Tuesday, 26 September 2023


Nigeria entertainment sector, is engolfed in a made believed industry seasoned with gale of hypocrites and fake sympathies that comes from fans and that of the industry colleaques. the entertainment sector, is gradually training men of questionable character into fame with less educational qualification.similarly, the industry has thrown the society into a choitic state of lawlessness and poor moral values through public display of material wealth aquizations .the younger generation , are fast losing every sense of good morals and virtues.celebrity is just a title that comes with fame, not a career. .one could be called a celebrity from any praticing carreer with an excellent job noticeable in the society.what this connotes is that, A business man, bus driver, mechanics, Barbars, hairdressers, writers, authors, etc could all become celebratedly famous if their excellent job performance is noticeable before the public.no career is specifically designed to be celebrated without human efforts to making such a career important before the public.i see alot of young ones running into the entertainment sector in order to be famous and possibly live the opulent lifestyles of a superstar while underminding , one can carve a nitche for public celebrations in whatever professions so desired. the nigerian entertainment industry, is a garage for many evildoers whose sole aim in the industry is to pull those that are successful down out of enviness and hatred.every A list celebrity wants to retain his spotlight as the biggest fish in the industry with the mindset to ensuring the upcoming stars never emancipate from the lower stratification to the upper class.nigerian A list celebrities, dislikes healthy competitions especially from those they believed to be a new intakes or starters in the industry.using mohbad as a classical case study.the upcoming artist mohbad, was seriously suffering from mental depressions and extrinsically seeking for love from his follow entertainers with a significant efforts made through direct messages he constantly sent to his arrogant colleaques on the social media, but was ignored because they believed he was not an A list celebrity therefore, needless responding to his messsges.it is unimaginable seen same so called A list artist responding to his messages sent several years ago by the late artist, just to join the media trend and possibly regain lost relevance.this characters, portend a serious threats to the younger entertainers who looks up to them for a good sense of career directions and adequate guidance .and i asked, why celebrating a man you never regarded as your class now that he is no more?why digging up his passed dm and posts same on the pages of social media now he is lying lifelessly in the montuary?why are you showing pictures and videos of him on the social media just to identified your self with the late singer?what contributions hav you when he personally needed help from friends and well wishers?look, i disliked men with double standard.in as much as a shadow does not carry stone, whatever you claimed to hav been doing now that he is late, is an effort in futulity.mohbad remained physically blind to see all the nonsensical stuff your doing right now to curry public praises.Eventually all the celebrities now shouting " justice for mohbad"where never there for him to come out of his depressive states .By the way, What evidence hav you to justify he was murdered by the marlians?are you all saying naira marley should be executed without justiceable evidence against him?if naira marley and his gangs murdered mohbad, the law must take its cause and bring him to justice to pay dearly for his murderous dastard act.we must always look at every unfolding events through the eagle eyes with sustaintial evidence not like an iliterate with the poor knowledge of the law.laws they say is blind.law is no respecter of any man.He that alleges, must proves.we can not be speaking like uncivilized society with poor knowledge on the workability of the law.the judicial institution has been so barstadized to a situation where justice now impposible for the common man.Riding on memorylane, i personally realized i once signed some musical artists into my then cliff dboss records in 2010 and 2012 respectively.in view of this, my first music artist named JB square became somewhat disloyal and total flagrant to the contratual music agreement.families and friends stood by him advising him to leave my record label and go for a bigger offer.His conditions for attending and performing for any public shows became so unbearably difficult for me to comprehend.as such, i allowed him to leave my record label without pressing for any legal charges against him underminding millions of naira spent for recording his full musical album which never saw the light of the day.including media promotions, welfare, etc.my second musical artist or signee whose name is Tosin jaye , furnished me with the same faith melted at me by jB square.i foregone all that because i hav the fear of God in me and didn't want to destroy my good reputation by joining the said chalatants fight like a pig in the mud.i was blisteringly hot and bittered as well as depressed due to the homongus amount of money been spent on them.look, the last