gboyega Oyetola.
The Tribunal also ruled that PDP and Adeleke proved that it was the state Returning Officer, who cancelled the results in seven Polling Units, adding that the petitioners also proved that the Returning Officer has no power to cancel election results of a polling unit.
The Tribunal also agreed to deduct 2,029 votes from the APC scores and 1,246 votes from PDP votes in the 17 polling units where there was non compliance.
Reacting to the ruling, Davido congratulated people of the state for the victory.
The tribunal had on Friday held that the September 27 rerun election in the state was illegal.
The three-man panel of the Tribunal gave the judgement following the petition filed by the governorship candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, Senator Ademola Adeleka against the All Progressives Congress, APC, and its candidate, Gboyega Oyetola.
The Tribunal also ruled that PDP and Adeleke proved that it was the state Returning Officer, who cancelled the results in seven Polling Units, adding that the petitioners also proved that the Returning Officer has no power to cancel election results of a polling unit.
The Tribunal also agreed to deduct 2,029 votes from the APC scores and 1,246 votes from PDP votes in the 17 polling units where there was non compliance.
Reacting to the ruling, Davido congratulated people of the state for the victory.
Waje made the announcement in a viral video with her friends on social media.
Giving reasons, Waje complained of no funds and lack of promotion and support for her music.
According to her: “I’m quitting music because I don’t have money for music promotions and publicity.
“People were shouting Waje release album, I did where are they now
“I have so many responsibilities to take care of and my music keeps taking the bulk of my money, I’m not willing to put in money there again.
Popular Nigerian singer, Waje, has quit music.
Waje made the announcement in a viral video with her friends on social media.
Giving reasons, Waje complained of no funds and lack of promotion and support for her music.
According to her: “I’m quitting music because I don’t have money for music promotions and publicity.
“People were shouting Waje release album, I did where are they now
“I have so many responsibilities to take care of and my music keeps taking the bulk of my money, I’m not willing to put in money there again.
“Maybe it’s fair to give music a rest, for now. I can’t have released
an album after everybody has been shouting ‘Waje, your last album is
how many years ago?’ All the people that were shouting, where are they?
“My daughter’s school fees is there. It’s like I have ten things laid out for me every time but it has always been my music taking the bulk of the money. I am not willing to put money there anymore.”
Giving reasons, Waje complained of no funds and lack of promotion and support for her music.
According to her: “I’m quitting music because I don’t have money for music promotions and publicity.
“People were shouting Waje release album, I did where are they now
“I have so many responsibilities to take care of and my music keeps taking the bulk of my money, I’m not willing to put in money there again.
Popular Nigerian singer, Waje, has quit music.
Giving reasons, Waje complained of no funds and lack of promotion and support for her music.
“People were shouting Waje release album, I did where are they now
“I have so many responsibilities to take care of and my music keeps taking the bulk of my money, I’m not willing to put in money there again.
“My daughter’s school fees is there. It’s like I have ten things laid out for me every time but it has always been my music taking the bulk of the money. I am not willing to put money there anymore.”
My wife and I are not divorced, hopefully everything will work out good - IK Ogbonna says
Nollywood actor and model, IK Ogbonna has opened up about the state of things in his marriage Colombian lady, Sonia -my-wife-i-divorced-hopefully-everything-work-good-ik-ogbonna-says.According to the actor, they are not divorced as his wife is currently living in Europe with their son - He admitted that they were not as they used to but expressed hope about things working out Recall a while ago, reported the news of how the marriage of Nollywood actor, IK Ogbonna and his Colombian wife, Sonia, reportedly crashed 1-my-wife-i-divorced-hopefully-everything-work-good-ik-ogbonna-says.
Read more: reported the news of how the marriage of Nollywood actor, IK Ogbonna and his Colombian wife, Sonia, reportedly crashed 1-my-wife-i-divorced-hopefully-everything-work-good-ik-ogbonna-says.
