Thursday 31 March 2022

Cliffordian quote

You will never become untill u overcome"cliffdboss"

Tuesday 22 March 2022


Many who engaged themselves in gossiping behavior,do not do so out of ignorable activities,they simply involved themselves into gossip in order to keep themselves busy with someone whom they believe is their closest friends.A gosssip,knows and Master The act of communicative skills and competence for donating information to people and therefore,patiently await to also gather some information from the discussants .their primary objectives,is to spread fake and reliable news to the larger society. WAYS TO IDENTIFY A SERIAL GOSSIPS ARE: (1)A LAZY OR AN IDOL MIND. (2)A TALKERTIVE PERSONALITY (3)FRIENDS SEEKERS. (4)THEY ARE ALWAYS FOUND AT THE DRINKING BAR,CLUB,AND A GATHERING OF PEOPLE. AND. (5)THEY OFTENTIMES BRING OUT ISSUES TO TALK ABOUT WHEN OTHER ARE PRACTICALLY SILENT AND HAVE NOTHING TO TALK ABOUT. My name is Clifford igwe,prolific writer,motivational speaker,events mc,movie producer,exponent"political psychology,author"introduction to political psychology,and the man blessed with too much knowledge and wisdom.

Thursday 17 March 2022


Nothhing good and great,are easily takes the following: (1)use of hardwork. (2)it takes a natural process. And (3)it take quality strategy and sufficient grace"cliff dboss"

Wednesday 16 March 2022


Productivity attracts productivities,and nothing less"cliff dboss"

Tuesday 8 March 2022




Life is emboldened with spirituality"cliff dboss"

Friday 4 March 2022


Education is pivotal to human development.Education is a propeller to existing knowledge.Education,gives adequate values to human fundamental rights.Education engender proper training for character development.A man without proper education,will surely be an individual with humiliated triggered the act of efficient understanding and the overt methodology for problems solving. If the above underlined factors,are the exemplary products by which education offers to those that passed through it,we shall therefore say that Nigeria education is seriously lacking behind.nigeria education has been engulfed with serious issues that jeopardizes and brought our educational setup a mere building of facilities with poor trained capable human capital development due to the fact that,many graduates from various learning institution,hardly stand so firm to defend what they studied iin the universities.all we obviously see is halfbreed graduate who are first class products that are not capable of solving the problem of the society or the organization inwhich they are part of. SOME OF THE FACTORS THAT NEEDS TO BE CONBATED FOR AN EFFECTIVE EXAMINATION ARE: (1)PROPER INVESTIGATION OF STUDENTS BY THE EXAMINER TO DETECT ANY STUDENT EXAMS impersonators. (2)Examiners to conduct a conference marking of students examination Papers. (3)Students should be invited to defend every examination course written by the student. (4)Students should seat separately with other students during examination. And (5)lectures,should mark students examination scripts with meritocracy,not sentiment or financial inducement whatsoever. All knowledge is said to be useful for its purpose of events. My name is Clifford igwe,aka cliff dboss,A prolific writer,motivational speaker,event mc,exponent"introduction to political psychology,Author"introduction to political psychology,And the man blessed with too much knowledge and wisdom.