result of every actionable practices is death.be it deceptions, sharp practices, bravity, and hardwork.death ends it all.now it becomes undisputable, after death, here comes a judgement where you will hav to stand before your maker to explain how you spent your life while on earth as well as the impact made to the development of your immediate society.what fascinates me in all this myraids of challenges possed on me from my former music signees, is that, non of the said artists are doing music any more.they brutalized their golden opportunities and rendered their promising career useless and unattainable.the truth is that, did i kill them?ofcourse no.did i pursue this case to a legal logical conclussions?ofcourse no.did God almighty fought for me?, ofcourse yes.where are the said signees today?ofcourse they are no where to be found in the entertainment space.am i doing well in the industry? ofcourse God has been faithful to me dishing out movies, and miss south-east beauty pageantry organization annually.look, record labels who investes on any music artists, needs some financial returns and unalloyed loyalty from the said artist.nigeria contemprary artists do not want to build from the scratch to the top.they are egocentric .material acquizations has destroyed some degree of patience in them.they lack the idea for building a solid career that will stand the taste of time.competing for material properties has become a slogan and then denying every sense of adequate hardwork and perseverance into the dustbeing.they now gets themselves engaged in every crime ilicited activities to stimulate their made believed lifestyles they carved for themselves. look, is hightime, this misguided youths become redirected to channel their youthful energy into a productive ventures that engineers national development.nigerians do not cherish truth.truth is a personality. A country with over 250 milliion people, could not identified a single personality that has the full personality of a truth.All we see from those we the youths looks up to, is nothing but a submerged systematic truth .truth can never be systematic.truth is the last product of all convictions.truth does not correlate.truth stands out in the midst of deceptions.we must learn to realize that nothing is something when is been devoid of truth.pls, lets stop all this clout chase. many celebrities are now using the death of mohbad to trend.currently, A fantastic musician solidstar is sick and looking for a financial help from the general public. now, how many of this industry men and women hav made financial donations in that regard?look, we must not continue with all this forms of deceptions and expect justice for mohbad.we must exhume sincerity of purpose in seeking for justice for mohbad to set a solid pathway for justice in future occurances.the only thing that does not hav solutions is death.avoid the death of love ones when your assistable hands can prevent such an untimely death.stop fake love and crying more than the bereaved. an injury for one, is an injuries for all.justice for mohbad is sacrocsant. my name is clifford igwe.aka cliff dboss.A prolific writer, exponent"political psychology, and an entertainer.

Tuesday, 19 September 2023


Every Relationship are delicate, cumbersomic, and a complicated set of behavoours.As such, it becomes considerably illusive getting the rightful partner who understands the unique features or atributes of her partner without drawing attentional comparative analysis to ilicits poor self concept and ilogical understanding .at this juncture, the issues pertaining wrong choices in every given relationship , stimulates violence, cheating, distrust, immorality, and high profile death associated with this concept.many lives has been equally depressed under this controled manmade conditions .the demographic numbers of death recorded so far has suppassed death tolls associated with war crime .the choices we make today, is the mirror of our tommorow.wrong choices is destructive .wrong choices distorts brighter futures and places the individual who where orchestratedly created to be rich and kings into a poor pauper and an errang personality. ladies need to master the act of time when measuring the success of the opposite sex to avoid running into troubles due to delusional choices made with mere sophistry and ilusions .life generally, is a representation of a carved products donated to life which in turns suplies in abundance to the bearer of such products. this however, could either supply to you a profound harvest of shame or happiness. human choices makes some total of our personality. life without choices, is redundant.the viability of life, is the ultimate values you placed in taking the right decisions with a shimning prognosis that could justify a better ends.life is far above what we vitualized .life is far above what we often see with our optical sight.life is spiritually inclainated.choices are some of the elements that compliments the true nature of life.your life choices do not only replicates on how your futures be shaped . it overstreches its self to that of your generation yet unborn.we all must be careful in choice of words, actions, and inactions.the conceptual traits for our choices, makes life somewhat blind and deaf at the point of decision