Read more:
According to the actor,
they are not divorced as his wife is currently living in Europe with
their son
- He admitted that they were not as they used to but expressed hope
about things working out
Recall a while ago, reported the news of how the marriage of
Nollywood actor, IK Ogbonna and his Colombian wife, Sonia, reportedly
crashed Read more:
Nollywood actor and model, IK Ogbonna has opened up about the state of things in his marriage Colombian lady, Sonia Read more:
Nollywood actor and model, IK Ogbonna has opened up about the state of things in his marriage Colombian lady, Sonia Read more:
Rivers Election: AAC Gov Candidate Makes Strong Allegation Against Wike
The governorship candidate of the African Action Congress (AAC) in Rivers State, Biokpomabo Awara, has accused Governor Nyesom Wike of offering him N3 billion to join the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP).The governorship candidate of the African Action Congress (AAC) in Rivers State, Biokpomabo Awara, has accused Governor Nyesom Wike of offering him N3 billion to join the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP).
Speaking to newsmen on Tuesday, he denied claims by his erstwhile deputy candidate that the Minister of Transportation, Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi and the All Progressives Congress (APC), forced them to sign post-dated resignation letters.
He expressed disappointment over Akpo Bomba Yeeh’s resignation and defection to the PDP.
He said, “When the story of his resignation first came out as a rumour, that Rivers State Governor has offered him N200m to abandon me, I had no reason to believe it because that Elder Yeeh was aware I had earlier turned down an offer of N3bn, Gov. Wike offered to me some days ago through his associates. I discussed this with my running mate and outlined why we must not succumb to the lure from the governor or any interest group. I was convinced that we were in agreement because he neither expressed nor alluded to a difference in opinion on the matter.
“When the rumour became rife by Sunday, I made several attempts to reach my deputy without success. I started developing some strange feelings pointing to a possible sell-out by him.
“I am aware that a key component of their plot is to attempt to smear the towering image and figure of the Honourable Minister of Transportation Rt. Hon. Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi. I want to state categorically that all the accusations made by my running mate against the Honourable Minister are blatant lies poorly crafted by his paymaster, Governor Wike and associates, and you could see how tough it was for him to read the script handed to him.
“Let me be clear. I was never asked to and did not sign any letter of resignation. I am aware that my deputy also was not asked to or signed any letter of resignation. My deputy, Elder Akpo Bomba Yeeh, is believed to be under tremendous financial pressure based on his statements.
“The support the AAC got from the Honourable Minister and the APC was unconditional. Those conditions my deputy alleged in the statement drafted for him by Governor Wike are false, crude lies. The alliance between AAC and APC for the governorship election is as a result of our shared love for the state and our shared vision to liberate Rivers State from the shackles of cultism, rapidly growing poverty and the unsafe nature of our state in the hands of an administration that has wrecked almost everything in our state.
“It is indeed sad, regrettable, disheartening and pathetic that my running mate will act in the way he did. I feel pity and sorry for him. However, I must be quick to add that it is one move that has no consequences on the AAC governorship ticket. It is inconsequential in all ramifications. No sane man standing an election as crucial as that of Rivers State will say the things he said.
“One of the reasons I picked him as my running mate was because of the long-running relationship between the Ogoni and Kalabari people, dating back to pre-independence. I also chose him because I saw a fatherly figure and capacity in him that could benefit Rivers Youths. I personally saw our joint ticket as Obama/Joe Biden ticket.”
He expressed disappointment over Akpo Bomba Yeeh’s resignation and defection to the PDP.
He said, “When the story of his resignation first came out as a rumour, that Rivers State Governor has offered him N200m to abandon me, I had no reason to believe it because that Elder Yeeh was aware I had earlier turned down an offer of N3bn, Gov. Wike offered to me some days ago through his associates. I discussed this with my running mate and outlined why we must not succumb to the lure from the governor or any interest group. I was convinced that we were in agreement because he neither expressed nor alluded to a difference in opinion on the matter.
