Tuesday 1 February 2022


Every institution,is guided by an established institutionalized obligatory roles, which is evidently designed to be carried out by the organizational players.however,it becomes apparent to say,no matter highly placed a personality in an organization,he must be given some specific roles for the overall development of such organization.i am one who oftentimes,study people and their inadequacies in discharging obligatory responsibilities.nigeria as a country with the population over 200 million people witt patry population of work force that cut across the states.many nigerians who are duty bonds to discharge their obligatory responsibilities with the fear of God and strict adherence the national stipulated constitution,has inadvertently discharge their constitutional duties with pride,impunity, and cross arrogant in attending to crucial issues. A situations where those in the position of authority,flagrantly discharge their roles at their own will,is nostalgic.A situations where staffers,takes bribe before discharging duties,is cross incompetent.A situations where those with the intelligual capacities to uplift the growth and development of the organization are disregarded when it comes to rewarding system for hard work and diligence in the cause of their stipulated responsibility ,it creates working disharmony.what nigeria as a country needs,is nothing but a strong institution notjust a strong men.no institution are built on its self.institutions are built by humans and not animals.the tendencies to abide with the tanet and the laid down roles that guides every staffers in an organization,is never to be overemphasized.when institution works with the visions of the founding fathers that built those institution,it becomes overwhelmingly flourished and possibly produces likeminds with positive knowledge and experiences that upgrades those institution. A country with multifaceted ethnic group,must be devoid of working sentimental practices.A country with huge deposit for corrupt practices,must be generally guided by those who meant well for the purposw of making the country writes her name among several developing nations in the world.am highly elated to tell u,we hav great personalities with sound knowledge that can drive this great country to her enviable status yet,unsearched,unidentified for sound leadership.is time for the youth to take over the affairs of governance in this country .if we must get things right again,is time we look for a leader with an incorruptible nature that hav the mindset for the development of human capital.is high time we say no for the financial inducement in our electoral system which oftentimes,gives rise to poor leadership that only pursue to accumulate our common wealth.no nation denies her youth with human empowerment that can successfully grow.no matter our our mineral deposit,the country will not still move forward. My name is Clifford igwe. For more info call:±2347037696056.

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the ñominees above,are personalities that has done exceptionally well in their areas of endeavours as well as impacted immensely to the grow...