making.life allows you to exercise your natural rights and freewill for choices and decision making, in returns, he repatrates back those decisions taking decades or years ago to you and that of your generations yet unborn.if this is the impartial act of life, it is expidient we tread with causions in all of our doing.we must be conscious of the nearest future in making choices taking decisions.we must decimate some of the behavioural traits that does not foster a sustainable future for the younger generations. now back to our main topic that centres on "the common mistakes women makes in chosen a partner" THEY ARE; (1)WHILE MAKING CHOICES FOR A SUITOR, CONSIDER HIS ENDING NOT HIS TODAY: many women are vitim of goldchasser in a fast lane.these however, has brought several women ending up marrying a poor man at the later end of their choiced relationship.for those of you looking for a readimade man without building a viable relationship from the scratch to assist that man achieve his visions and personal targets , is regrettable. (2)CARRY OUT OVERT OBSERVATIONS IF HE IS A WOMAN BEATER: look ladies, A man who is a serial woman beater, can never change from his obnoxious behaviour because you look beautiful. A man who has dated several women in the past before meeting you, All the ladies he dated made a complainance claiming he beats them up at will without recourse, such personality can not wash away this irrational spot of behaviour for your sake regardless of your beauty, education, riches, and caring attitude to appease his temprament.A serial beater, is a saddistic personality with some pyschopathic intoxication that accelerate such unacceptable behavoir . (3)MARRY YOUR BEST FRIEND NOT YOUR BEST MONETARY SPENDER:this is another gravous mistakes ladies makes in chosen a life partner.A best friend could be someone who knows how to accept your lapses and provide strength to the areas you are weak.A best friend, see's your pain as his own pain.A best friend protects you from been hot not to be your hotter.A best friend, is your life coach who gives a very good sense of directions in your career development, enterpreneural skills, education, and personal-social wellbeing. A best friend, do not control you, but to set a pace for your personal growth and development.Wheras, your best spender, shows less care of your entire welbeing as well as condition you to become voiceless, indecisionist, and possibly abuses you at will due to his contigent monetary approach he uses on you to compel total obidence from you. (4)FINANCIAL DEPENDENCIES: significantly, this systematic approach is predominantly visible in our African society.some ladies believes their duty becoming a wife, is to hav marothon sex with the man, make babies, and acceptably refered as a perminent house wife without bringing anything substaintially contributory to the growth of that relationship or marriage.it is imparative to educate some of our lazy ladies who depend completely from their boyfriend or husband before anything has to do with money transactions could be done.look, whenever the man kept you under his monetary arms before you spend money, that is the highest forms of modern slavery.the worst forms of gender base violence, is locking your woman out of financial independency.A good man, understands that money is also a life giving to the woman .women needs money all the time for solvability of their immediate needs e.g, monthly sanitary pads, change of hairdue, inner wears, clothing, accessories, and many more.Asking your man for all the stuff enumerated or pimpointed above all the time, looks disturbing to the man who then in returns, uses this to condition the lady under controled stimulus to compel illogical obidence as well as violate your foundamental human rights. every lady, must inbebe the idea of self reliance and financial independent. if you deserved some shred of self worth and respect, then you need to buckle up and spend your own money.every man is observant in nature.they know the class of women that can be controled and the ones that are uncontrolable.if the Analysis above are somewhat realistic, hav you asked your self while many African men are so insecured to marry a single rich woman?or a working class ladies?. and (5)DON'T MARRY A MAN BECAUSE OF HIS GOOD LOOKS. Goodlooks, is a combination of money and quality maintainance.every good looks, has an expiring date.old age, is a reality forced by nature which deminishes our physical or biological constructs into a post youthful appearances.Look, love and character is a symbiotic attributes that sustain relationship and marriages not just his looks.goodlooks, is like a beautiful cloth which is attractive to all eyes when is anew.as time goes on, such beautiful cloths began to fade off in shape, colours, and etc.this natural precepts, tells us, nothing in life is perminent other than change its self... A wise woman searches for a good relationship that beams a brighter prospects other than a readimad suitor... our ladies must learn how to build with suncerity of purpose, not to destroy. A word of wisdom, do not only enriches the soul, it gives more light to flourish other components of the endocrime system. my name is cliff dboss.A prilific writer, exponent"political psychology, and an entertainer.