Tuesday 1 March 2022


Democratic leadership,is an equitable distribution of fair play,human right,and to foster quality governance to the people.democracy across the globe,has witness some impressive premium where power to elect who govern the nations across various political elective offices rest upon the power of the voting electorates whose obvious duty,is to choose a sound leader who is mentally,physically,and psychologically ready to lead,to direct,and to supervise the affairs of the state.leadership in the absent of good health,is crisis.every aspirants for leadership position,is duty bound to perform his obligatory duty with good health in a sound mind.a sound mind in a sound body,produces sound leadership.having understood these correctly on what makes a good leader,it becomes apparent to the layman to learn and understand the existing knowledge that makes up a good leader.only an illiterate and an ignorant electorate will waste his material time and resources campaigning for the emergency of bola tinubu to lead a complex country as nigeria.such effort is made in futilities.the handwriting is very undoubtedly, glaringly,and unhinderingly clear to understand where the ball for the apc presidential candidacy is swung. I hav enormous respect for senator bola tinubu as a personality,but do not agree with his leadership styles.he is a human and material builder no doubt about that but one thing is outstandingly exceptional when it comes to leadership.and that is allowing the tenets of Democratic tendencies and practices to overriding personal and parochial interest. The sacrosanctity of Rt hon.Rotimi Chibuike Amaechi,s candidature under the platform of all progressive party,is orchestratedly ordained by God and can not be aborted by any human. Now back to the topic of the day. WHY BOLA TINUBU CAN NOT GOVERN NIGERIA COME 2023 ARE AS FELLOW'S: (1)THE BUHARI FACTOR:this is not longer contestable to say that pmb,is not in support of tinubu,s candidacy under apc.he already has his own candidate he his supporting to succeed him.his body language speaks volume of where his strong directions of support goes to.his objections to the national assemblies electoral amendment bill with the clause that does not favour his preferred successor.all this are evidential to the public that he mr president is mocking at bola tinubu with his life long presidential ambition. (2)APC CHAIRMANSHIP TUSSLE:The fight to who become the national chairman of the all progressive party,is gathering serious and national momentum with various blocks that makes up the apc fighting for supremacy that the Tide's is crystal to the public that the next apc national chairmanship hopeful senator Adamu has been carefully choosen to superhead the apc as the chairman of the political party in order to pave way for the easy emergency of pmb's anointed candidate.the overt reason senator Adamu was chosen by pmb,is to ensure an uncompromised chairmanship that is ready to reject bribe from those who hav estimated huge billions of naira to buy the conscience of who ever emerge as the apc chairman to dance to his tune.pmb finds senator Adamu as one,who is upright,who is sound,truthful,justiceable to realities not mirage,and someone who is ready not to submit him self for the party money bags.hence,he rated him high in that regard to assume the mantle of apc national chairmanship position.this certainly is going to break tinubu,s chances to emerge as the presidential candidate for the all progressive congress party. (3APC REGIONAL CONGRESS COMING UP SOON WILL BE A SPAT ON TINUBU,S PRESIDENTIAL AMBITION:THE Upcoming apc zonal congress will serve as a warning signal to Tinubu to stay off the presidential race under apc.this is a well designed test of who the president is supporting for his better to understand the psychology of every prospective supporters than,swimming in a deep pool of ignorance. (4)SENATOR TINUBU CAN NOT REALIZE HIS AMBITION UNDER ANY OTHER POLITICAL PARTY OTHER THAN APC OR PDP: THIS IS a know and empirical fact to political observers.Apc will never allow tinubu to become her presidential candidate.they will frustrate him in a way he will want to be push out of the party.but one thing is essential here.he tinubu,will never decamp to any other political party that has no structure.As such,he will want to negotiate with another aspirant to buy off his party followers to enable the person emerge as apc listen to me dear friend,this will not still favour him because many of his supporters will jump ship to the candidate mr president is supporting to succeed him.Tinubu will be so deserted by those he calls his key political allies from the north when pmb tells them on his preferred candidate under apc.i know for sure that if the apc zone the presidency to the south-east,he tinubu will press very hard to kick Hon.Rotimi Amaechi out of the contest by making those that cares to know that Amaechi is of the south-south zone not south-east and as such,he shouldn't be contesting at listen to me,apc and the presidency knows this,they will rather zone the presidency to the southern part of the country to put up an open contest among the southern aspirants without any hindrance whatsoever to emerge as pmb,s preferred successor.information has it that tinubu has already carefully planned how to support senator orji uzo kanu should the apc zone its presidency to the south-east. And (5)TINUBU,S HEALTH STATUS AND AGE DILEMMA:Apc as a political party knows that tinubu,s candidacy under apc will slim the chances of apc winning the presidential election comes 2023 with the above factors. Tinubu,s age and health issues is so complicated that it has become a national joke to the social media users.All this are early warning signs for his rejection by the nigeria political party can make tinubu to be accepted by the nigeria electorates.forget about those barrage of endorsement by various segments,they are all driven by what they will get from him.afterall,our past president Goodluck Jonathan received much more endorsement here and there by people claiming to be supporting his reelection bid yet, he failed woefully at the poll.Nigerians are hungry,as such,they want money from who is a reckless spender who will serve their financial or monetary appetite. Politics is not a do or die affairs.power is ordained by God not human.i love tinubu as a person who hav achieved a greater height in the private sector and as a great investor in human capital development.i give him credence for such achievement because i beliesved so much in human capital development.but when it comes to Democratic leadership styles,i defer with his styles of imposing method of leadership.this is modernizational Democratic dispensation not military rule. an intelligents ones knows when the drums of failure is fast hitting harder. My name is Clifford igwe,aka cliff dboss,A prolific writer,motivational speaker,event mc,exponent "political psychology,author"introduction to political psychology anx the man blessed with too much knowledge and wisdom.title given to me by my fan across the globe.


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