“When the rumour became rife by Sunday, I made several attempts to reach my deputy without success. I started developing some strange feelings pointing to a possible sell-out by him.
“I am aware that a key component of their plot is to attempt to smear the towering image and figure of the Honourable Minister of Transportation Rt. Hon. Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi. I want to state categorically that all the accusations made by my running mate against the Honourable Minister are blatant lies poorly crafted by his paymaster, Governor Wike and associates, and you could see how tough it was for him to read the script handed to him.
“Let me be clear. I was never asked to and did not sign any letter of resignation. I am aware that my deputy also was not asked to or signed any letter of resignation. My deputy, Elder Akpo Bomba Yeeh, is believed to be under tremendous financial pressure based on his statements.
“The support the AAC got from the Honourable Minister and the APC was unconditional. Those conditions my deputy alleged in the statement drafted for him by Governor Wike are false, crude lies. The alliance between AAC and APC for the governorship election is as a result of our shared love for the state and our shared vision to liberate Rivers State from the shackles of cultism, rapidly growing poverty and the unsafe nature of our state in the hands of an administration that has wrecked almost everything in our state.
“It is indeed sad, regrettable, disheartening and pathetic that my running mate will act in the way he did. I feel pity and sorry for him. However, I must be quick to add that it is one move that has no consequences on the AAC governorship ticket. It is inconsequential in all ramifications. No sane man standing an election as crucial as that of Rivers State will say the things he said.
“One of the reasons I picked him as my running mate was because of the long-running relationship between the Ogoni and Kalabari people, dating back to pre-independence. I also chose him because I saw a fatherly figure and capacity in him that could benefit Rivers Youths. I personally saw our joint ticket as Obama/Joe Biden ticket.”
Photos: EFCC arrests Ibadan ‘Yahoo Boys’, recovers exotic cars
Operatives of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, Ibadan Zonal Office, on Tuesday, March 26, 2019 swooped on a location suspected to be a hideout of internet fraudsters following series of reports from residents of the area on their alleged fraudulent activities.
The early morning raid on apartments within the Kolapo Ishola Estate, in Akobo area of Ibadan led to the arrest of six young men between the ages of 24 and 30 years.
The suspects include: Tella Adefemi Ibrahim, Awoniyi Adeseye Abiodun, Oladele Olawale Wasiu, Olabiti Afeez Ajibola, Akeredolu Oluwafemi Temidayo and Oyaremi Olalekan Olabode.
A series of intelligence gathered on them suggested that they are deeply involved in all manners of fraudulent activities, including love scam, through which they illegally obtain money from unsuspecting victims.
At the point of their arrest, EFCC operatives recovered five different models of exotic cars, laptops, mobile phones and several documents containing false pretences from the suspects.
They will be charged to court as soon as investigations are completed.
The early morning raid on apartments within the Kolapo Ishola Estate, in Akobo area of Ibadan led to the arrest of six young men between the ages of 24 and 30 years.
The suspects include: Tella Adefemi Ibrahim, Awoniyi Adeseye Abiodun, Oladele Olawale Wasiu, Olabiti Afeez Ajibola, Akeredolu Oluwafemi Temidayo and Oyaremi Olalekan Olabode.
A series of intelligence gathered on them suggested that they are deeply involved in all manners of fraudulent activities, including love scam, through which they illegally obtain money from unsuspecting victims.
At the point of their arrest, EFCC operatives recovered five different models of exotic cars, laptops, mobile phones and several documents containing false pretences from the suspects.
They will be charged to court as soon as investigations are completed.
