Friday, 31 December 2021


Love becomes meaningless when it is not found in any humans"cliff dboss"

Monday, 27 December 2021


The five significant tools for a viable and healthy relations are: (1)SINCERITY. (2)COMMITMENT. (3)CONTRIBUTORY FACTOR. (4)TRUTHFULNESS. AND (5)SOUND COMMUNICOMMUNICATION. (1) SINCERITY:Sincerity,entails the act of relating to an issues the way it should be in its originality,not on how it may suites you.been sincered in a relationship somewhat ,gives you some higher level of confidence before ur partner whenever there are little misunderstanding.when a partner,is sincered in a relationship,it rebound some forms of happiness and provides an available healthy relationship. (2)COMMITMENT:been committed to any relationship,is not just a necessities,but also a yardstick that enables ur partner feels adequately equipped with the knowledge someone is also working with him colaberatively to ensuring the relationship works.commitment in a relationship,must not be a one way traffic,but a synergistic exercise that must come from the both parties.To be committed to a relationship,is to be committed to every part and percel of the activities that is capable of accelerating the relationship to the next level of success. (3)CONTRIBUTORY FACTOR:interestingly,every relationship is contributory.whatever that is contributed to any relationship,is the same visible result u get from the can't contribute failure in a relationship,and therefore expect a successful result.the question is this,what are the sound and healthy contribution hav u made to that relationship?are u the type that makes things worstly difficult for an issues that was meant to be solved and resolved amencably?are u the type that reasons differently when ever intelligent discussion is on between u and that of ur partner?do u give ur partner a better sense of direction when ever he or she is going astray in terms of taking unintelligent decisions?do you offers useful advice to him in an authoritative manner,nor perhaps illogically superimposes ur ideas on that ur partner without making him selectively sees reasons for accepting ur advice? Every relationship,is orchestrated by God.the abilities to make any relationship work,is in ur hands not in the hands of the third warned. (4)TRUTHFULNESS:Truth will always remain truthful no matter how u try to cajole it to suit ur appetite for self aggrandizement.truth,is absolute.truth is unwavering,truth,is distinguished,truth,is not subject to u,but u are subject to matter ur status,truth gives u some burden of self criticism when u go out of his conducts.truth,is not a respecter to any human.truth,subjects u to a divine test of originality yet,stands out of ur semantic arrangements.truth,is unbendable,truth will continue to exernorate u from every avoidable doubt of sincerity.Truth is God.truth makes no room for pluralism,rather it singles u out of the singles.been truthful in a relationship,rebuilds trust,reconstruct self awareness for sound believe and understanding of ur partner.a relationship devoid of truthfulness,never stand to see the light of the,should learn how to be truthful to one matter the circumstances. And. (5)SOUND COMMUNICATION:Communication in any relationship,is not just a healthy competition that ought to thrive in any nascent relationship.but also a good ground to knowing when things are going wrong in a relationship.any relationship that lack unavoidable communication,will be saddles with man made crisis that arises from the people around u.some partners oftentimes,say to another partners,informing him that he talks much.listen dear friend,is better to talk much and air ur mind on various issues that affects ur entire wellbeing,than been mute to every issues that eats u up.if the mouth refuses to speak,the mind will continue to bear more difficult light up ur the bulb of the heart,is to speak out from the button of the heart.many relationship,has hit the rock due to poor communication system. Partners must always creat a sufficient avenue for a healthy communication. My name is Clifford igwe.p.psygst.