Thursday, 7 September 2023


the productivities of every practincing constitutional democracy, is vested upon the judiciary arms of government, that are constitutionally saddled with the primary responsibilities for despensation of justice inline with the provision of the constitutional laws.nigeria legal jurispudency, is smashed of iligality and flagrant disregard for the constistution .the supremacy of the constitution, makes the law as no respecter of any citizens.the law, is an edge.the law, is an albiter of justice.the laws, is the regulator of every activities of the citizens for the tenet to all democratic rights and freewll for expression of thoughts, education, associations, and a substainable elgaliterian society.A society with full scale deficients for sustainable justice, is a lawless state where human rights are hampered.nigeria judicial system, now a charade for judicial orchins whose sole interest in serving her nation is nothing but monetary benefits.the passion for the job, is been driven for material acquizations of wealth.we must purge out those bad judicial elements whose obligatory responsibility, is to dispense justice with parochial and premodial interest.the judiciary arms of government, ought to hav been for men of proven intergrity, pedegree, and intellects that commands some degrees of recognizable emtities for respect.now, when the men of the judicial institution are regarded as a comic judicial actors with homourous conflicting judgements term as bribery, then there is a problem that needs not to be overlooked.watering our minds towards the presidential election petition tribunal and its uncommon verdicts, we therefore, conclusively averred, our judicial system, now evolving into full space of ilegality and total disregard to the primary laws and justice.judicial preceedents now somewhat selective other than it, s generic applicabilities.in every practicing constitutional democracy, every civil and criminal jurispudence, must derives its strenght of authority from the constitutions in order to avoid running into troubled water of justice.arbitrarily, the provision of the law regarding the regulatory conducts of our elections are more clearer with the amended electoral laws to overstretched its power on the used of Bvas and its electronic transmission of the results from the polling units to the iref portals for a solid grounds that encapsulates deliverable and fair electoral system.if there was a constitutional lacunas that sprung up after the passage of the electoral acts, it can be amended after the said elections.in this regards, the electoral body ought to hav abides by the regulatory laws from the constitutions that governs all institutions and that of the nigeria citizens.some learned personalities will carelessly argue with this unambiquous paragraph in the electoral laws to say, Inec as a body is an independent body that is empowered to regulates the conducts of every elections.if these is to be bogusly a recognizable truth, then why did inec seeks the power of the national assemblies for the bill to enable inec as a body to use electoronic method for accreditation of voters and result transmissions?why didn't inec enact that laws since they can function and regulates their guides lines independently?the factuality of the truth, uncovers the overriding power of the constitutions to regulates the electoral guidelines of the inec in conformity with the constitutional laws which is supreme to all the parastatas of government.all the institutions of govt, may generate and stipulateor organizational laws, yet , the constituion overpowers those laws.signicantly, we must all rise up to this occassion to speak against this unjusticeable institutions and her irrational technicalities designed to favour families and friends for securing a soft landing for their henous crime against the electorates.look, this issues of technicalities, interplays in either ways.either to strenthened democratic teneths or to armputate a solid democratic practices.the question is, has any of the judicial interpretory technicalities uphelds the sustainability of a constitutional Democratic practices?the answer is no.techanicalities in our civil or criminal jurispudence are employed to favour the pipper who detects the tones of the judges.this electoral verdicts has become judicial academic with poor preceedence.essentially, i will employ every well meaning nigeria to speak up against enemies of our nascent democracy since the electoral verdicts is now a subjudice.those who are primarily empowered to dispense justice, must do this in conformity with the constitutions.yes , who ever alleges, must proves beyound reasonable doubt or to a logical conclusions. dear friends, this judicial injunctions is never used to unravel pure justice , rather it is only used to adopt judicial technicalities to circumbvient justice.our legal adjuducators, must understand that a judicial verdicts that comes with sentiments, may somewhat become a trap that may catch up with them and their loved ones in the nearest future.we must be very conscious of the future to avoid running into a prospective legal cage that may not grantee judicial safety.synonimously, the 25 percent votes from the fct, can not be overemphasis.the clarity for this, is imperatively inescapable for any presidential candidates.the laws stipulates that a