Thursday 16 December 2021


Education,is the process of all educative activities by which formal and non formal knowledge is transmitted from one generations to another.Education,entails a procedural learning by which a learner and the teacher assumes a seperate responsibilities targeting at learnable activities.the overall duty of the teacher perhaps,the mentor,is to transmit an existing knowledge to the learner for the adequate preparation of futuristic task and solvability of human maladaptive problem occasioned by the society or genetic this regard,the ultimate responsibility of the learner,is to submit himself to a superior person to accept and achieve an existing knowledge in solving societal problems and the pursuit for the growth and development of his immediate environment.if the above explanatory underlined factors,is the essential reasons for education,it become evident to say that education,is a product that provides products for the society.what this means however,is that,the learner and the teacher must hav an existing cordial relationship under controlled environment for learning.A situations where there are no teacher to transmit information to the students,educational learning becomes inactive.A situations where there are no leaeners in the classroom,the duty of the teacher perhaps,hamper the learning process.we all knows that learning can as well take place online,but not witstanding,such learning can never give an accurate understanding as compared to that of the classroom learning pattern.this however,has placed classroom learning to be the most active and effective learning so far admired by several scholars across the educational,is very pivotal to human intellectual creates an avenue for sound exposures for creativities and positive sound minds on how the overt society can accelerate or attainment of beneficial development for the human race.A situation where the classroom teacher has nothing to offer to her students,learning somewhat,becomes irresponsible to the learner.When a students has nothing to offer to the society after her graduation,it creates room for the poor development of the each time learning takes place,the overt society has prospectively gain some weight of learning is a waste.every learning in one way or the other,must be reflected to the society.Education,must prepare the learner for a sound knowledge that is useful for the societal growth.A situation where a first class graduate can not defend her course of study and contribute her quota for the development of the society,is a complete conundrum that has to be amenable.Graduates are literally scattered across the globe seeking for job employment when the employability status aren't is so disheartening to see a graduate who can't speak sound english yet,graduates with first class distinction from the university.what type of a graduate that can't make a good sentence in English language nor,write effectively in non oral communication?how did we get to this?let truth be told,many factors are significantly responsible for this poor educational learning menace that has destroyed the educational sector.and they are: (1)poor salary structure for the teachers. (2)poor classroom sitting. (3) poor quota system. (4)poor learning material for the students. (5)misguided students. All this are responsible for our educational problem faced by the teachers and the students in our educational institution. Every knowledge is desired for therefore,we must be very careful to the type of knowledge to bequeath to the younger generations. My name is Clifford igwe aka,cliff Producer,exponent"political psychology,Author"introduction to political psychology,prolific writer,wvent mc,and the man blessed with too much knowledge and wisdom.title given to me by my teeming fan across the globe.

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