Monday 2 October 2023


nigeria as a country with a population over 250 million people of diversed local languages, ethnic -cultural practices, and multi-religions,can't beat her chest before the international communities to reel out nigeria dreams.A country @63 years of uninterupted independence yet, underpened as the poverty based nation in the global index. with all her God given minerial resources and human capacity rating .A nation @63, ought to hav stood tall in all facets in infrastructural development and that of human capacity building.our nascent democracy is bleeding to death.educational sector is fast decaying looking for a total eradication of sharp practices and academic cleansing.our judiciary arms of govt, now a garage for corruption and ilegalities.the armed forces now discharges their core responsibilities with impunities and disciviled practices.medical practictioners do no longer care about human lives in exchanges for material gains.politicians now lord themselves against the people they ought to be serving in providing soccur to all the myraid challenges that has proclaimed disunity and unnationalistic behaviour.Academic lecturers are seriously fighting for salary increament and good living conditions over quality education that can compete favourably with other developing nation.the market women, now happily praying for the increament in pump price to cause inflations in our local produced.Commercial commuters now derives joy increasing cost of transportation with every slight giving opportunities in fuel hikes.some barage of lawers now praying for electoral malfeasance against parties and candidates to cash out big through adjudications at the election petition tribunals.Radio stations now cohessed to speak against truth and enshrined lies as there watchdog to curry the favour of the political elite. onaired personalities are been disengaged from acting duties for speaking against any political figure or parties with ineptitude .power generating companies are seriously presenting monthly bills to costumers for dark consumptions.Rule of law , now unattainable.our country nigeria, has collapsed abysmally irreparable.every single individuals are eargerly jostling for a golden opportunities to get hold of the national cake.the level of collateral damage fuel subsidy removal has caused to the innocent citizens of this country called nigeria, will certainly remain cumbersome in ameliorating this Tinubu made challenges that has eating deep to the fabrics of the nation.nigeria as a country is like a wayward father that does not give a dim on his children's security, welfare, education, and their health status.A country with no substaintial practical rule of law, is a lawless state where crime becomes unavoidable.the younger generation are fastlearning ilicited unnationalistic behavior from our present crops of political figures with obnoxious preceedents that will never promote national unity and sound leadership.the future of the younger generation , unvisualized , dimmed, as well as hanging unbalanced.a country without a dream, is already dead before its amalgamation.A country with men of questionable identities and widespread disintergrity, lacks the political will to inculcate quality morals and institutional ethics that accelerates national development.A country allowed to function independently in decision making, policy formation, constitutional laws, and management of both human and material resources without undue interference from the internation communities yet, crowling like a baby .A country endeared with sufficient God giving minerial resourses that places her GDP above 500 billion dollars, can not boost of a single functional refinery.A country where her leaders jets out to other foriegn nation for medical care, is unindependent.A country where children of the rich places more premium studying oversea against her local institution, is not yet to be called an independent nation.A country that has exceeding financial riches, yet seeking for foriegn loan to service official consuptions without productions of homemade products, can not be called an independent nation.A country where leaders invisage to live larger than The God of the universe, is unindependent.A country where citizens organizes civil protest and counter civil protest, is nothing but a joker before committee of nations.A country where elite in the society speakes from the two sides of the mouth, is already a failled nation.A country with the mindset of her citizens been tailored into grabbing propensities in getting rich at all cost, is such, should reconstruct a sound holistic national behaviour capable of enhancing positive development.we therefore, demand for our national dream to be articulated and pass on from one generation to another if we must sourmount all our national challenges and setting a solid pace for unity, progress, selfless services to our fatherland, and enshrine one nigerianess in all we do as a country irrespective of our religous-cultural background, and our political affiliations.we must display the character of a sportmanship ones elections hav come and gone as well as collectively forge a united front for the overt achievement of this project called nigeria.nigeria must not disintegrate on the basis that elections has been lost and won.we must learn how to master time between politics and real governance.season for politics should be left for politics, and seasons for real governance must not be compromised for politics.we must ensponch those political behaviours that mar national growth and development in giving out political appointments and sensitive key positions must be spread accordingly.lopsided appointment fam the embers of war and insecurity .we must be very meticulous in taking national decisions to avoiding causing excrutiating pains to the minds of the citizens.we must work in unison with some significant stakeholders to brainstorm and champion a developmental blueprint in lifting millions of nigerians out of poverty as well as working asideously for the pursuance of the sustainable development goals (sdg).looking at the demographic numbers of out of school children in nigeria, it is pitiable and a dangerious situation.A child without proper education, is a child whose mindset is illogical, irrational, and crime driven practices becomes the order of the day .we must pragmatize our governance out of trial and error techniques.we must learn to put a roundpeg in a roundhole away from our usual methodologies where appointment are given against meritocracies.we must discharge our duties with the fear of God and obliterate wickedness , pride, and arrogance. we must show some respect to the electorates and the citizens in whose mandate we all used to get to power.we must not be power drunk or intoxicated forgetting , power is transient and not perminent.we must fight gallantly for the emtity called nigeria to remain indivisible and negotiable to incoperate some region that may hav somewhat felt been left out.we must take a boldstep in galvanizing our resources into productive ventures not to the things that divides us.we must create am atmospherical contigency approach for every public workers to discharge her duty with fairness, intergrities, and due deligenc. we must accept our diverse culture as strength of unity , not a divisions.we must love one another irrespective of gender difference, ethnic dishogemony, and socio strata to propell this country nigeria to the next level for a peaceful coxistence and undying dream of our forebearers.we must shun all forms of foriegn borrowing , and manage with whatever we hav as a country to be able to decide who governs us without any forms of imparialistic tendencies.we must learn how to build, and not to destroyed. we must try as much as possible learn how to consolidate on any existing structure with unwavering rule of law, and discared inconsistent supreme court judgement with poor preceedence.the time for every well meaning nigeria to prove the undying love for the unity of this nation and reclaiming her pride as the african giant, is right here.the time to redouble our fruitful efforts in bringing back our mouribond sectors to function effectively in creating job employment and increase a substaintial growth for revenue generation, is here.we must work asidiously to boost our electric power generation to enable businesses and industries thrive competitively with other developing nation , is right here.we must elect leaders with soundmind out of sick leaders.we must begin to sort for our creative youths and assist their creativities for national development.we must leverage on the opportunities created by our founding fathers whose intentions for federal character principles was never to short changed any segment of the country away from the benefits the project nigrria may hav gained. the prosperity of a nation, starts with the national character of the people that makes up a nation. my name is cliff dboss.A prolific writer, exponent"political psychology,"and the man blessed with too much knowledge and wisdom.

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