Friday, 24 December 2021

Wednesday, 22 December 2021


Nigeria Democratic system,has been flaws over the years. due to,the inept attitude of the political players whose parochial formations,is to use their illed gotten Wealth to buy the moral and electoral conscience of the masses.politics however,has become a tools used by the disgruntled political element to impoverished the masses by steeling our common wealth.politics,has been played in such a way that politicians,are now been regarded as personalities that are often dishonest,awful,distrustful,and obnoxious set of personalities whose only sole interest is to achieve a premodial objectives.what is happening in our political terrain,is unastonishingly planed by the political actors who hav vowed to always have their ways irrespective of the peoples feelings and wellbeing.politics,is a systematic game.what is however significant of this game,is that,politics must be played with human face devoid of self centeredness and irresponsible displays of illed gotten wealth to lure the electorates to their back to the main topic that centres on the direct mode of primaries to be forced to all the political parties. This is unacceptable.national assemblies who claimed to be working for the overall interest of the various constituency yet,going against the general wish of the people.all in a pursuit to favor their political paymaster or perhaps,godfather. The issues regarding direct mode of primaries,is an electoral laws that can never stand in any modern democracy. REASONS BEEN THAT: (1)IT LACK FAIR CORRESPONDENCY:THIS factor is fantastically vivid to the Nigerian primaries can not create a fair play in chosen party candidate to stand for national elections.this process will be hijack by the desperate political actors to boots their presidential least,we saw what happened at the Anambra state apc governorship primaries.How a sitting governor sat in the confort of his hotel room to declare a certain candidate winner of the primaries which never reflect the outcome of the main becomes glaringly obvious,if a primaries that involved using party delegates that did not amount upto five thousand people can be manipulated to favour a particular presidential aspirant,how much more what will become of a direct primaries that entails millions of party members?what this means,Someone will unapologetically seat somewhere and concout or doctored all the result to create room for his candidate to emerge winners. (2)INEC INABILITY TO MONITOR DIRECT PRIMARIES: This is another challenges occasioned by direct mode of we all know,INEC is having an issues with shortage of adhoc staffers to carry out this exercise.during the national election,we all saw how INEC recruited corp members in carrying out the exercise.some of this corp members are properly untrained,unintelligent,and corrupt to carryout this exercise. (3)VOTE BUYING:VOTE buying,has become a norm that has come to stay in our electoral votes.Those who claimed delegate or indirect primaries gives an adequate allowance for the state governors to hav their ways,is not in tandem with the political primaries will create room for plutocracy.what this means,the poor ones will find it extremely difficult to get to any elective position in governance due to their inability to buy the conscience of the electorates with money.what this stands for,the highest bidder,will always hav his way.lagos state government,is highly prepared for this political adventures to enable their godfather emerge at the direct primaries.look,is difficult to buy delegates for the indirect primaries.which entails bribing the delegates.but some of this delegates,knows whom they are loyal to.their unalloyed loyalty to their political masters,is immeasurable.but that of the direct mode of primaries,the affluent aspirant,can easily buy the gullible party members with just five thousand naira to cast their vote for primaries can never give power to the people rather,it will destroy a good chances for the unafluent politicians to win primaries. (4)DIRECT PRIMARIES IS CRISIS RADDEN:Direct primaries will be very difficult to manage.the amount of crisis that will marr direct primaries,will be enormous.our political actors,are desperate political entities who oftentimes love things to go their favor.and if it does otherwise,they create an atmosphere for violence just to get their ways to many police personel that can protect our votes and create relatively peaceful atmosphere for the direct primaries? (4)DIRECT PRIMARIES WILL ENSLAVED THE SOUTH: IF We evidently and properly look at the demographic numbers of the voting strength in our elections,we will therefore understand that the north,hav an edge over the south and hav the power to determine who governs nig.The issues of zooning presidency,will become a mirage because,the north will retain power since they hav the power to produce who becomes the party candidate during direct primaries.but that of the indirect primaries,it goes by the delegate which cut across the 36 states of the federating becomes more fair to the system.going through direct primaries will surely enslaved the south from the presidency.any southern politicians pushing for a direct mode of primaries,is wicked and selfish.we must not leave a legacy that will haunt the next generation and keep them on perpetual political bondage. (5)THE ELECTORAL BILL AMENDMENT,MUST ELIMINATE THE CLAUSE FOR DIRECT PRIMARIES AND BE TRANSMITTED BACK TO THE PRESIDENT FOR ASSENT: The electoral bill,is a very good bill that will strengthen our electoral system and somewhat,elimated the flaws in the polity which is characterized with some electoral malfeasance,and some forms of stargerred elections. The national assemblies who are working for the national leader of apc,think they are smart to hav smuggled that clause into the fantastic electoral act,to enable Tinubu hav an easy ride winning the apc primaries since he is so afraid of conducting a primaries that will carry an indirect forms which will marr his unconstitutiona 53 Local govt he personally created instead of the recognized 23 local govt by the federal govt. Those lawmakers who has been gullible to this antics,can not still win their senatorial zones in going with any direct mode of contest with their respective sitting much do they hav to buy votes from the party members against their governors?why are they pushing for direct primaries?who do we think the direct mode of primaries will favor?why is that clause so difficult for the national assemblies to remove?who are they working for?why do they want to override the president if they are working for the people if not for the apc national leader?why are the so called bought CSO not demanding for the clause for direct primaries to be removed?why is the clause so significant to the law makers more than every other important clause in the amendment bill?what do they wish to achieve if the said bill is been vetoed by them if not for the interest of tinubu presidential agenda? We must not work against our self just for selfish interest of a single person.we must critically look at the benefit of that direct primaries to the south.we must understand that what ever mistake made now constitutionally,will be difficult to amend in the nearest future if it favours the north.let's call a spade a spade and do the right thing that will glorify God. My name is Clifford igwe.

