Tuesday 19 September 2023


Every Relationship are delicate, cumbersomic, and a complicated set of behavoours.As such, it becomes considerably illusive getting the rightful partner who understands the unique features or atributes of her partner without drawing attentional comparative analysis to ilicits poor self concept and ilogical understanding .at this juncture, the issues pertaining wrong choices in every given relationship , stimulates violence, cheating, distrust, immorality, and high profile death associated with this concept.many lives has been equally depressed under this controled manmade conditions .the demographic numbers of death recorded so far has suppassed death tolls associated with war crime .the choices we make today, is the mirror of our tommorow.wrong choices is destructive .wrong choices distorts brighter futures and places the individual who where orchestratedly created to be rich and kings into a poor pauper and an errang personality. ladies need to master the act of time when measuring the success of the opposite sex to avoid running into troubles due to delusional choices made with mere sophistry and ilusions .life generally, is a representation of a carved products donated to life which in turns suplies in abundance to the bearer of such products. this however, could either supply to you a profound harvest of shame or happiness. human choices makes some total of our personality. life without choices, is redundant.the viability of life, is the ultimate values you placed in taking the right decisions with a shimning prognosis that could justify a better ends.life is far above what we vitualized .life is far above what we often see with our optical sight.life is spiritually inclainated.choices are some of the elements that compliments the true nature of life.your life choices do not only replicates on how your futures be shaped . it overstreches its self to that of your generation yet unborn.we all must be careful in choice of words, actions, and inactions.the conceptual traits for our choices, makes life somewhat blind and deaf at the point of decision making.life allows you to exercise your natural rights and freewill for choices and decision making, in returns, he repatrates back those decisions taking decades or years ago to you and that of your generations yet unborn.if this is the impartial act of life, it is expidient we tread with causions in all of our doing.we must be conscious of the nearest future in making choices taking decisions.we must decimate some of the behavioural traits that does not foster a sustainable future for the younger generations. now back to our main topic that centres on "the common mistakes women makes in chosen a partner" THEY ARE; (1)WHILE MAKING CHOICES FOR A SUITOR, CONSIDER HIS ENDING NOT HIS TODAY: many women are vitim of goldchasser in a fast lane.these however, has brought several women ending up marrying a poor man at the later end of their choiced relationship.for those of you looking for a readimade man without building a viable relationship from the scratch to assist that man achieve his visions and personal targets , is regrettable. (2)CARRY OUT OVERT OBSERVATIONS IF HE IS A WOMAN BEATER: look ladies, A man who is a serial woman beater, can never change from his obnoxious behaviour because you look beautiful. A man who has dated several women in the past before meeting you, All the ladies he dated made a complainance claiming he beats them up at will without recourse, such personality can not wash away this irrational spot of behaviour for your sake regardless of your beauty, education, riches, and caring attitude to appease his temprament.A serial beater, is a saddistic personality with some pyschopathic intoxication that accelerate such unacceptable behavoir . (3)MARRY YOUR BEST FRIEND NOT YOUR BEST MONETARY SPENDER:this is another gravous mistakes ladies makes in chosen a life partner.A best friend could be someone who knows how to accept your lapses and provide strength to the areas you are weak.A best friend, see's your pain as his own pain.A best friend protects you from been hot not to be your hotter.A best friend, is your life coach who gives a very good sense of directions in your career development, enterpreneural skills, education, and personal-social wellbeing. A best friend, do not control you, but to set a pace for your personal growth and development.Wheras, your best spender, shows less care of your entire welbeing as well as condition you to become voiceless, indecisionist, and possibly abuses you at will due to his contigent monetary approach he uses on you to compel total obidence from you. (4)FINANCIAL DEPENDENCIES: significantly, this systematic approach is predominantly visible in our African society.some ladies believes their duty becoming a wife, is to hav marothon sex with the man, make babies, and acceptably refered as a perminent house wife without bringing anything substaintially contributory to the growth of that relationship or marriage.it is imparative to educate some of our lazy ladies who depend completely from their boyfriend or husband before anything has to do with money transactions could be done.look, whenever the man kept you under his monetary arms before you spend money, that is the highest forms of modern slavery.the worst forms of gender base violence, is locking your woman out of financial independency.A good man, understands that money is also a life giving to the woman .women needs money all the time for solvability of their immediate needs e.g, monthly sanitary pads, change of hairdue, inner wears, clothing, accessories, and many more.Asking your man for all the stuff enumerated or pimpointed above all the time, looks disturbing to the man who then in returns, uses this to condition the lady under controled stimulus to compel illogical obidence as well as violate your foundamental human rights. every lady, must inbebe the idea of self reliance and financial independent. if you deserved some shred of self worth and respect, then you need to buckle up and spend your own money.every man is observant in nature.they know the class of women that can be controled and the ones that are uncontrolable.if the Analysis above are somewhat realistic, hav you asked your self while many African men are so insecured to marry a single rich woman?or a working class ladies?. and (5)DON'T MARRY A MAN BECAUSE OF HIS GOOD LOOKS. Goodlooks, is a combination of money and quality maintainance.every good looks, has an expiring date.old age, is a reality forced by nature which deminishes our physical or biological constructs into a post youthful appearances.Look, love and character is a symbiotic attributes that sustain relationship and marriages not just his looks.goodlooks, is like a beautiful cloth which is attractive to all eyes when is anew.as time goes on, such beautiful cloths began to fade off in shape, colours, and etc.this natural precepts, tells us, nothing in life is perminent other than change its self... A wise woman searches for a good relationship that beams a brighter prospects other than a readimad suitor... our ladies must learn how to build with suncerity of purpose, not to destroy. A word of wisdom, do not only enriches the soul, it gives more light to flourish other components of the endocrime system. my name is cliff dboss.A prilific writer, exponent"political psychology, and an entertainer.

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