Tuesday, 26 March 2019
sex and its addiction is never a healthy situation for two adults which defers in sex preferences, having sex often is never a crime but having sex and abandoning ur core responsibility in life is the biggest crime any man or woman could ever embarked on,some people do believed that having sex often times is love but undermining that sex can be bought over to satisfy by ur urge but love are not easily to buy.I think is high time we begin to dichotomize the explainable difference between sex and love marking in order to make our young generation accept the cogent fact that not all sex leads to planned mirages but 95 percent love does!our present generation has degenerated in a way that every tones and words that comes out from our today's youths are tailored towards sexual inter course due to the fact that they all believed that is what is invokes therefore any one who is not practically associated with having sex is been left out of the elegant corrupt looking society. They terms to believed that enjoyment is only associated or can only be found in having sex .any thing out of love making is funless and unenjoyable activities. My dear friends, there is no greater ways of having fun and its attractive enjoyment outside the presence of Christ who is the true embodiment of all forms of happiness. Sex is just an unrestricted avenues to satisfy the material souls and batter ur spiritual being. We must begin to rationalize what the aftermath of every enjoyment can drive us to our prominent desire in life.we must therefore begin to ask our mind some logical questions to ascertain our true identity as well as clarify all the internal crisis rocking our spiritual being.pls ask ur self,what is life,where was life before I was formed? Where will be life after death?if there is life after death,will my life detach away all the evil life I lived why on earth?is there any supernatural forces in full controls of my life?do I have the ultimate power to determine how I should live my life?and what can I do to live a life of Christlike behavior? However,all this critical questions been asked will surely afford us the awesome opportunity to know that we humans do not own our life but have the unshaken right to place and determine how we can live our life here on earth. If one must be a sex Addict, get in a woman as ur legally married wife who do not have the marital right to deny u sex when ever the urge arises. Sex without mirages is a sin before wise.
wonder shall never end! Watch eve in a sex scandal. This is really crazy on what our so called celebrities do all in the name of fame.Eve,A popular American Finest female Rapper now appears in a SEXTAPE? This is very unbelievable and unheard of!any way,just watch it and see for ur self!
this video of a popular Nigeria female musician,tiwa salvage in a sex scandals. A reliable source told me that tiwa salvage did this sextape in 2015 when she went for a show in Abuja .however, the man who recorded the said sextape decided to upload it online just to get at her after trying to coherce her to pay the some of 10 million naira proved abortive. The man right now is on the run as he has been declared wanted by the Nigeria police for sex scandal against one of the Nigeria finest musician popularly called"Tiwa salvage. Just view it and make a comment
do u know u can be rich and still remain poor?
Do u know one can be rich and remain poor?yes it is crystally possible to be rich and still remains poor when u fails to discover ur true self from the inner man!poverty is associated with poor planing pattern. Poverty,is a product of poor thinking pattern,poverty, is related to the cognitive and poor understanding of ur personal abilities and ur potentials.human talent is a product of wealth but wealth does not come by isolation but association. The people u associate ur self with determine ur level of thinking and how u perceived the future to shape u into it. Talent are raw materials that must be Haynes's and refined it to give u ur desired expected results .when a man refuses to discover him self,he fails to realized what the future holds for him.a society with incompetent character will always produce leadership inadequacy in every spheres of human endeavors.
Saturday, 23 March 2019
see how this pretty babe drugged her boyfriend in the class
See how this pretty babe drugged her boyfriend in the class.Tola the arrogant class prefect was drugged by her classmate he failed to submit her assignment to their class lecturer so she decided to pay him back with this wicked has it that Tola has been sleeping since 1pm tody and still sleeping when all his classmates left only him in class to suffer what he bargained for.however,the girl who drugged him decided to keep him company until when he will finally wake up from his unplanned sleep.Hmmm!what kind of wickedness is this?if u are to be Tola,what exactly would u do to this girl when u finally wake up?
Friday, 22 March 2019
nollywood actress in a sextape scandal .
Watch this beautifully nollywood actress who sent sextape to her soon to be husband.what exactly is happening in the entertainment industries this days as actors and actresses See's no offense in going naked in front of the camera just to prove their acting prowess to their movie directors.