Monday, 20 December 2021


Whatever u represent today,is a true prototype of someone's yesterday"cliff dboss"

Sunday, 19 December 2021


Procrastination,is the stimulus materials used by lazy men to build up poor state of mind"cliff dboss"

Thursday, 16 December 2021


Education,is the process of all educative activities by which formal and non formal knowledge is transmitted from one generations to another.Education,entails a procedural learning by which a learner and the teacher assumes a seperate responsibilities targeting at learnable activities.the overall duty of the teacher perhaps,the mentor,is to transmit an existing knowledge to the learner for the adequate preparation of futuristic task and solvability of human maladaptive problem occasioned by the society or genetic this regard,the ultimate responsibility of the learner,is to submit himself to a superior person to accept and achieve an existing knowledge in solving societal problems and the pursuit for the growth and development of his immediate environment.if the above explanatory underlined factors,is the essential reasons for education,it become evident to say that education,is a product that provides products for the society.what this means however,is that,the learner and the teacher must hav an existing cordial relationship under controlled environment for learning.A situations where there are no teacher to transmit information to the students,educational learning becomes inactive.A situations where there are no leaeners in the classroom,the duty of the teacher perhaps,hamper the learning process.we all knows that learning can as well take place online,but not witstanding,such learning can never give an accurate understanding as compared to that of the classroom learning pattern.this however,has placed classroom learning to be the most active and effective learning so far admired by several scholars across the educational,is very pivotal to human intellectual creates an avenue for sound exposures for creativities and positive sound minds on how the overt society can accelerate or attainment of beneficial development for the human race.A situation where the classroom teacher has nothing to offer to her students,learning somewhat,becomes irresponsible to the learner.When a students has nothing to offer to the society after her graduation,it creates room for the poor development of the each time learning takes place,the overt society has prospectively gain some weight of learning is a waste.every learning in one way or the other,must be reflected to the society.Education,must prepare the learner for a sound knowledge that is useful for the societal growth.A situation where a first class graduate can not defend her course of study and contribute her quota for the development of the society,is a complete conundrum that has to be amenable.Graduates are literally scattered across the globe seeking for job employment when the employability status aren't is so disheartening to see a graduate who can't speak sound english yet,graduates with first class distinction from the university.what type of a graduate that can't make a good sentence in English language nor,write effectively in non oral communication?how did we get to this?let truth be told,many factors are significantly responsible for this poor educational learning menace that has destroyed the educational sector.and they are: (1)poor salary structure for the teachers. (2)poor classroom sitting. (3) poor quota system. (4)poor learning material for the students. (5)misguided students. All this are responsible for our educational problem faced by the teachers and the students in our educational institution. Every knowledge is desired for therefore,we must be very careful to the type of knowledge to bequeath to the younger generations. My name is Clifford igwe aka,cliff Producer,exponent"political psychology,Author"introduction to political psychology,prolific writer,wvent mc,and the man blessed with too much knowledge and wisdom.title given to me by my teeming fan across the globe.

