Friday, 26 August 2022


politics literarily,ought to be a game for only those possess with higher level of smartness and good leadership skills,not for the dullards and obstinate personality who uses through the vehicle of politics to bring down their perceived enemies.the level of political acerbities going on in he polity,is unimaginably awful .as such,it portend a great danger to the political youngstars who may embibe the same political standards for the generations yet unborn.if we carefully analyze the political fracas going on in pdp wike versus Atiku,you will certainly agree with me that what nigerian politicians does,is no longer the usual kind of politics practiced in the civilized nations but bitterness and personal vendetta coming into play.sometimes,i asked my self this ontological question as regards Atiku's candidacy.what on earth would lure Atiku chooses okowa over wike as his running mate?is it the political sagacity,oratory skills,national acceptability?political strategies,and the financial muscles?if we look at all this comprehensively,we will therefore assume in summary to say that vendetiveness was overtly,and predominantly overstreached in Atiku's chioce of chosen okowa over wike.look,gone are the days where Rivers state politicians will be made to work and assist others winning elections to presides over the affairs of nigeria while they are trashed to the dust being.we all know wike was the lifewire to pdp.He sustained the party when it matters most.where was Atiku when wike was financing the so called pdp that was in the life support machine?where was Atiku when wike was every where defending pdp and setting a new paradine shift from what they know the party for?look,pdp was characterized as the most corrupt political party in the anals of our political landscape.and i ask,what does Atiku wants from wike?or has he finally consciously realized the political strength of wike which he ignorantly did not recognized earlier?Atiku is some one i like alot and hav tremendous respect for!but for this,he misfittedly got it all wrong.sometimes,i asked,does it means Atiku was never destined to rule nigeria?if he was,He would hav chosen wike over okowa and go home to rest while wike brings victory to his door step.all the same,i wish him well for his aspirations the fight against leading party for power,must not underestimate any body for their own contributions to record victory. my name is Clifford igwe,aka cliff dboss.a prolific writer,motivational speaker,event mc,movie producer,exponent"political psychology"author"introduction to political psychology"and the man blessed with too much knowledge and wisdom.title given to me by my teeming fan a crossed the globe.for more

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re many nigerians are hypocritical in their behaviours as such,shouldn't be taking serious when it comes to comenting  on national issue...