Wednesday, 3 April 2019


There are 7 unavoidable steps that leads to success.A successful man,is not a man with millions of naira at the moment,But a man with great visions well articulated,pursued and finally achieved, That to me is a successful u agree with me that some personalities who where in the public eyes as a multi millionaire some years back,now lives in abject and excruciating poverty as we speak now,Do u know that many who bought exotic cars and lived in a palatial building are no where to be counted when ever the names of present days millionaires are been mentioned in the public domain?Do u agree with me ,some guys who where  known as big boys some years back,Today,They now beg for money just to feed?Now,The Ontological questions we need to ask ourselves, why the downfall with all the millions of naira or dollars been acquired by this personalities them? Look,let me tell u,poverty is a great pusher that could push u to crime or to a decency of success. While,Great visions are drivers of every successful entrepreneurs we have all over the world today. However,wealth ,can never be magnanimous with a reckless spenders without any vision to succeed in life.In this regards,I hereby outline to u the 7 steps  to success. They are:(1):Aspirations for something rewarding.(2):creat a vision to solve human problems.(3)Always strive to be in the midst of giants that are taller than u.(4):learn how to invest for the future. (5):Don't let where u are presently deter ur vision.(6):Always subject ur selves for learning on how those u looked upto, did succeeded in their  various fields of career.and (7):Believe in God and believe in ur self . .tanx readers.I will explain the 7 steps to success in my subsequent write name is Clifford Igwe. AkA cliffs dboss.visit and like my blog

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