Sometimes one begins to ask some hypothetical questions like,are these people normal people?,do dey really hav parents at all?if they really do,are their parents in support of their acts just to take care of some bills?do they believe in marital future?does it means they are out of shameful conduct?I think if all this questions do really have a cogent and and pragmatic answers,therefore,we however believe that every man to his own cross.we must learn not to overpower our cultural upbringing all in the name of class and unreasonable modernity in polluting our culturally sane society. We must begin to sensitize our upcoming young stars to inbebe the attitude of choosen the right and good role models devoid of I'll gotten wealth, prostitution, and slay queens attitudes or social media queen.
Sometimes one begins to ask some hypothetical questions like,are these people normal people?,do dey really hav parents at all?if they really do,are their parents in support of their acts just to take care of some bills?do they believe in marital future?does it means they are out of shameful conduct?I think if all this questions do really have a cogent and and pragmatic answers,therefore,we however believe that every man to his own cross.we must learn not to overpower our cultural upbringing all in the name of class and unreasonable modernity in polluting our culturally sane society. We must begin to sensitize our upcoming young stars to inbebe the attitude of choosen the right and good role models devoid of I'll gotten wealth, prostitution, and slay queens attitudes or social media queen.
Thursday, 21 March 2019
the sex life of portia.
A certain girl called Portia who hails from Kumasi Ghana sent me a message to my email to share her sex experience as it turns out to be a nightmare she never wish her enemies can very carefully as u go true her sexual experience with a very cute and rich boyfriend."Sir, my name is "Portia from Kumasi Ghana." Sir,I will like to use this medium to seek for help from u as well as seek for peoples advice to emotionally bring me out of this here my sexual experience with my boyfriend James who feels having sex with women and the same time eating up their ass.Mr James is a very cute and loving young man with a good financially rewarding job as well as very Christianized in his attitudes but defers when it comes to sexual orientation. He overtly believes that having sex and eating up the ladies ass is the only best ways to satisfy his sexual urge..Mr James has been asking me out even when I was in my ss3 and then I was just 16 years old and Mr James kept on plastering me for a relationship date but I continued to turn his advances down on the ground that I was not up to 18 year of age.however,I finally turned 18 the year I secured an admission into the university to study medicine then I fully realized that is high time to give Mr James a chance afterall,he is a good looking young man with a substantiated financial muscle to take good care of my materal needs to make me feels a high sense of belonging as one of the notorious big girls on campus that makes thing happens when it comes to fashion and affluence life styles on day I was going for my morning class when I saw some one inside his care with his cute looking face waving at me as well as request I should stop to give me a ride.apparently I stopped to inquire was was that good looking young man with a great smiles that reveals his unavoidable gap teeth.behold,it was the same man I was meditating in my mind to give him a chance for his relationship request (Mr James)so I quickly jumped into his car and he zoomed off to a five star restaurant where he practically proved his high levels of financial strength why got me wet immediately right there we are having our breakfast .however, my eyes where already deemed as I look into his handsome and cute face,my body was already wet waiting for him to come in to make me feel comfortable in James gazed into my eyes,he sees nothing but the spirit of sexuall feeling so he grabbed my two hands and whispered into my hear"shall we go home now for the real game?consequently, I fellowed him like a zoombe into his car and he zoomed off to his house.getting to mr James house i saw well furnished and arrange duplex and I got more wet,he began to make out with me from the his seating room down to the stackings and we finally ended up on his bed.he slowly begins to remove my g-strings pant as he started feeling the juice of my virg.immediately he jumped in there to lick all over my virg juice while he moans so loud he slowly deepedhis finger in there while I moan so hard shouting "pls deep it harder.ladies and gentle me I will end this my sex experience with Mr James here but I promise to tell u the entire experience next week due to the fact that we are about to start our exames next month.tanx.
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