Sunday, 14 November 2021


Regiousity,is a practice inbebed by some certain group of the society in pursuit for divine faith and belief system.this sorts of belief system,has spread round the globe competing for superiority and supremacy.Christianity as a religion championed by christ ,was primarily established to manifest love for one well as show some love to those that hates us.the questions now is,is this laid down standards practiced by christ followed from those who claims to be the servants of the most high?all we see in their Christian characters,is arrogance,pride,wickedness,greed,self exaltation,and total disregard and disrespect for those congregants who worship under their churches,who now see 's them as God.Frankly speaking,this congregants,are afraid of their pastors more than their heavenly maker.A situations where churches now segregate between the rich and the poor in their seating arrangement,then,there is a big problem in the body of christ.let me tell u the gospel truth,none of this material pastors will make heaven.they are fantastically corrupted.reservation of seats for the rich in the house of God,is a dangerious sin that need not to be forgiven.this irrational act,portend a great danger for the unity of christ high time,we begin to call a spades a sspade.we must work effortlessly to ensuring this religious menace is put to an abrupt the body of christ,all men are equal before him.we must treates everyone as such.power and shows of riches,must not be exhibited in the body of christ.Time will certainly come when the illed richh ones in thhe society will pay to condition the preachers to preach to suites their evil ways.truth will now eluude the body of christ.we must all wake up to this challenge and say no to evil pastors.enough is enough for the wise. My name is Clifford igwe.aka cliff dboss,prolific writer,motivational speaker,event mc,exponent"political psychology,and the man blessed with too much knowledge and wisdom.titlegiven vto me by my fan acrossed the globe.

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re many nigerians are hypocritical in their behaviours as such,shouldn't be taking serious when it comes to comenting  on national issue...