Monday, 18 July 2022


politics all over the world,sounds dirty,awful,and prospectively associated with kleptomaniac behavior however,it becomes considerably more dirtiest,and auwfulist when it comes to nigeria politics and her key players.if we therefore endeavors to take a comprehensive analysis of how politics are played and established in nigeria,it however,becomes crystals to the new generation to say that Nigeria politics has been overbloated with men engolfed with poor conscience who practically do not care about the feelings and the wellbeing of the people by which they supper head over their affairs in policy formations and projects execution.if we systematically peeps or looks at the prognosis of the nigerian political terrain,we will however,conclusively identify various lacunas that has marred or characterized sound political this juncture,the knowledge and the abilities to set a new political status quo capable of establishing viable and active political institutions in order to ensponch those negative political factors that has caused meyhams in the polity has become very elusive.we can not suddenly turn blind eyes nor perhaps,pretends to deduced our pragmatic knowledge of how this two binance political parties produced its presidential candidates through delegates primaries.atleast we can easily describe that elections as the worst party primaries in the history of politics across the globe.we keenly watched with dismayed how dollars rain in our polity before and the actual date for the primaries.some aspirants went ahead to creates ethnic bigotries for them to curry favour in winning party primaries.some even went as far as creating ember of disunity among the nigerian populace.some even went as low as speaking to go dirty just to win party presidential ticket.this is classically hilarious.i hav never seen a country as corrupt as this country.i hav never seen a failed system comfortable for her failures.i hav never seen the most unhonourable individuals known as party delegates.atleast,we have also seen how many of the delegates who decided Nigerian futures at the most corrupt elective presidential primary convention.isn't that a national opprobrium seen those iliterates delegates deciding the futures of over 200 millions nigerians?isn't that carlors seen this dogs of a delegates who went as far as eating bones hangs on their necks due to premodial sentiments and self agradizement played out on the day of the primaries?look,enough of this political region or ethic coloration can usher in good governance we so desired.alll we need is competent leadership that understands the satisfying nature of the Nigerian development both in human capitals and others.A bad leader remains a bad leader.take for example,the hunger occasioned by this present administration did not single out only one political region,it spread speedily across the siz geographical regions in nigeria.ethnicism and religious begotrism can not solve the overwhelming problems of the nigerian populace.we must all rise up at this point in time,to vote in accordance with our reflective conscience and high sense of understanding for a quality governance at all levels.the better future we craving for,is here wwith us only if we can purge ourselves of poor understanding of how this obnoxious entities desperation for powers through money and bag politics which had taken over the political space.we must say no to their money and do the needful.the highest financial bidders whose objective is to induce the electorates in winning an election,when he eventually wins,do u expect him not to regain all the money he has spent so far?and how does he recover his money if not for deeping his hand into the national coffers?sensibilities entails that a wise man must be able to sense how the futures should be seen through past matter the money given to u as an electorate,pls,say no to it and vote with the minds of a hero who wants a better Nigeria not just for you but for the generation yet unborn.ladies and gentle men,my team and i was seriously observing the shape of the past pdp and apc presidential primaries,and we concluded Amaechi will win apc presidential primary while wike will win pdp presidential primaries on the basis of our comprehensive approach to their political acceptabilities among their various party.atleast,we hav all attested to the

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re many nigerians are hypocritical in their behaviours as such,shouldn't be taking serious when it comes to comenting  on national issue...