presidential candidate must be able to secure 25 percent votes or two third of the majority votes from the states and federal capital territary. in this case, such candidate must equally win the federal capital territary .in view of this, which makes abuja 25 percent votes signicantly mandatory for the presidential candidate.the constitution is clear and undifficult for this constitutional provisions of the electoral guidelines in declaring a presidential candidate winner of the presidential election. look, we need to rewrite the battered imagine of this great country nigeria from the global poor perception index to something more palatable when ever the name nigeria echoed in the minds of the global communities.we must set a solid pathway for the rule of laws and bequeave a great nation to the generations yet unborn.we must serve our father land with all sincerity of purpose devoid of lawlessness and self centeredness.we must articulate our nigeria dream boldly drafted and outline modalities in achieving those dreams with relentless hardwork and perseverance in bathing a new viable economic growth, quality education, human capacity building, and an egaliterian society for the citizens. building a solid structure is oftentimes an elusive task but building on an existing struture that encapsulate corruption and other sharpe practices, collapse the entire future of the younger generation and the ones yet unborn. if we refuse to Anihilate corruption away from our institutions, corruption will end the existence of our once cherished nation called nigeria. my name is clifford igwe.aka cliff dboss.an exponent"political psychology"and an entertainer.

Sunday, 3 September 2023


politics they say, is a game of numbers.what this implies, politics is somewhat correlated with a numerical strength.politics is oftentimes rooted from the depths of character personifications.though character assessinations could be some of the girmicks employed to demarketing a political opponents, yet, deep down there, the political actors genuiengly knows some politicians with high profile intergrities.treacherous politics is dangeriously destructive to political players that lack the political wills in convincing electorates for an electoral vote .politics in advanced society, is played with sufficient intelligence that enhances the overall development of the society through disinept policies as well as setting up a road map for a successive developmemt both in human capital and infrastructural development. the kind of adopted politics in our democratic system of governance, is disheartining. as such, our political gladiators now uses illed gotten wealth to shot down prospective good democratic leaders with clear intentions out of governance.plutocracy is at higher increase in our Democratic space.this crop of political elite that had siphoned our common wealth , are not relenting fetching the wealth of the economy dried. suprisingly, they hav lord themselves against the larger chunk of the nigeria population with a practicable genrotocracy.they superhead a model of practicing democracy through experinces over meritocracies by which they hav adopted refering the energetic prospective youths to kickstart their political career from the grassroot level.look, experience is never the best teacher but learning remains the best teacher.look, i will tell you this for free.95 percent of our political actors, lacks character.this however, has reenginered gales of defections of political elite moving from one political party to another due to parochial interest and premodial sentiments.nigeria political interest has never necessitated national interest but self agradazement.nigeria politics, is sprung up with bitterness, stomock infrastructures, and ethnic colorations.hence, they are readily available to win elections at all cost.character is one of the elementary aspect for political leadership.looking at mr president's appointments of cabinet members, you will certainly agree with me, that mr president appointed those he felt are politically stable characters that stood by him during the political storm that was about pushing him out of Apc..undoubtably, mr president is a man with some degree of sufficient political intelligence who knows how to reward loyalty and hardwork .not all this busy body political element that jumps ship when the political odds does no longer favours their leaders.looking at the likes of fmr kaduna state governor elrufai, fanni kayode, fayemi kayode of ekiti state, and many more, where unapologetically rejected by mr president due to lack of political will to stand for their political paymaster to the later.similarly, all those political elements that supported Rotimi Amaechi's presidential primaries , non made mr president's ministerial list except that of festus kayamo and simon lalong due to the key roles they both played during the presidential campaign. dear friends, i can tell you this for free, base on intelligent gathering, simon lalong and that of festus kayamo wouldn't hav made tinibu's ministerial list due to the fact that they where strong supporters of Rotimi Amaechi's presidential ambition.don't also forget, their names was submitted for the scond batch of the ministerial list sent to the senate.what this implies is, their names was reconsidered by mr president after he had written them off the ministerial