Sunday, 16 March 2025


 Nollywood as an industry is fast growing in the area of cinematography,sound,and generally in chunking out quality movies with intelligent and interesting captivating storylines.the rapid growth of the nollywood industry can be attributed to iƱdividual efforts in putting in their hardearned money and crafts to tell our local stories and rewrite the narratives ascribed to the african descent hence,is high time Goverment at all level begin to invest heavily into this creative industry that has created alot of jobs for the teeming unemployed nig youths to enhance productivities and revenue generations.special grants should be giving to support the growth and development of the industry.the issues of priracy is another melady that has eaten deep  to all the fabrics of the creative sector which perhaps,can be curtailed or dissipate by our govt if they put in sincere efforts in inproving the welbeing and the entire lifespan of this lucrative sector.we must work collaborative with various govt agencies in sippporting the effective growth of the industry as well as duly regulate the kind of movies we chunk out to the market.

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 Nollywood as an industry is fast growing in the area of cinematography,sound,and generally in chunking out quality movies with intelligent ...