Tuesday, 2 April 2019


Yea!Today,is world autism's day.A special day set's aside by the world health organization in sensitising the world about autism.Autism,is a severe psychological developmental disorder that affects the child inappropriate developmental sequence. However, Autism,has no curative measures but can be properly managed thru parental care giving to the Autistic child.writably,autism is some times associated with genetic disorder which implies that the child may be affected by some genetic dysfunctions.in this context,Autism are developmental problems that has affected the child in the womb before arriving to the material enviroment.what this means ,is that,the child may hav been affected by autistic disease during his prenatal environment. Now how do we identify the signes to know an autistic child?.(1)poor psycho motor domain: psycho motto domain is a developmental problem tha affects the child's poor movement of the body and some other areas.(2)verbal or Auditory impairment:verbal impairment is also called speech or linguistic impairment, now,this is another sign to identity if ur child is developing signs of Autism.when ever the child is dragging speech and unable to pronounce words clearly and correctly even at the age of 10 years old,then,there is a problem, At this point in time,such child needs proper care and special attention. (3)Early withdrawal from the physical environment: this is another sign to identify an Autistic child.when ur child abruptly withdrew from some practical activities such as,Eating his own food by him self and now begin to seek for people around him to feed him up,looking for someone who will support him to go to the toilet,looking for someone to cover him when his is cold,looking for someone to bath him,and looking for a support to wear his clothes, However,these where visible activities he usually performs on his own,All of a sudden, the child completely withdrew from this activities, then,there is problem.and as such,such child needs a special attention from his parent guidance. (4)unreasonable tantrums: this is another signs to identity an Autistic child,it is believed that,when ever a child begins to cry at very little things,such child needs proper attention. In this case,An autistic child cries unreasonably in an exchange for his immediate needs,However such child does not have the cognitive power to spell  out his immediate need from his guidance but uses cry to ask for his special needs.and (5):low IQ:what this means is that the child's levels of intelligence is greatly insufficient to carry out any mental task.IQ means:intelligent quotient. However,at this junctures,the child is unable to differentiate between good or bad,disgustiness versus pleasantness, Abusiveness versus complement and etc.tanx:the writer,is Clifford igwe,A Trained psychologist from university of port-harcout uniport.for more info,mail me:superstarcliff306@gmail.com.

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