Tuesday, 22 March 2022


Many who engaged themselves in gossiping behavior,do not do so out of ignorable activities,they simply involved themselves into gossip in order to keep themselves busy with someone whom they believe is their closest friends.A gosssip,knows and Master The act of communicative skills and competence for donating information to people and therefore,patiently await to also gather some information from the discussants .their primary objectives,is to spread fake and reliable news to the larger society. WAYS TO IDENTIFY A SERIAL GOSSIPS ARE: (1)A LAZY OR AN IDOL MIND. (2)A TALKERTIVE PERSONALITY (3)FRIENDS SEEKERS. (4)THEY ARE ALWAYS FOUND AT THE DRINKING BAR,CLUB,AND A GATHERING OF PEOPLE. AND. (5)THEY OFTENTIMES BRING OUT ISSUES TO TALK ABOUT WHEN OTHER ARE PRACTICALLY SILENT AND HAVE NOTHING TO TALK ABOUT. My name is Clifford igwe,prolific writer,motivational speaker,events mc,movie producer,exponent"political psychology,author"introduction to political psychology,and the man blessed with too much knowledge and wisdom.

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