Tuesday, 14 December 2021


Man is an embodiment for both the good, and the bad"cliff dboss"


A dark man in the dark room,can only produced nothing but a dark mindset"cliff dboss"

Monday, 13 December 2021


Anything created,must hav it's true for the origin"cliff dboss"

Saturday, 11 December 2021


The true essentials for education,is by knowing ur rights,and applying them adequately when ever they are needed"cliff dboss"

Friday, 10 December 2021



Wednesday, 8 December 2021


Politics,is an interesting activities that is often characterized with awful and systematic practices.politics,entails a hard game that deals with numbers.politics,goes with general acceptability for winning any national this juncture,politics will never be a sincere avenue in winning any elections except,the teeming electorates,stands their ground in protecting their cast votes of confidence to their candidates.power they say, is a gift from God.every politics is local.what this means,all politicking,must start from the is uncontestable to say, Nigeria politics and her elections,is engulfed with huge irregularities and organized electoral malfeasance.which has brought series of election court litigations challenging opposition who must hav emerged winner declared by the INEC.durably,i hav been watching with Keen interest as regard how politics is been played in nigeria for the past ten doubt,nigeria political terrain,is marred with men with questionable character whose only purpose for delving into politics,is to better the life of themselves,and foster their huge ego for wealth acquisition and destroy the national patrimony for the younger generations .by converting our common wealth into family,back to our main topic,reasons why bola Tinubu,is unelectable. (1)AGE FACTOR:THIS FACTOR,is sufficient to disqualify senator bola Tinubu for any elective position.constitutionally,Bola Tinubu has been given the right to contest for the presidency,age which stand as a strong factor,deters him for that plumb job.thhere is what psychology,calls,diminishing plasticity.this is a psychological process where old age affects every part of the individual's body system including that of his cognition.this is associated with ageism.what this means,there must be a reductions in the entire body system where one can not longer perform activities adequately due to old age.this factor,is a yardstick to make him unsellable to the electorates. (2)STRONG FORCES OUTSIDE HIS PARTY:APC,as a political,will never make a mistake to fill Tinubu as her flagbearer.reasons been that,other political party,will use age as a viable factor to campaign against him if the other political party,files a younger person as their candidate. (3)POLITICS OF EGOCENTRICISM:This is another factor capable of pulling down the candidacy of bola Tinubu,nigerians and those in the diaspora,already knows the kind of politics been played by Tinubu for the past years.his self centres kind of politics,is no longer a romuour to the populace . if he eventually becomes the president,family and friends,will take over governance and occupied all the sensitive position.That which i think ,will make the nig electorates reject him at the poll. (4)AUTHORITARIANISM:This factor,has always been contestable between bola tinubu midia house and that of the masses.unarguably,Bola TInubu,plays politics of selectivism instead of electivism.these however,has been dominant in the southwest where he believed to be the leader.he imposes candidate against the will of the people.democracy,is all about fair play.the will of the majority,must override that of the the case of bola Tinubu,the will of the majority oftentimes,regarded as apparent disloyalty against his anointed candidate.he believed in self imposed leadership system which will make the leaders submit to the whims and caprice of his detects against the Masses.this,evidently has been his styles of politics he uses to compel obidence from his followers in the southwest. And (5)EQUITY AND JUSTICE:IT is justiceable to say that power does not rest in the hands of one person or a particular region for too long.especially in a country like Nigeria with various enthinc background and religious becomes expedient to say,power must rotate to reach other region that has been left out for some years since the inception of democracy in Nigeria.from the present power equation,The current VP,is from the west,speaker national house of Assemblies,west.if all things where to be democratically equal,one would hav expected, the southwest shouldn't hav come out to vie for the presidency.He that goes to equity,must go with clean hands.This factor,hav the overt chances for making Bola Tinubu unsellable to the masses if been file as the apc presidential candidate. Power they say"is transient.power must rotate.we can not be craving for power from the North,advocating for relinquishing of power to the south,yet do what we hav been fighting the northners for.politics must be played with good conscience. The love of one,must see another. My name is Clifford igwe,aka ,cliff dboss.A prolific writer,motivational speaker,event mc,Author"introduction to political psychology,exponent"political psychology,and the man blessed with too much knowledge and wisdom.title,given to me by my teeming fan across the globe.for more

Monday, 6 December 2021


Pictures are taking to build up sound memories,not for a mere decorations"cliff dboss"


Dream,is the movement of the brain power system ,from one realm to another in connection with the supernatural force of actions"cliff dboss"


A society that is abnormal,must required some level of insanity to get to the top"cliff dboss"

Friday, 3 December 2021


All emotions,is like a panoramic selective redonduncy of actions"cliff dboss"


re many nigerians are hypocritical in their behaviours as such,shouldn't be taking serious when it comes to comenting  on national issue...