Wednesday, 27 March 2019

How do will progressively revitalize our Africanism?

  • Africa as a continent is one of the most greatest continent we have in the world today with her numerous of potentials and human resources but lack human resource management capacity in which has degenerated into poverty,cyber crime,richualism,and poor leadership management.Africa is undoubtedly blessed with all kinds of mineral resources which cut across the tripod space in the African region.the question we all need to ask our serves as African is,are we moving forward as a continent blessed with several mineral resources and human capital enrichment? Are we among the developed continents in the world?are we rich as a continent that possesses all the mineral and material resources? Why is Africa backward in terms of education? Do will still hav the intellectual and man power development to fix the ills of the African society? If yes,who are the people to fix Africa to compete with other developed continent? And what efforts has been made to put Africa as a continent on the right foot?having asked all this abstract and logical questions, I however therefore, arrive at a reasonable conclusion that the problem of Africa is Africans and the solutions to African problems will as well come from African.A man who sleeps why his own house is on fire and decides to take all his investment including his families to other continent to find solace is nothing but a coward whose true identity should be thou roughly question.when we hear the rate of looting in our political spheres where a certain political leader in a public office stills millions of dollars and invest it in other countries to avoid anti craft agencies bringing him to face the law while his own country suffers for unemployment, abject poverty,poor infrastructural develop,deficit in our educational system where we have dilapidated classroom,unequipped laboratory etc.A continent where her youths with great vision are not Harnessed to reach her optimal potentials.such continent will never grow and will continue to witness all forms of moral decadence and electoral violence during and after elections. We must begin to place more premium on human capital development which is the overall bedrock to drive modern economic and material development. A situation where those who are supposed to take over political leadership has learnt nothing but corruption, treasury loots,how to sale our national patrimony to families and friends due to greed,such continent will continue to slow down developmental pace where creative ideas are nothing but a a personal business. In the developed world,good creative ideas are national enterprise that can enrich the fortune of the nation in terms of qualitative rise in her GDP.Africa as a country must begin as matter of urgency begin too look inwardly in orofering a workable solution frame work in mitigating some of the core Africa worst problem which is overtly associated with greed and arogance.the African youth must rise up to her challenges and grab what they believed is ours from the hands of our oppressors whose motto is"destroy every institutions that will make any african youths to succeed to enable our lazy children take over from where we shall stop at.I strongly believed that nothing that is associated with African problems that can not be fixed by we Africans only if we will stop running to seek for foreign aids when those problems  challenging our africanity comes up staring us in the face.

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