slut for the gallant role they both played during the electioneering period for the apc presidential candidate.even the fmr ogun state governor ibukunle Amuson who was tinubu's political antagonist before the preparatory apc presidential primaries. was also trashed off the ministerial slots.politics is synonimous with strenth of unwavering character.Rotimi Amaechi is one respected politician we hav in our political space that matches intergrity with politics.A man that always stood by his political convintions , must never be forgotten in a hurry in our political landscape. His political belief system is synonimous to that of mr president political sarcacity.they are bold, fearless, articulate, intelligent, and not been afraid in taking lionlike decisions in achieving good political scores.fantastically, current minister for FCT wike, is among this classical political products that knows what they want in politics and possiblly go for the opportunities to write their names in the anals of our political history.simon lalong, is one politician in the north that stood very tall when it comes to politics and intergrity.He is a student of Amaechism like my humble self.political followership must not be centres on what you stand to gain or benefits .but what the public stands to benefit that will bring in national developmental giant strides.Rotimi Amaechi has overtime time demostrated a lionlike political mindset in pursuing his political aspiration for the overall interest of the larger society. He is a man of pedigree, trusted and tested.i will be glad if mr president brings him closer to his government to make meaningful contributions for national development.we can't rule him out of the political equations that ushered in a transitional govt of pmb and how he stood his ground to fight his own brother the then incubent president jonathan out of office even when it was uncontestable he has been penciled down to rot in jail if jonathan had won his relection bid.we can't take away rivers state out of the central politics.Rivers state is a significant state that do not only contribute immensily to the nig economic growth but also contribute execellently in determining who assume the position of the presidency.Amaechi did all that for pmb to emerge as president.wike also stood as a contributory factor that empowered tinubu's presidency .politics and character corelates because the subject matters interdepend.the underlined factor here is nothing but a strength for national behavioural character that engenders unity and progress.many nigeria political jobers are inimical to national unity and development.their powerful abusive character is nothing to write home.they lack national conscience that engineer unity of purpose.they lack character that fosters harmonous relationship between the north and the south.if they love this country's unity, what on earth would engineered Atiku to vie for presidency after pmb's two term in office?all we see from this so called politicians that claims to hav loved Nigeria as a country is greed, and primodial interest over selfless service to the nation.our country is seriously bleeding with poor role models that cut across every sectors of the country.this however, now breeding the younger ones into all sorts of crime illicited behaviours due to bad or negative role models .negativism becomes somewhat practiceable and visible without recourse to national behavioural standard. we must make it a duty for chosen a political leaders with no character defects .we must carry out proper intergrity test for every polician vying for public offices to be able to fish out those criminals that has destroyed the futute of the next generations with their kleptocratic tendencies. we must carry out cognitive test to ascertain the level of intelligence if they are higher, average, or low intelligence for proper placement of service to our father land.we must carry out drug intergrity test to all our public office holders to authenticate the level of sanity in their decision making if such decisions was intoxicated by drugs etc.it is obvious to say that , some of our politicians are not mentally sound to discharge their national obligatory responsibilities to the citizenre as such, their oversight functions becomes a political ground to negotiate for the sharing of our national patrimonies and then, left the country wallow in abject poverty and under development. the electorates must learn how to cast their vote to the candidates that hav the capacity to provide succur to the myraids of challenges we face today as a country with brighter prospect.collectively, all of the problems we face today as a country are surmountable only if we tame and purge ourselves the blood off ethnocism and religious extreamism.we must discard the attitude of playing a vendatta politics off the system.we must wash ourselves off from the factors that generates political ascerbities and therefore enshring love and brotherliness into our national character .nigeria as a country, is our pride. and our pride remains nigeria as a country. my name is clifford igwe .aka cliff dboss.prolific writer, exponent"political psychology, and an entertainer. for more info:mrandmrsdemocracy@gmail.com


re many nigerians are hypocritical in their behaviours as such,shouldn't be taking serious when it comes to comenting  on national issue...