Monday, 24 February 2025

Women empowerment by cliff dboss"

Women empowerment is one of the collective task we must take seriously as a significant tools to curbing prostitution and annihilate financial starvation against the female is significant we pay sufficient attention to empowering our misguided young ladies that lacks focus and can barely recognize and pursue what they actually want in life.empowering women in our society,will evidently assuage the high level of poverty in our immediate society,it is an unavoidable truth ,the economic growth of every nations depends on the financial stabilities of the female genders as this can imparatively bring about peaceful coxistence and shun all forms of youth restiveness.when the home is peaceful for the man,children are rised to embibe the tenets for moralities as well as enables the husbandman to thrives higher in all his life endeavours, but when the home is full of crisis,the husband man becomes confused,makes alot of mistakes in decision making both in the private sectoral estabulishments and public offices.the economic empowerment of the female folks can not be overemphasize.
Government at all sector must carefully look at this issues of perminent house wife symdrome and begin to empower every house wife with some small scale businesses to enable them becoming financially independent as well as contribute for the overall growth and development of their immediate and mrs democracy limited as a liability company has done enermously and excellently well empowering our young women through miss south east beauty pageant orgnization and other avenues that has sprout into a coperate social responsibilities annually.we must not stop in supporting the female folk until our desired and targeted goals are adequately achieved.we must empower our women in various skills acquizations and significantly place them on  specific areas where their optimal potentials will be fully hynessed for both personal and national growth.

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Women empowerment by cliff dboss"

Women empowerment is one of the collective task we must take seriously as a significant tools to curbing prostitution and annihilate financi...